The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1456: My people dare to rob

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"Master Moyan, I'll go buy some ingredients and come back. You are here to chat with Father Hill."

The enchanting appraiser Zoe looked gentle and elegant at this time, and he did not see the strange and cunning appearance of the past.

She was like a young wife at this time. She filled the wine for Wang Yan and Master Hill and looked at the people who were enjoying her. Then she got up and asked to buy ingredients.

At present, so many people have to buy at least one hog animal and come back. No, there is also an ogre. This ogre alone can eat a whole hog animal.

"Alright, I asked some people to go with you." Wang Yan also understood Zoe's meaning. Now is a good time to gather Master Hill, so he motioned for several savage barbarian gladiators to accompany Zoe. Errands.

"No, the free market selling ingredients is here, and I'll just go." Said Zoe also shook a small ring on his finger. "I have a storage ring, so I can fit several heads Pig and beast, and everyone is very happy, I do n’t want to disturb their interest. "

Zoe was also kind, and Wang Yan promised.

"I'll be back soon." Zoe went out in a good mood.

As he passed by Camus at the door, Camus, who was still at the door, whispered, "Be careful."

Zoe froze for a moment, and didn't understand the deep meaning, but the vigilance habit she usually developed made her instantly more aware, so she nodded gently to Camus and then leaped towards the ingredients market.

After Zoe left, the braised pork was gone, but Wang Yan made other dishes with other ingredients.

His control of the flame has reached a very high level, so in terms of hot stir-fry or barbecue, his control of the fire is accurate and in place, plus the skills he used to cook in China in the past. So that these compatriots in Hell who have not eaten Chinese food, can't stop praising and shouting delicious.

In particular, the ogres with amazing appetite are not disturbing. They grabbed the plate and poured it into their mouths. The enjoyable look almost swallowed the plate.

This guy has already admired Wang Yan to the point of irreproachableness, and even licked the plate on the spot, droolingly said: "Master Demon Flame, I won't have any rewards for Ablon in the future, will you reward me braised pork?"

Such a ridiculous statement naturally caused other people to laugh, but at this time other slaves, as well as Red Confusion, Abuse, Master Hill, and others, were mostly like this.

Among them, Master Hill even took a big bite of skewers and took a sip of aged wine and sultry beauty. He said with emotion: "I did n’t expect Lord Mo Yan to have such a good skill. , My old guy is afraid that he will not be able to eat anything else. "

Master Hill was indeed astounded by Wang Yan ’s craftsmanship, but Wang Yan did not persuade him this time. Instead, he used the tricks of perseverance, changed patterns, and made more dishes, making the current atmosphere and cheers more and more.

At this time, the scene was full of enthusiasm, and people were quite harmonious. As the core of this group of people, Wang Yan also raised a very close image of the people in the eyes of these men and slaves. Their loyalty and admiration for him also increased continuously. At least for this team, they have gradually A sense of belonging.

However, while everyone was talking about the wine and was on the rise, Camus leaned on the door silently and finally stood up slowly, reporting: "Master Demon Flame, those people outside seem to be unable to bear it anymore. . "

"Huh? People outside?"

"Can't hold it? What can't hold it?"

All the people who were eating at the scene were stunned for a moment, and they all looked at Camus and Wang Yan in confusion.

The other two dark elves, Elsa and Enzo, naturally understood what was happening. The two of them each picked up a hunting bow and a simple two-handed sword on the counter of the blacksmith's shop, and then stood at Camus's. On his side, a ready-to-go look.

Until then, the people realized what was happening. Among them, the five barbarian gladiators had the highest fighting consciousness, and immediately got up everywhere in the blacksmith shop, and touched a weapon, a posture at any time.

Although the weapons in their hands are inferior and ordinary, they can still exert great power in the hands of those who are good at fighting.

As for the stronger ogren, he seems a little nervous. Anyway, he is not afraid of any battle. At this time, he reluctantly licks an empty plate and stares blankly at Wang Yan. You let me fight Whoever I am, I will fight.

"Master Demon Flame, what happened?" The master refiner Hill looked at Wang Yan with a puzzled look, a not-so-good hunch, and began to flood his mind.

"What else can we do? On the black market, unwilling to lose Zoe, he started to fight her." Wang Yan put down the wine pot and slowly stood up, showing his domineering spirit. "They are also brave enough, even this book The people the lord likes to dare to grab! "

"Zo, Zoe?"

The master of the training device was refreshed, and the face that had been drinking and drinking red immediately turned a little white. He already understood what had happened, and his eyes were full of nervousness, "Master Demon Flame, please make sure to keep Zoe safe."

Although he and Zoe were not their own fathers and daughters, he was raised by Zoe since childhood. The two are not biological but better than biological, and they have treated each other as relatives. If anything happened to Zoe, he would definitely not accept it.

"I will naturally save Zoe, but you and her father and daughter sympathize with each other. Will you just sit on the sidelines and stare?" Wang Yan rolled his eyes and asked harshly.

The refining master Hill's words were blocked, and his eyes shifted aside with some escape.

"Did you just escape the reality because of the discomfort in the past? Now even ignore Zoe's life and death?" Wang Yan continued to be aggressive, and Master Refiner Hill blushed, and his expressions exchanged between light and dark, becoming more complicated. .

"You understand the darkness and decay of the black market, and Zoe, who has grown up, will end like other slaves sooner or later, and no one will be spared." Wang Yan said calmly and coldly, "If the lord is not here today, don't you Watching Zoe's eyes open, traumatized? "

"I, I ..." The master refiner Hill had a sharp conflict. He didn't want to go out of the mountain. He didn't even want to shoot. He was worried that he would get involved in this complicated and cruel world of **** again. Then he would be helpless and unable to escape.

"No one in this world can be aloof, and all we can do is to take care of ourselves." Wang Yan looked at Master Hill's inner conflict, "I will not force you any more, but if you can even blindly see your loved ones in distress, that kind of thing What is the difference between living and living?

The master of refining, Hill, lowered his head. The intense inner conflict and concern for Zoe made him speechless for a long time.


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