The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1421: Her Royal Highness from the Earth

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"Cough, Master Moyan, I didn't expect you to actually lower the price of the black market auction house. I'm a good person."

Going outside the auction house, Zoe stretched his arms, gliding lightly like a bird on Wang Yan's side, laughing, "Master Demon Flame, you have also seen it. President Ned should have found me to help you in secret, I can't stay here anymore. "

"Wait for this kind of broken place."

Wang Yan smiled disapprovingly, and then put the crow and the staff he had just got into Lydia's hands, "hold it."

"Huh, you, what are you doing for me? I won't appreciate you." Lydia squinted, but when she got the hand, she frowned, wondering, "Hey, this ... What a violent force! The elements inside are very agitated. If you use it forcibly, it may indeed collapse and explode, but it is damaged in this way, and it contains such a powerful force. It is really a trivial matter to inherit the holy thing! "

"If you repair it completely, it's really amazing."

Lydia was disdainful on the surface, but she was able to obtain a powerful staff with bare hands, but she still had some inexplicable rejoicing in her heart, although she didn't want to thank the Lord of the Flames.

Then Wang Yan chatted with everyone and felt that since he had been here, he would simply go to the lower-level slave market to see it. Now there is Zoe and the real eye. Maybe he can still find some good-quality slaves for him. He Now there are very few men.

The lord of the confusing gurgled his eyes and said that the boss must have made trouble with his family. He wanted to come up with some achievements. He also wanted to make some achievements. He was absolutely supportive.

The tactics of the Lord of Confusion still gained cruelty. Zoe and others recognized it, and Wang Yan did not object to it. Therefore, these people regarded Wang Yan as a heir to an independent aristocrat.

However, Zoe didn't feel particularly good about the slave market, but for the sake of the boss Wang Yan wanting to go shopping, he still led the way and took everyone to the lowest level, the slave market.

So everyone decided to go to the slave market first, and then go to the upper level of the free market, look for the trainer master Hill, and ask him to repair the newly purchased crow human stick.


Just when Wang Yan and his companions wandered around in the underground black market of Liuhuo City, some place in the northern continent of Hell had already ushered in its quiet midnight.

This is a gray and ancient mountain forest, the mountains are intricate, the forest is ancient and gloomy, the pale white light emitted from the moon in the air, and the gray-black mist diffused from the ground, just like a living ghost. In the dark mountain forest, it drifted gently and silently.

There was silence all around, the forest was quiet and silent, so unusually quiet, making everything around the world seem to be isolated from the world, but also out of the control of time, forever unchanged.


In front of a secret path in the forest, the space suddenly emits a wave of water-like shaking. Soon a dark hole began to slowly emerge out of this layer of water ripples in the space.

The mist of black mist, like a swinging tentacle, fluttered at the edge of the dark doorway.

Suddenly, a suffocating and terrifying breath came out through the doorway, and then a humanoid monster with a head like a sheep and a strong body like a mountain stepped out of the thick black mist.

This sheep-headed monster is tall and tall, his arms are wrapped around a steel wire chain with a sickle hook, and he is covered with tendons made of lava, and his fierce terror is the earth. In the world of superpowers, the prestigious dark virgin servant, the sheep-head demon Bafu is destroyed!

Immediately behind Baphoon, a woman and a man stepped out of the dark portal one after the other.

The woman was like a delicate girl. She was physique and graceful, wearing a gorgeous black lace dress, like a nobleman from the Middle Ages, slim, elegant and decent, full of noble classic beauty.

But don't look at her being so delicate and quiet. Under this graceful and noble temperament, the kind of thick dangerous atmosphere is actually more terrible than the monster of the sheep head in front of him, Bafu!

There is no doubt that this decency-looking girl who walked out of the door with Baphoon is the dark virgin Catherine from the earth.

Since coming to the world of hell, her strength and momentum have been rising at a rapid speed, and her dangerous breath has almost reached the point of being exciting.

Behind the Dark Saint, followed by a young man who was equally imposing.

The man was not very young, wearing a gray and black witch robe, and his skin was pale and rumpled, and he had a strange and eerie atmosphere, just like the undead crawling out of the tomb, exuding a thick death air .

This lifelessness alone is probably enough to make any living creature lose its nerve and run away.

Obviously, this young man wearing a robe and full of death was from the dark council, and the necromancer Gabriel who followed the dark virgin into hell.

He is a loyal fanatic under the command of the Prince of Roses. He was talented since childhood, full of fanatical interest in undead magic, and a little radical when studying undead magic.

According to the records of the superpowers of the earth, this young necromancer has done a lot of exaggerated, very bold research.

According to records, he came to **** for a few days in the form of a soul out of his mind during the B-level period. This is undoubtedly a death-seeking behavior in the eyes of the earth, even in the eyes of the native creatures of hell.

It is important to know that letting your soul out of the way can really reduce the space constraint to a certain extent, but the soul state has no self-preservation ability, and it is very easy to be captured and eaten by soul-eating creatures, or killed and captured by other people. Even the flesh may be attacked or exhausted.

But Gabriel, in the form of soul, wandered around in **** and returned to Earth.

Then this guy tried to transform himself into a lich who was closer to death. Of course, with his strength at the time, he ended in failure, but he survived again miraculously.

Perhaps because of understanding death, in short, this young man was very fatal, and no matter how he died, he could survive in the end. Because of this, after approaching death again and again, he took the opportunity to break through the shackles time and time again, constantly grasping the handover between life and death, and continuously promoted.

Even in the Dark Council, including the Prince of Roses, everyone agreed that if he was given enough time and resources, this guy would definitely have an unimaginable achievement in the future.

Gabriel did have such a mind. He longed for the true meaning of undead magic, and he was a sincere waiter, so he once again ignored the danger and followed the Dark Lady to hell, becoming the most faithful servant beside her.


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