The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1432: Strong servant

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"Thank you Lord Moyan for your generosity."

The dark elf Elsa knew that her chief could not lay down her dignity and begged others, so she humbly nodded to Wang Yan, complimenting her tone, "Dear Lord Mo Yan, we know that you are different from other purgatory demon clan , You are a good person with a discerning eye, as long as you can let us go, I can assure you on behalf of Lord Camus, our dark elves, and even His Majesty the Devil God, will give you a hundred times and thousands of returns in time. ! "

"We swear to you in the name of the devil, and the promise to you is true."

After she finished, the stronger male elf Enzo on the other side also quickly followed suit, as if Wang Yan in front of them was the last hope for their rescue.

But their voices were not falling, and the confusing lord on Wang Yan's side laughed loudly, scolding: "You guys who don't understand the situation, you actually want our boss to let you go? Haha, I laughed dead!"

"What's my boss, what's your identity?" Lord Chew straightened up from the sofa and shouted, "You are prisoners of the enemy, you can only be slaves here, let my boss let you go? Then I Hasn't the boss become a traitor who betrays Lord Demon God? "

"Not to mention, what are you guys? Dare to talk to my boss about the conditions? What guarantees can you take, and can you keep your promise?" The Lord Chihu snorted and asked dismissively. The culprit annihilated by the whole army of the affiliated troops, let's not say whether you can escape, even if you escape, can you escape the guilt from the devil? "

As a purgatory demon clan, the deceived lord did not like the war criminals of the enemy country very much, his tone was a little rushed, but what he said was reasonable.

The three dark elites looked dignified in the series of scoldings of the deluded lord.

They are now just slaves, with collars on their necks symbolizing slaves. What capital are they negotiating with Wang Yan? What's more, for some reason, Camus wiped out his squad for the whole army, and the Dark Blade Corps, which had a small number of people, lost a lot of elite personnel.

Such a tragic failure and loss, even if Camus and others fled back, would they not be blamed? It is light to confess sin with death.

The three dark elves were naturally clear about these problems, especially their general Camus, the glory that had just ignited in his eyes disappeared instantly. Only thick hatred and unwillingness left, burning continuously in his eyes.

The three dark elves all fell into despair, but then Wang Yan said: "I can give you freedom, and I can give you all the slaves present."

"Why, what?"

"Magic, Lord Moyan, are you talking about true?"

The slaves present were all stunned, and their eyes were incredible. At one moment, the three dark elves rekindled hope and stared blankly at Wang Yan.

"But I have a condition."

Wang Yan held out a finger, looked at all the slaves present, and continued, "You must serve me as hard as you can for twenty years, after which I can restore your freedom and let you be truly free, and you will leave , Or living in my territory, it ’s up to you. "

Wang Yan's remarks have to be arrogant and magnificent. At least in the **** world desperately fighting for resources, there is no **** lord who is doing great things and is willing to return a slave to freedom.

Of course, Wang Yan also has his own ideas. The main purpose of his coming to **** this time was to take away the ange that was stuck in hell. The second is to obtain more resources and intelligence for the earth.

So after taking Ange away, if everything goes well, he has a lot of time to run his plan. The period of twenty years is more than enough, and he is confident to manage these slaves.

These slaves can't think of so much. For them, freedom, but they want something in their heart, but they dare not dream of it.

At this moment, Wang Yan made such remarks. More than a dozen slaves on the scene immediately knelt down on the ground, and even a few barbarian men who had exhausted their struggles shed tears.

Where have these dozens of slaves enjoyed such respect and treatment? One by one, not to mention twenty years, that is, two hundred years, they are also willing to follow Wang Yan as a master.

As long as they can be given the status of being a free person and a decent dignity of being born, they are willing to serve Wang Yan faithfully forever.

Freedom and dignity are always the pursuit of anyone from the heart. And finding a backer in **** is even more difficult. It can be as ambitious as Wang Yan's, and it is rare.

Therefore, for the slaves present, instead of going to other places to suffer and have no shelter, it is better to follow this Lord of Demon Flames and do their utmost to have a good life in the future.

More than a dozen slaves on the scene naturally took the oath, and the appraiser Zoe, who was standing in the crowd, was also moved by Wang Yan's spirit, and once again joined the other slaves to show his surrender to Wang Yan.

Even Lydia, who has been somewhat repellent, began to look at the Lord of the Demon Flames. Of course, this is also because she did not know that Lord Lord Mo Yan and Wang Yan were the same person.

In short, this scene naturally has a great influence. The other three dark elves are no longer stubborn, and their expressions have begun to move.

Wang Yan looked at it and said again: "The lord needs talents, you are some good talents. So as long as twenty years later, you can do what you want, no one will stop you. And here During this period, you will also be protected by me, no one can hurt you. "

During the speech, Wang Yan also pointed his finger at Camus, who was still paralyzed on the ground, and said with deep eyes, "In addition, I will heal his damaged core and let him regain strength!"

The inner core is naturally a saying of hell. If you use some of the Chinese Taoist theories, the place where energy is stored is usually called Qihai, or Life Gate. In short, because of differences between races and differences in body structure, so the statement is different, but translated, the general meaning is the same.

Hearing Wang Yan mentioning that he could heal Camus, the dark elf Elsa had a pair of beautiful silver eyes, and suddenly opened it, struggling to kneel on the ground and begging again: "Master Demon Flame, as long as you let the healing card Lord Miao, I, I, Elsa, are willing to be slaves forever, and always be at your disposal to serve you. "

"Elsa, you, you ..." Enzo, the male dark elf on the other side, saw Elsa begging to Wang Yan, and struggled to kneel on the ground, "Master Demon Flame, as long as you can heal Lord Camus , And also free him, Elsa and I are willing to be your servants forever! "


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