The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1411: Follow me later

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Speaking of Wang Yan breaking the prohibition in the real eyes, there is a more interesting little story.

Any master hopes that his lifelong efforts and ideals can be perfectly inherited. In addition, they are going to die anyway, they usually add some special prohibitions to the inheritance items that carry their will.

However, Wang Yan's pure yang real fire, which had just arrived in the sun, plus he has inherited the inheritance of the fire **** and has been strengthened by the demon's gene, he can now be called a child of the god, and the spirit of the **** has long been powerful Than the demon king.

Therefore, after he concentrated all his attention, the soul mark that Erhaus left then could not escape his search.

After discovering this heritage brand, Wang Yan discovered that the alchemist master Erhous, the soul mark left by that year, has already become the artifact of this holy thing.

Alchemists are all advanced warlocks with superb spiritual strength, and the spirits left by the imprint of their souls are the embodiment of their will.

It found that Wang Yan did not meet its inheritance standards, but wanted to explore the precious inheritance it carried and naturally tried to stop it.

In fact, Wang Yan is not malicious, just want to see what is in it, so regardless of this desperately blocked spirit, after finding this piece of soul, he used a little silk enough to refine the pure Yang true fire of this holy relic. In a little while, it broke through its external defensive prohibition.

The real spirit of the eye is a demon old man who is exactly the same as Erhaos.

When it saw that the inheritance ban it had guarded had been cracked, it was about to cry at that time, but this is the meaning of its existence! This is the hard work of his master before his life!

However, Wang Yan swept in casually with the divine read, and left with little interest. He had no intention of inheriting this precious knowledge at all, and he had no interest in taking care of this spiritual old man.

The Qiling old man was crying again, and he felt extremely humiliated and wronged.

It was like a flower-like girl who was suddenly overwhelmed by a bad guy. Just when she thought she was about to be chaste, the bad guy had no interest, and even left in disgust.

This sharp contrast is more hateful than taking away its chastity.

But the old man of Qiling grieved and surrendered, but there was no way to get this to Wang Yan. He could only watch Wang Yan withdraw his mind and leave without looking back.

Afterwards, he was alone in the corner of the real eye, lamenting that today's people are unprecedented, the world is cool, and today's young people are too arrogant.

Wang Yan glanced at his surrounding friends and explained lightly: "I have seen this heritage. Its knowledge is huge, but I have no interest."

Hearing that Wang Yan said that she had not inherited the inheritance of the alchemy master, the appraiser Zoe subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. She really wanted to learn, even a few glances.

Although she knew her identity, she didn't have this qualification, but she couldn't resist her inner yearning.

The Lord of Chidu and the Lord of Chibiao heard Wang Yan saying that there was no inheritance, and at first he was a little puzzled, and then he was relieved.

Inheriting the inheritance of Erhaos, a learned alchemist, not only requires a lot of time and energy, but also requires a certain qualification. Otherwise, even if it is inherited, it will not be able to learn the essence, and it may also delay its own strength.

Take Wang Yan himself, for example, he has already accepted the blood heritage of the Fire God Zhurong. The knowledge of this alchemist is indeed very large, but he wants Wang Yan to inherit his legacy and learn the identification and alchemy of the alchemist from scratch. Wait, that is a very difficult and time-consuming thing.

Wang Yan feels that he is not a material that can practice alchemy, identification, archaeology, and become a warlock.

In addition, any practice is taboo, and the two systems are completely different. If the two systems are inherited, they will definitely cause a lot of conflicts and lack of inherited content.

Now that he has inherited the blood lineage from the gods, if he now learns the vast amount of knowledge left by an alchemist, he will only delay his cultivation.

When he spends a lot of time studying, I am afraid that not only will Ange not be saved, but the earth is estimated to be destroyed.

Therefore, Wang Yan feels that it is a waste to learn this inheritance. It is better to give it to some useful professionals. Instead, he can inherit this rare inheritance and play a greater role.

"Now the old man of Erhous, the troubles and bans left in that year have disappeared, and now anyone can get his inheritance."

Wang Yan took the real eye in his hand and said casually, "However, there is only one chance."

Lord Chew and Lord Cheb looked at each other. They were also not learning alchemy, so they were curious to know what Wang Yan wanted to do next.

Succubus will naturally seduce people, and is not interested in learning knowledge. At this time, leaning quietly on the left beside the owner Wang Yan, it is very gentle.

Lydia is a magician, although she is also interested in the massive knowledge of her fellow warlocks, but her ambition is not here, and she does not want to switch to being an alchemist.

At the scene, only the appraiser Zoe's eyes were shining. Although she understood her identity and her future, she could not even get out of this underground black market, but she still couldn't withstand her desire for dreams and freedom. The look can't be concealed.

This scene can't escape Wang Yan's eyes.

He slowly turned to look at Zoe and asked, "Do you want his heritage?"

"Ah?" The appraiser Zoe's heart jumped, the whole person was stunned, and Qiao's face was full of tension, joy, and deep disbelief.

But then she seemed to realize her gaffe and hurriedly waved her hand and said, "No, no, this is a sacred object belonging to Lord Mo Yan, Zoe is just a humble maid, I ..."

However, before her words were finished, Wang Yan interrupted: "As long as you tell me, do you want to inherit his heritage."

Wang Yan's tone is gentle, yet gentle and elegant, yet full of majesty and boldness, just like a noble king, in peace, with an undoubted momentum, enough to make anyone want to surrender from the heart.

Zoe, who was originally a humble appraiser, was naturally unable to resist Wang Yan's aura. She looked at Wang Yan in disbelief, but found that the other party was looking at her sincerely.

As soon as the two eyes touched, Zoe couldn't help but flushed his cheek slightly, bowed his head timidly, and whispered an answer after half a noise: "I want to ..."

"Then follow me."

Wang Yan looked sincerely and looked at Zoe in front of him, as if waiting for the other party's answer.

The lords of the Red Confusion and Red Abuse County were all shocked. They were very surprised that Wang Yan would suddenly ask Zoe to follow him. At this time, all of them were like Wang Yan, and they turned to the appraiser Zoe.

Under everyone's eyes, Zoe's pretty face began to become redder.


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