The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1406: Dare to rob the master of this county?

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The gray horned squirrel is a kind of inferior race that is good at stealing and digging holes. It usually lives in the sewers of large cities and some slums that hide dirt and dirt.

This race basically takes gang ethnic groups as the situation and survives in groups. They have strong reproductive ability, act insignificantly and inferiorly, plus their ethnic characteristics, they do many things that outsiders can't do.

Such as theft and tomb robbing, etc., so in the underground world of hell, there must be a figure of a rat.

This real eye was stolen from a tomb of an ancient man by a ratmen mercenary group. The quality of their staff is uneven, and casualties are inevitable, so the robbers who usually steal graves are also accustomed to this. Whether they can make a lot of money in their eyes is the most important thing.

Now in this underground black market, after determining the atmosphere of the scene, the holy relic was auctioned at a low price for cabbage, in order to stimulate the bidders present, so that the bidders present unknowingly, gradually raise the price.

"Two hundred and fifty magic crystal coins!"

"I have three hundred!"

"Five hundred magic crystals!"

"one thousand!"

The price of a holy thing, although not comparable to the holy weapon that can be used directly in combat, is definitely not only for magic weapons and spirit weapons. Now it is useless regardless of whether it is bought back. At the current price, you can earn it if you buy it , It is better to turn around and sell money. In short, good things never worry about buyers.

Therefore, those bidders on the scene, whether they need it or not, all begin to cry for price increases.

This holy relic of the True Eye, almost immediately, broke the price from the starting price of 80 magic crystals, and it instantly broke through a thousand.

At this time, the anxious brutal master, waiting for Wang Yan to do anything, first stood up and slapped on the coffee table in front of him, screaming: "Three thousand magic crystals! This holy book The Sovereign Lord bought it for Lord Mo Yan! "

When the young lady came forward, the noise from all parts of the scene suddenly came to a halt.

First of all, the price has tripled in an instant, and this time the price increase alone has caused many bidders on the spot to feel abrupt in his heart. The price increase should also be considered.

In addition, this brutal master of the county is the master of the local city of fire, the pro-daughter of the Red Demon King, who is brutal and willful by nature. Who does n’t know, who does n’t know?

Regardless of the brutal master of the county, or his father Chilian Demon King, none of them dared to mess with it.

What's more, the Demon Lord, who is now famous in the city of Liuhuo, is sitting next to the Lord of Abuse County. This big man who suddenly came to the city of Liuhuo seems to be even worse than the brutal master and several sons of the devil.

Therefore, for a while, the on-site bidders were a little afraid to continue to increase their prices.

The middle-aged auctioneer on the booth, Khan was down.

At this price alone, it is not possible to reach the predetermined target. In this way, not only will he be questioned by the black market, but those gray horned rats will never let him go.

The head of the black market who was watching the auction in the background, President Ned, had a black face, and cursed that the people of the brutal county master and the demon lord Lord would participate in the auction and they would have nothing to do with themselves.

With them there, who dares to rob them? Seeing that he could sell good things at a high price, he felt distressed when he saw them.

And he is also an appraiser. Although it is not good to control the auction, he has also arranged personnel and communicated with the auctioneer. He is planning to secretly take the holy relic, but now it seems that there is such an opportunity?

"Giggle, Master Moyan, that sacred object is yours." The Master of Abuse County did not care about the image at all, and she was charming and charming to please Wang Yan.

She was very satisfied with the reaction at the scene in front of her.

Because a sacred object is far more than this price, if you can buy it at this low price, you will definitely make a profit. And it can also be given to Lord Mo Yan, to please each other, it is really a double benefit, it is really cost-effective.

Wang Yan looked at Chibiao, and did not plan to stop it. He said that since Chibuji County Master came up with it, let her take it. He really wanted this holy thing, so if there are other good things later, He bought it again and gave it to her as compensation.

Seeing the reaction on the spot, Lord Chew also felt quite proud, as if he himself had followed the limelight.

The appraiser Zoe on the side, a pair of beautiful eyes shining straight, even secretly sighed in the heart, this pedestrian, Lord Lord Mo Yan, is really awesome!

On the booth, the middle-aged auctioneer swallowed sweatingly and waited for a while. The whole venue was still silent. He had to cry out bitterly in his heart: "Three thousand magic crystals, the first time!"

There was still no one to continue the quotation at the scene, which is also impossible. Surviving one more thing in **** world is worse than one less. There are a few on the scene who are willing to offend Chi for the sake of one, which is not particularly obvious to ordinary people What about the two big brothers, the Abbot of Sovereign Lord and Lord Mo Yan, and the Red Demon King behind the Sovereign Sovereign?

"Three thousand magic crystals, the second time!"

The middle-aged auctioneer was desperate in his heart. He shouted bids for the second time. The scene was still quiet. He felt like he was about to cry. This time he might be in trouble.

"Three thousand magic crystals, the first ..." Just when he was about to quote the price for the third time and announced the falling hammer, a rough voice suddenly interrupted him.

"Slow down!"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that on the other side of the VIP seat, the two demon guards all stood up, and one of them even said more: "We have five thousand!"

This increase in price surprised all bidders on site, including President Ned, the head of the black market in the background.

These people sighed one by one in their hearts. These two demon kings are indeed a bit of a status. Usually, any of them must detour when they see it. Even if it is the head of the black market, President Ned, when he meets, he must be courteous. Fortunately, these two are also generals who are commanders.

But the person who wants this relic at the moment, but the dear lord of the Red Demon King's relative daughter, and the now famous Lord of Demon Flame who beat the son of the Demon King.

The generals of these two devil kings are compared with these two big men, that is the difference between the cloud and mud. How dare they dare to grab what these two big men fancy?

"Dumba! Kas! Are you living impatiently, dare to grab the master's stuff?"

The brutal lord stared at his eyes, and after screaming, he turned his eyes to the middle-aged auctioneer, "This sacred thing is the main county, six thousand!"

The deeds committed by the brutal master of the past can be described as murderous, plus she has always been respectful and pampered.

Nowadays, the two demon guards of Cass, who dare to rob her in person, are the biggest challenge to her master!

At this moment, the cruel master of the abducted master was mad, she was burnt with anger, her brutal and fierce momentum, spouting out, and looking at the middle-aged auctioneer's eyes, it seemed that she would tear up her life.


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