The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1420: That's a price

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As a magician, Lydia was really a little bit impressed with the inheritance of the crow scepter, and the special effect of the crow scepter was very powerful. It can also be used in the magic-free area.

Lydia believes that if this crow's rod is intact, it will be much stronger than the holy weapon-level rod she had previously taken away.

Therefore, I would be curious as to how powerful this inheritance holy tool is, even if it is damaged now, where can it go?

"If the crow stick is not repaired, its value will be far away."

Upon hearing Lydia ’s inquiry, appraiser Zoe shook his head and explained, “Although it can still be used now, there is no problem in releasing low-level magic, but once it performs high-level magic, or bears too much power, it always There is a risk of collapse and explosion. "

"This hidden danger is a fatal threat to users. And everyone is not a magic apprentice. What is the point of buying a staff that can only perform low-level magic?" So at the end, Zoe Booth After spreading his hands, "If you can't fix it, you will lose it if you buy it back, so for many people, 30,000 magic crystals are all high, but for us, even 100,000 magic crystals will earn no loss!"

"Zoo, it's a lucky lord to be able to meet you."

Wang Yan and everyone benefited a lot after hearing it, so Wang Yan specially cast an appreciative look at Zoe. The latter naturally smiled and blushed, so happy.

It was indeed lucky to be able to reap Zoe. Wang Yan was secretly in his heart. There was such a top appraiser around him, and the sale of goods was really different.

People like Wang Yan who don't understand the market of goods at all, buy and sell outside, and many things are really nowhere to start.

It's like buying antiques in some antique markets on the earth. If you don't know antiques, naturally you don't have any eyesight, and you don't know how to choose. You can only buy and sell antiques by luck.

But there is so much luck in life.

Especially in these auction houses, which are similar to people, the depth of the difference and the price of the items are definitely much deeper than the water in the antique market on the earth. People who don't understand the market, want to pick up leaks here? It was really a fantasy, and there was nowhere to start.

Just like this crow's scepter, without Zoe, Wang Yan and his companions can't detect its hidden ability and huge hidden dangers.

In short, there is a specialization in art, and Wang Yan can't do everything. Fortunately, his luck has always been good. With the appraisal of Zoe, he can be assured of this.

At this point in his thoughts, Wang Yan touched his chin and muttered: "It seems that there is indeed a lot of difference in price, and we have to pay the price."


Confusion, cruelty, and the two women around him were a little stunned. This is the auction house. It has always been able to increase the price. How can it still be countered?

At this time, the middle-aged auctioneer on the booth was another confident fan. Many bidders on the field gradually had some urge to buy.

In their view, at the price of an ordinary spiritual weapon, it is still a bit profitable to buy a damaged sacrificial object.

But at this moment, Wang Yan removed the soundproof barriers arranged around him, and sneered with a noble lord's capital: "Oh, the scammer, this auction house is just a bunch of scammers, they are fooling you, Do n’t you see it? ”

Wang Yan sneered, causing a lot of uproar around.

Afterwards, Wang Yan concealed the advantages of the crow and the human scepter, only talking about the many hidden dangers Zoe told him, such as spending the price of a spirit weapon, but buying a scrap product that can only release low-level magic and may collapse and explode .

Although it can be repaired, how many masters of refining are there in this world, and how many others can ask Master Master to help repair holy items? Furthermore, even if you hire a master refiner, the cost of hiring a master refiner, as well as the repair and material costs of the holy artifact, are astronomical figures. With that money, it is better to buy a superb spiritual weapon, or even add some money. Can I buy a new holy weapon again, and it takes so much trouble?

In addition, even if the holy weapon is successfully repaired, the road is far away. How many courage do you dare to take with you? Do you want to live a long time?

This kind of remark is like drinking in the head, waking up all the bidders present.

They annoyed them all at once, and they all ignored the scarcity of the holy items, even if they were damaged, they were also rare and rare. One by one only realized that he seemed to have been deceived by the black market, and almost bought scrapped products, rejoicing.

"Fortunately, Lord Mo Yan promptly issued a reminder, otherwise we will lie to this black market!"

"Damn, dare to lie to Lao Tzu, do you not want to open the black market?"

"What a **** auction house, actually using scrapped products to cheat money!"

Almost everyone on the scene was applauding Wang Yan. He praised Wang Yan one by one. They all said that Wang Yan was a big man with both virtue and talent. His status was so lofty that he would still consider them ordinary people.

In their eyes, if there is no reminder from Master of Flames, they will definitely suffer from this black market auction house today.

Soon the gang of bidders rioted, and the middle-aged auctioneer's face on the booth was green, and he could not control the situation.

In the end, it was President Ned, who ran out from the background and gave some official explanations. Finally, due to public outrage at the scene, the auction price was lowered for the first time. After several twists and turns, the auction price of this damaged sacristy dropped to 8,000 magic crystals before the on-site bidders settled down.

However, there were no more bidders at this time, and there was still a desire to continue to buy. In addition, there were no more commodities available for auction, and many bidders had begun to leave the market one after another.

This scene can disgust President Ned and other black markets. The departure of the bidder means that this finale is about to be auctioned off, and the reputation is already broken. If you want to auction again, it will be difficult. .

And the culprit of this incident is naturally the Lord of Flames they cannot afford.

Of course, in the end, Lord Lord of Flames, that is, Wang Yan, for their sake, spent eight thousand and one hundred magic crystal coins to easily take away this crowed human scepter that will be shot.

President Ned and others had to frustrate and pack the crow and human staff with Wang Yan, and finally respectfully watched Wang Yan and others leave.

Before leaving, President Ned also scratched the appraiser Zoe with his eyes. Obviously, this matter is related to Zoe, otherwise no one here can find the defect of the crow's human staff.

However, Zoe didn't seem to see President Ned's expression. He followed Wang Yan without changing his face and left the auction house all the way.

After Wang Yan and others were gone, President Ned looked at the empty auction venue and scolded fiercely in his heart: "Eat something outside, you wait for me!"


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