The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1433: Is to bully others

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Elsa and Enzo, now there is no other way.

They are not willing to be captured in this way, so they are not willing to become a slave, and have been hatred until death.

Whether it is for a dead companion or their respected leader Camus, they are willing to spare everything, just to give a hope.

"You, you ..."

Camus, the iron-blooded general known as the thorn of the night, looked at his subordinates for his unconditional dedication, his expression moved, and his eyes shivered.

He clenched his fists, his teeth clenching each other. By this time, he also seemed to realize how much money can such a dignity be worth? He wants revenge, and he and his wife are waiting for him to save.

In any case, he must restore his strength and must not be trapped in such a place.

At this point of thinking, Camus was decisive, and his eyes were firm again. He strongly supported the broken and weak body, one leaned over and knelt in front of Wang Yan on one knee.

"Lord Demon Flame, if you can cure me, I will remember this kindness in my heart." Camus lowered his head and said solemnly in a word of words, "Please cure me ,please!"

Wang Yan saw a slightly raised mouth corner: "Of course, no problem."

"It's far away." Wang Yan raised his hand with one hand, motioned everyone to step aside, and then raised his hand across the storage ring. A beautiful crystal clear fruit appeared in his hand.

"Refining, purifying the fruit of Red Lotus!"

The appraiser Zoe recognized the origin of the precious fruit at a glance, and immediately took a deep breath and exclaimed.

This precious and rare fruit, as the top appraiser of the underground black market, she has only seen it twice in the past years. The two times I saw were just a quick glance, and then they were wrapped and encapsulated by others as if they were baby.

It is the first time she can watch this jewel-like red lotus fruit at such a close distance.


"No, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's true!"

The slaves all over exclaimed and talked more and more.

The Lord of the Red Confusion and the Lord of the Abducted Sovereign, the children of the two Red Refining Demon Kings, of course, knew the goods. Now they saw Wang Yan took this red lotus fruit out, and they were both amazed.

Purgatory Red Lotus has a great beginning in the world of hell, and it is almost only found in the purgatory demon domain controlled by Satan, the purgatory demon god.

This rare plant is one of the top fire treasures in the world of hell. If according to the price of the black market, the fruit of this mature purgatory red lotus would have a starting price of eight or nine thousand, or even tens of thousands of magic crystal coins! If it is a mature and complete purgatory red lotus, the starting price is estimated to reach two or three hundred thousand!

This is the price of the origin of the Infernal Demon Domain. If it is transported to other Demon God's domains, its price will at least double.

You should know that this is a high-quality material for refining holy artifacts, and even sub-artifacts. With the complete purgatory red lotus in conjunction with other heavenly materials and treasures, the holy artifacts or sub-artifacts that are refined are all rare top-grade treasures. Once it succeeds, it will be enough to be passed down through the ages, and the price cannot be estimated.

In addition, the rare purgatory red lotus has another effect, which is to stimulate cell activity, refine the flesh, and promote the evolution of biology again!

This point alone is enough to make any **** creatures that respect power, rush to the point, want to wear their eyes, and finally fight for the blood.

"This is a purgatory red lotus fruit, you must know it."

Wang Yan took the red lotus fruit in his hand, and the fire elements in the air immediately gathered towards him. Eventually, these fire elements began to appear like clouds and formed a small fire cyclone around the fruit.

This shows how vigorous the imperial red lotus fruit is.

"The fruit of purgatory red lotus, the real role is not in the refining vessel, but to stimulate cell activity and promote biological evolution." Wang Yan slowly looked at the thorn of the shadow Camus and talked eloquently, "I happen to be a bloodline The secret technique of evolution, combined with the medicinal properties of this purgatory red lotus, is enough to quench all his body cells. In this way, not only can heal your injuries, but you will also become stronger! Even the lifespan will be Grow with it. "

The corner of Wang Yan's mouth evoked a touch of evil charm, and the appearance of his purgatory demon race was enough to make anyone shocked at this moment.

Not only can heal injuries, but also promote the evolution of blood vessels, and even increase lifespan!

At any point, you can directly hit the hearts of the three dark elves at the scene.

"Master Moyan, thank you for your kindness and great virtue. We can't repay you for our kindness!"

The female elf Elsa and the male elf Enzo, after seeing the fruit of the purgatory red lotus, took a deep breath, then knelt and knelt, "Please heal Lord Camus, we will serve you wholeheartedly!"

Right now Wang Yan is undoubtedly their last hope. They believe that as long as their general, Camus, is cured, Camus must have a way to avenge them, and they will not hesitate to be slaves forever.

Shadow Stabbing Camus was also trembling with his eyes, moving all the time. He lowered all his gestures and bowed his head to ask: "Master Demon Flame, please cure me. I have what I have to do, as long as I let it go This wish, I am willing to serve you for twenty years, and your kindness to me, I will remember in my life Camus. "

He wanted to restore his strength too much, and he wanted to rescue his wife too, so that he could be the enemy of his enemies. For this reason, he did not hesitate to let go of all pride and became a slave.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yan realized that things were almost the same and immediately waved his hand: "It's enough for you to have this sentence. Keep the others away, so as not to hurt you."

At the same time, Wang Yan lifted the powerful pure yang true energy in his body, and a utterly majestic momentum immediately rose from the ground. The thick fire was like waves, and began to rush out around him.

The first time I saw Wang Yan showing his strength, all the dozen slaves were frightened and screamed. They were all rushed to the door by the high temperature. At the same time, they began to respect the new master.

The three dark elves opened their eyes wide, and their hearts jumped in surprise.

In their eyes, the Lord of Magic Flame, who thought Wang Yan was incarnate, was just a heir to a noble noble, but did not expect that the other party contained such a huge power, which was so horrible!

Elsa and Enzo, who were not able to move, quickly retreated to the door following the confusion and cruelty under the support of Zoe and Lydia.

The owner of this shop smelled the wind and rushed over in a panic, but was squinted by the brutal master of the county, so scared that he stood beside him, afraid to make a sound.

Just kidding, she brutally abused the master of the county, what happened?

Lord Moyan is just playing with ignition. If the hotel owner dares to disturb her, she will definitely break the other's leg!

But the hotel owner of Ling can only swallow his breath under the wicked prestige of the lady of the county governor, crying without tears.

His luxuriously decorated hotel is complete this time!


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