The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1438: Strong confrontation

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"No, isn't it?"

Lord Chew was dumbfounded after hearing this, and Lord Chibuji also showed a shocked expression.

If the Camouflage of Shadow Stabbing is strong enough, the talent skills are so strong. If it is met in the battlefield, it is almost invisible!

Lydia, as a human, was equally shocked.

For her, the flash spell is usually a life-saving spell, with a limited casting distance and large consumption, which can not be used for a long time, but this Camus is not ordinary. He simply uses this set of abilities to use the fire, as if eating and drinking. Generally simple.

Such exaggerated talents made her want to admire.

Of course, this is also the difference between human and **** race.

Because of the harsh living environment of the **** race, many species are born with special innate talents. This is an innate ability engraved in the blood.

Similarly, these strong racial advantages sometimes hinder the future growth and advancement of this species.

Human beings are different. Human beings are born like a piece of blank paper, and many abilities need to be endowed. This also creates their infinite possibilities in the future.

Two different races, but when they reach a certain level, they will go the same way, because the heaven and the earth are insignificant. The more you touch the powerful forces, the more you will be in awe of heaven and earth.

After all, after reaching a realm like Wang Yan, if you want to be promoted again, it is no longer a matter of bloodline, talent, or insufficient resources, but an understanding of the universe of heaven and earth, and the exploration of the law of power. This is not done overnight. The transformation that can be completed, of course, is also very likely to happen overnight.

Therefore, Wang Yan has a more tolerant and calm attitude towards the things around him. He cannot integrate into this world and touch this side of the world. How can he feel and control?

In the midst of Wang Yan's standing and layers of black gas, when trying and perceiving these dark energies, Camus's passionate voice began to spread from all directions.

"Master Moyan, I'm going to attack!"

In fact, Camus is very grateful to Wang Yan, this is an interactive relationship, so before the move, a special voice reminded. Otherwise, according to his approach in the Darkblade Legion, his kindness to the enemy is cruelty to himself, but every shot is bound to kill the enemy.

Just listening to Camus's words, Wang Yan's right side immediately heard a slight wind breaking sound.

The dark demon qi diffused in the air, suddenly spread, and Camus hiding in it appeared.

The reappearing Camus was really like a sharp blade of a cold manson, and his shot speed was extremely fast. He lifted a foot, drew a foot blade, and kicked towards the back of Wang Yan in a blink of an eye.


The strong wind broke open, and the intense murderous force suddenly broke out, as if there was an invisible large net, locking Wang Yan tightly.

"Depending on how polite you are, the lord will pick you up!"

Wang Yan's mouth twitched, his whole body of war broke out suddenly, and the fierce flame immediately rolled up a circle of flames at his feet, and Camus locked his murderously tightly, and was instantly broken!

Camus's eyes tightened immediately, and the demon lord in front of him was so strong!

But his offensive had already been launched, just as the arrow was on the string, he had to send it, and he could not care about the mercy of his men immediately. The strength on his feet could not help but increase a few points, kicking Wang Yan quickly and quickly.


There was a roar and explosion.

At the moment when Camus Fei kicked down and was about to hit Wang Yan, Wang Yan, who was already preparing for the momentum, clenched his right fist, and while the muscles of his arm were swelled powerfully, he turned around and punched Camo The kick of the kick hit the past!

At that moment, Wang Yan's fiercely domineering fire fist collided strongly with Camus' quick and tricky foot blade.

Although Camus did not use any weapons, he was the sharpest weapon himself! The rich dark energy was solid on the foot he kicked, and the flying kick that caused him to fall quickly was like a scimitar that fell down.

Compared with Kamu ’s gorgeous and tricky tricks, Wang Yan ’s shot is simple and straightforward. His original strong and powerful arm, from the fist to the entire arm, immediately attached a layer of solid and pure pure sun, making his arm look like Attached to a layer of sturdy glass armor.

In this way, the two did not give in to each other, and the strong blow that they did not dodge, caused a strong shock wave, immediately rolled up a hurricane between the two, and spread violently to the surroundings.


The violent wind rushed out of the door immediately. The six lower-powered succubus and eagle succubus among the slaves immediately fell backwards after being blown by the strong wind, and they screamed again and again.

The other five elite barbarian gladiators, as well as the two dark elves Elsa and Enzo, although they can withstand the strong impact of Wang Yan and Camus fighting each other, but they hurt them and exposed pain, Had to retreat far back.

"This Camus is so strong! It can actually compete with the boss!"

Scared Lord was frightened by the scene in front of him. He was a demon warrior mainly based on strength and flaming ability, but he was stunned by the boss with his bare hands and beaten with no power to parry.

At the moment, the shadow thorn Camus, who has just recovered from his initial injury, can actually meet the boss hard. Although the result has not yet appeared, but at the moment of the confrontation, it has not been defeated, which is enough to show that this dark elf general, There are definitely two brushes!

"Don't be stunned, help control."

As the female master of the Red Abuse, she is still more attentive than the Red Lord. She sees that the posture is wrong and quickly greets Red Concubine, Meier, and Lydia.

The three S-level legendary strongmen, as well as the half-step S-level Lydia, quickly stepped back while arranging enchantments to suppress the overflowing power of Wang Yan and Camus.

Otherwise, the two of them will be allowed to fight down. This entire floor of the slave trading area will be shocked by them.

"It's over, my hotel is over ..."

The owner of the hotel is a seemingly thin and small purgatory demon. At this time, he is taking a few men and hiding far away from the crowd, looking at the vast and horrifying scene ahead with tears.

There were cracks in the ears on the wall, spreading the spreading sound. If you go down like this, he will have a five-story, luxuriously decorated high-end hotel, what kind of ending will be imagined.

On the other side, the battle between Wang Yan and Camus is in full swing.

The two of them collided with each other, but it was only after the effort between breathing, but to outsiders, time seemed to have been fixed between the two. There were only two huge and terrifying forces on the scene, fighting each other. Don't give in.

Half of the flames and half of the dark and magnificent scenes formed in this way are very spectacular and breathtaking.

"Oh, something interesting."

As Camus went all out to fight Wang Yan, the latter suddenly heard the latter's relaxed laughter, "The speed is indeed very fast, but the strength is still a little bit worse."

Camus's mind tightened in vain. Was the magic flame lord a monster? ! How could this Demon Lord Lord be so relaxed under his full offensive?

Poor strength? How could his Camus' strength be weak?

Camus was shocked, but Wang Yan, who hadn't had time to respond, resisted his attack, and slammed again!


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