The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1434: Rebirth

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Power, power, and money can indeed do whatever you want.

Regardless of status, strength or money, the big men present were all worthy of his hotel owner's offense. Even if Wang Yan and the brutal lord, demolished the hotel, his little boss would not dare Say nothing.

After the laymen waited for the moment to leave, Wang Yan held it with one hand, a tremendous force, like an invisible big hand, and immediately caught Camus, who was sitting on the ground, with one hand in his hand. .

Lord Wang Yan, the incarnation of the demon flame, is strong and tall, and when he mentions Camus, who is now seriously injured and thin, it is like a giant beast, lifting a prey that is unable to resist.

"Oh ... My demon flame, everything is so perfect and charming!"

On the periphery, the brutal lord, seeing such a powerful appearance of Wang Yan, once again turned into a gigantic nympho. Attracting the succubus with a smile, Lydia rolled her eyes.

But the dark elves Elsa and Enzo pinched Khan for their leader, Camus.

Fortunately, although Camus was of noble origin, he was a battle-hardened general in the end. Wang Yan, who was covered in flames, had hot skin roasted in his hands, sweating so hard that he didn't even have any teeth.

"It's a man." Wang Yan admired quite appreciatively, then said slowly, "I don't have any dark energy, and with the fruit of the purgatory red lotus, I can only quench the body with pure flame essence. "

"That taste is uncomfortable."

This kind of warning is not alarmist, and reshaping is equivalent to refining the whole body of flesh from beginning to end. That is a process of destruction and rebirth. Among them, Wang Yan and his succubus charmer have all experienced it for themselves.

People who are not strong-willed may suffer to death before they can survive it. Therefore, people who do not have the patience cannot succeed.

However, Camus was still as firm as ever, and there was no wave in his expression. Instead, he looked at him and said without fear: "Come on!"

"Even death can't stop my revenge. This little pain can't be compared with the hate in my heart!" The current Camus, although weak and haggard, can be scarred, but it seems to be full of endlessness. Fighting spirit.

Wang Yan was quite appreciative of this, and without saying a word, raised his hand and put the fruit of the purgatory red lotus into his mouth, and at the same time transported the pure Yang true fire into his body.

With the fruit of the purgatory red lotus, it began to digest and decompose in Camus's body, and the power that spread out was like a nuclear bomb and suddenly detonated.

A huge force instantly filled every corner of his body, every cell.

His silver-white pupils immediately turned red, his muscles began to swell, his skin became hot and hot, and even his bones couldn't control.

The pain that almost burst his body shouted out of his control.

"Well !!!"

The heartbreaking howl made the scene quiet. Elsa and Enzo were all tense and tense with the two dark elves helped by Zoe and Lydia to heal outside the door, and the clenched fists were trembling slightly.

But they also understand that they can do nothing but wait.

In the living room, Wang Yan sees that the red lotus fruit is working, and immediately controls the pure Yang Qi in his body. In the body of Camus, he helps him control the energy that almost propels him.

At the same time, Wang Yan is also using this pristine pure energy to run the bloodline evolution left by the starry sky **** Marcus Harvey, and begins to help Camus quench the bloodline and reshape the damaged body.

"Hmm, ah !!"

The uncontrollable screams kept echoing in the hotel's living room.

With the continuous progress of the quenched body, the appearance of Camus can already be described as unbearable.

His dark gray skin, after the fever was extremely hot, began to crack!

Under the cracked skin, the flesh and blood were all crimson because they were filled with pure flame elements. That look was like a fiery lava lake, under the cracks of the thirsty and black earth, it was the hot red magma!

Camus looked terrible, as if he would be torn at any time. He was suspended in front of Wang Yan, and Wang Yan was sweating and solemn.

At this time, Wang Yan not only needed to help him absorb the essence of the red lotus fruit, to melt this precious elemental power into his blood, but also to restore his physical body in the process.

This process is like layer after layer, constantly scraping his flesh and bone marrow, and then repairing and growing again layer by layer, so that his broken sea of ​​qi will also be reshaped.

Of course, the pain is far more painful than a thousand knives, but it is the only way to grow and become stronger.


In this way, it lasted for a whole day.

The people who were staying outside the room were taking a rest and regaining a lot of energy after enjoying another big meal.

The Hawks and the Succubus weren't seriously injured at this time. Those wounded barbarian gladiators, whose wounds have healed and no longer bleed, although they are still weak, I believe that after returning to the main palace of the county, let the professional doctors there, and further treatment and recovery, heal these injuries is not a problem.

As for the dark elves Elsa and Enzo, they also got a lot of energy after taking the recovery potions and the external ointment. At least I can stand up and move around.

Of course, this is only preliminary treatment and treatment. When you return to the main palace of the county, you need to ask the doctor for further diagnosis before you can recover.

Wang Yan and Camus, who have always cared about people's hearts, finally came to an end at this moment.

In the living room of the room, the howling noise finally subsided, and the fire at the entrance gradually extinguished. Without the obstruction of flames and fire, the people who stood outside the door immediately leaned over to the door and looked inside.

I saw that the living room at this time had become a darkened black. All the furniture was burned down by the fire. Even the central luxury hot spring pool was evaporated by high temperature.

This scene almost caused the hotel owner to bleed straight into his heart, but he could only suffer from Zhang Yu's face without tears, but he didn't dare to spit out a few complaints.

In the middle of this charred living room, Wang Yan stood proudly.

He was dripping with sweat, and there were clouds of smoke all around. The crimson mist, like Yunxia, ​​floated around him, making his tall body stronger and more powerful.

The tyrannical county chief has committed another period of nympho, and the ambiguity and other slaves naturally boasted again.

The eyes of everyone on the scene then moved away from Wang Yan, and found that just beside Wang Yan, Camus, the shadow thorn, was kneeling down on the ground panting.

He was breathing heavily, and his body was hot and red. The broken clothes had already been burned, and the high temperature emanating from his body also evaporated the sweat and dirt secreted by him.

The lingering white smoke was continuously steaming above his body, making him feel like an iron man just pulled out of the lava, and he was exuding a violent heat wave all over his body.

Everyone at the scene felt happy and relieved for him.

Ling Ran murderously jumped from him!


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