The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1407: Can you sell a face?

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"It's over, it's over." The middle-aged auctioneer murmured inwardly. He was so stared at by the cruel master, and the cold sweat on his forehead came out.

He feels that he really has a dog in his heart. If this matter is not handled right now, not only the black market, the gray squirrel man, and the two devil generals are asking for trouble, even the cruelty that can't be caused. The governor will not let him go.

"Six, six thousand, the first time!"

The middle-aged auctioneer quickly shouted a price with a nervous and dry voice.

Among the Quartet forces at present, the worst thing to provoke to the highest position is this brutal master, he is not stupid, so he is still instinctively going to the brutal master.

"and many more!"

The guard generals under the hands of the two demon kings, Dunbar and Kas, looked as ugly as eating flies.

They are the personal guards of the Chilian Demon King, and they are also the cronies of the prince Chilie. At this time, in the name of the Prince Chilie, he came to take this holy relic and take the chief appraiser Zoe .

As far as they know, Prince Chilie discovered an ancient relic, some of which are important, and this appraiser is needed. It is best to add the relics they learned through the gossip. The real eye is used to assist .

Of course, this is the remarks made by Lord Chilie. There are many ancient masters in the world of hell, and there are many ancient tombs, so this will not cause any doubt.

In fact, his real purpose is naturally a mysterious ruin with the ultimate secret of the **** of the sky. There are so many good things in it, even his father Chilian Demon King failed to calculate them one by one, so bringing a top appraiser with a real eye into it, naturally, the benefits are needless to say.

So in order to be foolproof, he gave these two cronies a death order. In any case, he must get the real eye, and this black market chief appraiser Zoe, even if he robs.

It was just that the two guard generals had never dreamed that they would encounter the pedestrians of Lord Lord Moflame and Sovereign Sovereign at the auction.

The thing that made them worse than life, this demon flame and the cruel master of the brutality, actually both took a fancy to this holy thing, neither of them had to.

What else can these two men do? Can only grab a rush to grab a grab, if it is not possible, then only bow their heads and beg these two big men to give in.

"I have seven thousand!"

Among the two demon king guards, the older and majestic Dunbar quickly shouted a bid, and then with a thinner Cass, Qi Qi paid a salute to the cruel Lord, panic compliment, "His Royal Highness, Where do I and Kas dare to grab your things, but we are under the orders of Prince Chilie, we must take this holy thing back, and please forgive me, Lord Highness. "

"Eight Thousand Magic Crystals!"

The brutal lord of the town shouted a number, and shouted a number unscrupulously. At the same time, he looked angrily at Dunbar and Kas and cursed, "The two things that do not know what to lift, Chilie's words are orders Is n’t that what the governor said? "

The insults under the eyes of the public, the two demon guards who are quite important in the society, were very embarrassed. Dunpa felt sullen and his face immediately became gloomy.

Cass next to him, even after annoyed, his eyes narrowed slightly, not anxious or annoyed, but instead he smiled and said: "Of course we should pay close attention to His Royal Highness."

"Our Highness Prince Chilie will be the successor of the Great Fire City in the future, and the heir to the mantle of His Majesty the Demon King in the future. And you, your esteemed Lord, your Majesty the Lord dearly loves you, but after all, you are only a female dependent , You ca n’t be the master of our city of Liuhuo, you will marry someone in the future. "

As soon as these words came out, the face of the cruel county changed, and his expression became somber.

There are many women in power in the world of hell, but the cruelty of nurturing and preserving oneself from an early age is definitely not that kind of person.

The Abbot of the Abode is a daughter of a concubine of the Red Demon King, unlike the prince Chi Lie. The eldest son of his wife, born of his wife, is no match for the other two elders, and he has no orthodox inheritance rights.

The daughter of the side room like the Sovereign Lord is usually used as a bargaining chip for marriage. In the future, as General Cass said, she is going to marry someone.

The reason why she is so arrogant now, no one dares to provoke, is naturally because of the father of the devil behind her.

This great city of drifting fire, and even the entire Demon Realm, are the domain of his father Chi Lian Demon King. The people who live here will not dare to provoke her even if they die.

At this point, everyone present was aware of it, but General Der Kas said this time, which really made the scene very embarrassing.

At least under the eyes of the public, the brutal master who had always been proud and proud was very embarrassed.

The two generals, Dunbar and Kas, are now out.

They do have some scruples about cruel cruelty to the lord of the county, and the lord of the magic flame is also very difficult to provoke, but in their view, the person who is the master here is the powerful red refining demon king, and in the future will be their master, Lord Chilie.

Therefore, they are not afraid to offend the brutal lord and the demon lord now. Especially the Lord of Demon Flames, they know very well that such arrogant foreign lords, their masters Chi Lie, and the powerful Chi Lian Demon King, will not let him go.

This good day for Lord Lord Moflame will not be too long.

"His Royal Highness, please also give us a face of Prince Chilie."

Cass looked at the reaction with the cruel master of the surroundings, his mouth slightly raised, and the bird of prey smiled, "We have 10,000 magic crystal coins, please give us this sacred object to our prince Chilie!"

The audience at the scene exclaimed, and the underworld Chiye was worthy of being the son of the demon king, and the wealth that was revealed easily was indeed amazing!

At the booth, the middle-aged auctioneer glanced at the painful spot, and the cruel brutal master who clenched his fists half-slammed, quickly shouted his arms: "Ten thousand magic crystal coins, once!"

At this time, he was almost nervous, smoking, fearing that something was wrong, he quickly began to announce the price, hoping to end the auction sooner.

As long as the auction is over and there is no conflict, it has nothing to do with him.

Thousands of bidders on the scene also showed a good-looking face. They also understood where this place was and who was in power.

The Sovereign Sovereign Lord and Demon Lord Lord really cannot provoke, but the high-powered Red Demon King and Prince Chilie are the real masters here, and their will is the only law here.

"Ten thousand magic crystal coins, twice!"

As the middle-aged auctioneer announced the price for the second time, the entire scene became quiet.

The audience at the scene almost knew that the rare sacred object was almost already regarded as Prince Chilie.

On the side of Wang Yan, the confusing lord was full of indignation, and the succubus' eyes narrowed slightly, showing a hostility on Jiao Rong. The most depressed mood is the appraiser Zoe.

Zoe's eyes were bleak, and she knew the status of Chilian Demon King and Prince Chilie. Not only did the real eyes fall into their hands, but even she herself might be intimidated.

In front of the two generals who came to bid for Chi Lie, she already knew each other. In the past few days, they have been to the president of the black market for several times, and they have been talking about buying her.

If there is no accident next, I am afraid she will have no choice.


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