The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1439: Boss, you are a monster

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"The lord is about to attack!"

Wang Yan returned Camus with the words of Camus' courtesy and courtesy.

At the same time, Wang Yan's fighting intentions burned in his body, his eyes were gleaming, and the corners of his mouth slightly grinded to match the appearance of his purgatory demon race.


As Wang Yan exerted force again, the huge power contained in his body began to surge, and the ground immediately cracked. And his fist against Camus attacked, at this moment, violently.

Just listening to the bang of "Boom", the layer attached to Wang Yan's arm seemed to be the pure and true pure yang, and it exploded! The powerful impact thus produced was like a rocket jet, which directly resisted Camus's offensive and forcibly hardened the past.

"Um! Uh!"

Camus groaned, the power from below was too great, and the dark energy blades gathered under his feet actually broke under Wang Yan's forcible attack! And at this moment he himself, like a baseball thrown out, was blown out strongly.

"Bang! Bang!"

Camus was horrified in his heart, then turned around in a whirlwind, collided one after another, and finally struck a thick wall, the whole person was buried.

At the scene, there was a moment of silence.

Everyone was terrified, and dumbfounded in place. Even the owner of this hotel seems to have forgotten the wall of his hotel, but looked at him with wide eyes. Wang Yan in the middle of the hall of Ang Li was terrified.

How strong is this in order to be able to resist the strong attack of the thorn of Camus, the shadow thorn, and at the same time be able to counterattack so powerfully, so as to break the opponent's offensive?

The strength of this Lord of Flame Flame is too terrible? Is he not a **** devil?

Wang Yan naturally did not reach the realm of the demigod demon king, but he has already inherited the blood lineage of the fire **** Zhurong. A genetic blood line has already undergone evolution and washing, and now he has been strengthened by the gene of the demon god. This is not everyone can be successful. Yes, the risk is great.

Of course, Wang Yan finally completed the bloodline evolution of that evil door, so his sturdy strength has long surpassed that of ordinary people.

Although there may be some gaps compared to the demigod, but in the S legendary level, his powerful strength is undoubtedly the top existence.

After a brief silence at the scene, Wang Yan's newly recruited slaves immediately shouted a cheer, and the cheers of Lord Lord of the Flames rose one after another.

These slaves are now regarded as Wang Yan admiring and admiring him. He is such a powerful and charismatic master. Where can they go?

Not to mention, this unique strength and the attitude of treating their slaves as humans are enough to make them willing to serve Wang Yan for life.

"I am a good boy, old, boss, seems to be stronger again!"

In front of the crowd, the confusing lord who helped maintain the scene and prevent the spread of shock. Seeing this scene in front of him, the blood was boiling.

When Wang Yan was the Lord of the Flame Flame, the first object to practice his hands was Lord of Confusion. It stands to reason that the Lord of the Red Confusion is indeed a young man among purgatory demon clan, but he can only meet Wang Yan's beating.

After this, Wang Yan gradually adapted to the power of the Purgatory Demon Clan, and launched a series of fierce battles with the powerful semi-god-level monster Yan Lake Master and the three princes of the Red Refining Demon King, all of which benefited Wang Yan. .

Not only will the newly acquired power of the Demon Race be blended and used freely, and after all the fierce battles with the strong, the precious meanings gained will eventually become Wang Yan's growing nutrients.

Perhaps the current Wang Yan has not achieved much improvement in strength and state, but the control of power and the ability to explode instantaneously have been greatly improved than when he just became the Lord of the Flame Flame.

This is why Wang Yan was able to easily resist Camus's assault, and also broke out again and counterattacked strongly.

"Master Camus ..."

Surrounded by the crowd, the dark elf Elsa clenched her fists nervously, her eyes staring anxiously at the collapsed wall.

Right now their leader has just recovered, can he win such a powerful Lord of the Flames?

"Believe in the leader, he was the one who led us to defeat the demon king." Enzo, the dark elf, with a determined look, muttered in Elsa's ear.

Before the words fell, Elsa's eyes immediately became solemn.

That's right, their leader, Camus, was the one who had led the team to block the **** demon king, and repelled the devil king, but could also retreat.

Although the Lord of the Flames is strong, he is not necessarily the opponent of their leader Camus.

at this time.

"Wow la la ..."

A burst of rubble was loose, under the collapsed wall, Camus, the thorn of shadow, pushed the rubble **** him with difficulty, and his heart jumped up.

"Master Magic Flame, are you a monster?"

Camus stared at Wang Yan staring blankly, opening his mouth with an unstoppable marvel.

The strong men he has seen in his life, and even the strong men he killed, are countless. But like Wang Yan, while wrestling with him, there was actually more energy to break out again. This terrifying force really made him a little caught off guard.

This is the violent force that almost completely suppressed him. Camus is not a person with no name, but Wang Yan in front of him really makes him feel stronger than ever, as if it is a mountain, making him insurmountable.

However, the real battle, especially the battle of life and death on the battlefield, decides the victory or defeat of life and death, often not only the gap between power, but also tactics, skills, experience, on-the-spot contingency, and many other factors.

The members of their Dark Blade Legion are all experts in this field, and he is the leader of the Dark Blade Legion.

He believes that the gap between strengths is not absolute, and with his ability, there may not be a chance to win.

Thinking of this, Camus, the Shadow Sting, regained his spirit again and said seriously: "Master Demon Flame, you are too strong. Don't dare to show mercy under your hands. If you hurt you later, don't blame it."

I have to say that as a young general next to the fallen demon Samel, the heir to the future leader of the dark elf, Camus of the Shadow Spire is very good in terms of personal strength and personal temperament.

Even if he fell to the point of being a slave, he still did not lose his temperament and respect for others.

This is an awe of power. Only by awe of power can we further control power. Coupled with the practice of servicing first, then these precious qualities have made Wang Yan very appreciated.

"Although some tricks are used, you won't win me."

Wang Yan looked relaxed and glanced at Camus, who, after receiving Wang Yan's words, dropped the rich dark magic energy again.

This is the magic fog caused by the dark energy, and one of his ways to transform the surrounding environment into his home field.

As the monster spreads, the shadow spike Camus slowly disappears, as if it has melted into the surrounding black mist, there is no trace at all.

Wang Yan looked around, slowly closing his eyes: "Come on!"


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