The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1412: You must want to soak me

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Lord Moyan wants to let that Hawk Banshee go with her?

Look at the sincere eyes of Lord Moyan, and this Zoe, the eagle body, is blushing, is it ...

Thinking of the many thoughts that kept emerging in his heart, the brutal master who was sitting beside Wang Yan began to feel a strong bad hunch, and the whole person's nerves were tense.

On the other side, the two eyes of the confusing lord were glaring round and round, constantly moving back and forth between Wang Yan and the appraiser Zoe, looking forward to a good show.

The succubus and the silent Lydia had to look away, as if waiting for the next change in things.

Under such many complicated eyes, the appraiser Zoe's delicate and slender figure began to tremble a little because of tension.

Her expression was also changing intricately, and finally after a while, she lowered her head and used a nearly imperceptible voice, said timidly: "Demon, Lord Moyan, you, you must want to tease I……"

what? !

This straightforward statement was like a bomb, and several people exploded.

The tyrannical county master burst into tears, and Lord Mofang, who secretly murmured to her, did, as the confusing one said, in the future I am afraid that a large harem will be built.

You look at it now, if you pluck a white and beautiful eagle body demon, you will not hesitate to make this kind of blood, if you meet a more beautiful and beautiful demon in the future, then you still have it?

On the contrary, the confusing Lord was dumbfounded and excited.

He secretly lamented that if he had the money, he could do whatever he wanted. Looking at his boss, this shot was really amazing.

That's a sacred object with inheritance, and it's worth more than one million magic crystals! As a result, the boss said that he would send it, and he also broke the ban on sending.

With such a big gift, and the intimate move of the boss to break the ban, even if the other party is a chaste girl, it will be impressed by the arrogant and domineering boss?

"Learned, learned again!" Chidu secretly learned a new posture again, and the boss didn't follow him.

"嘁 ......" Here, Lydia sneered at the corner of her mouth and turned her face in disdain.

She was secret in her heart. Sure enough, the inhabitants of **** didn't have a good thing, especially the Lord of the Demon Flames. When she saw the beautiful girl, she wanted to tease her, and even the sacred relics were willing to give their sisters. It was really generous.

Now she thinks about it, it is still the son of flame Wang Yan who is better, although the child of flame already has one, two, three ... uh ...

Lydia suddenly got into a tangle, and the succubus around her didn't matter. Anyway, her master was willing to do so.

"Cough cough." Wang Yan coughed lightly. He felt the atmosphere he created finally, which was completely washed away by Zoe's words, and under the eyes of several people beside him, he always felt a little embarrassed. .

"That Zoe, actually ... I mean ..."

After readjusting the state, Wang Yan felt that he wanted to make things clear, but as a result, Zoe over there nodded shyly: "Master Mo Yan, I, I understand ..."

Wang Yan was immediately stunned. He said that he hadn't finished speaking yet. Do you understand? This, this, is this matter finished?

So sure that there will be no misunderstandings in future life?

"Woo, my demon flame master, me, am I not beautiful enough, or am I not big enough? After accepting the human slave girl, you actually have to accept an eagle female slave girl ..." Hearing this answer, the cruel master Suddenly looking up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, "Anyway, I don't care, I will make a big room!"

"Uh ..." Wang Yan dropped a big drop of cold sweat and explained slightly embarrassingly, "Abhorrent, don't you think too much? I just like Zoe's talents, and then ..."

Wang Yan originally wanted to emphasize that they are not a boyfriend or a boyfriend and talk about the relationship of marriage.

However, before he finished speaking, the brutal master could not hear it any more, interrupted and said: "When you received the human slave girl, you said so!"

"It doesn't matter, the main room can only be me." After all, the brutal lord grumbled his lips, squinted his face, and lamented alone. Why is his love road so bumpy?

Ooo ...

Lydia innocently lay down the gun and squinted at the side alone. The Lord of Red Confusion was beside the Lord of the Abuse County, and said comfortingly: "A man, of course, we must have three wives and four concubines. Besides, my boss is not a normal man. Can there be fewer harems? But those harems are concubines, aren't you still in the main room? What are you sad about? "

The deluded lord's all-round reasoning is also in line with the actual situation of the world of hell.

The races that survive here are more savage and more natural. In such a crisis-filled survival environment, male creatures usually have three wives and four concubines in order to increase the probability of future generations to multiply and survive. And in some places controlled by females, this will be reversed, and female creatures will have more spouses.

This is a common phenomenon in the survival competition, just like the ancient earth and most creatures in nature.

As a result of being so comforted by the Lord of Red Confusion, the Lord of the Abuse of Abuse actually accepted it, and his mood has improved a lot. This is also a characteristic of the folk customs of Hell and the earth society.

Wang Yan felt a bit big, and secretly, as Uncle Pao said, his pure yang was indeed full of subtle attraction for all women.

Appraiser Zoe kept his head down and did not speak, his face full of girlish tension and shyness.

This is also inevitable. Although the appraiser Zoe was born and raised in the underground black market, the people who can communicate with him are also some of the three religions. In the process of growing up, I even met many sloppy people who tried to take advantage of her. Therefore, she has always been full of alertness to outsiders.

But the demon lord in front of him is different.

Zoe, who is an eagle succubus, feels that the demon lord in front of her has a particularly attractive taste. The kind of natural and warm smell makes her feel more comfortable and intimate.

Moreover, this demon lord is very young, no matter what his appearance and strength, or his temperament and amazing financial resources, are unmatched by others.

So she couldn't help thinking of the Hawks who lived in the tree house in the Red Light District. She once told her that if a man wants to get you, he will do everything possible, and he will treat you again and again. .

In addition, Moyan previously increased her magic crystal, and now sends such a treasured inheritance holy thing, which makes her hard to think.

The thought of such a young and handsome overbearing lord is showing her favor, which made her, who had never experienced these things, thump with a small heart.

However, Zoe seemed to realize something suddenly, and had a crimson, pretty face, and suddenly there was a hint of haze.

"Master Moyan, me, I can't go with you ..."


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