The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1457: The old guy hides deep

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"Master Hill, your life here is just to deceive yourself, it will be broken sooner or later. Today is Zoe, and the next one will be you, you can't escape!"

Seeing the state of Hill, Wang Yan said, "But I can give you a chance to live an ideal life in the future. In the future, I will build a kingdom that belongs only to the lord. You and Zoe can live with you." Any life you want to live, and this lord can assure you that no one will bully you, and no force will interfere with you. "

"On this occasion, only this time, Master Hill is asked to consider it clearly." Wang Yan said solemnly and said slowly, "Whether to follow the lord to rescue Zoe, control his own destiny, and fight for a future for himself, or in This is a stolen life, and he will be at his mercy in the future.

"Master Hill, please choose!"

Wang Yan's cold drink filled with majesty was like a stick in the head, breaking through the shackles of Master Hill's mind.

At this juncture, the resentment that had accumulated in Hill's heart all the year round also seemed to find a breakthrough, and suddenly came out of his heart.

Hill's expression changed several times, but then he clenched his teeth and slap on the table in front of him.

Just listen to the loud noise of "Bang"!

The hard wooden table case in front of me was bursting with sound, but the palm of his hand was strong and his castration was unabated. He instantly smashed into the mountain rock for dozens of centimeters. Then, the whole hall was shrouded in a strong coercion.

All the people present, except Wang Yan, were shocked. Among them, the confusing Lord who had never concealed himself was even more shocked and said: "This old guy, hide it deeply!"

This powerful power, this unspeakable master Hill, is clearly a legendary strongman of the lord level!

Everyone was dumbfounded, but Wang Yan had expected it.

Not to mention that he once visited the home of the Tauren Master in China, the only master of the Tauren Refiner. For this kind of holy weapon, and even the forging of secondary artifacts, he has no skill. Can it be controlled?

It's just that refining masters are usually more focused on the tempering of skills, rather than evolving in the direction of force. Therefore, perhaps a master refiner is not as good as the usual legendary lord in terms of combat power, but his strength has actually reached the level of legend, and in terms of mental control, it may be much higher than some ordinary legendary lords.

"Senior Demon Flame, this old guy was confused before me."

Master, who has broken through his heart, guiltily told Wang Yan with guilt, "I must save Zoe, please let me go with you!"

Wang Yan's mouth slightly raised: "Go, what are you waiting for?"


At the same time, appraiser Zoe had just stepped out of the ingredients market and was about to return to Master Hill ’s blacksmith ’s shop. At this moment, a group of hooded hooded men suddenly disappeared from behind Zoe. The lane rushed out and caught Zoe with one hand.

These humans are extremely powerful and silent, even though Zoe was a little precautionary before, but in front of the opponent's absolute power suppression, she had no power to fight back.

"Save ... um!"

Zoe just wanted to exclaim, but the big man who caught her covered her mouth, and then dragged her towards the exit.

"Uh, uh!" Zoe struggled desperately, unintentionally pulled the hood of the big man, and then turned to look, that big man is actually the general guard of Dunba!

And on the side of General Dunbar, which one is slightly smaller, is another demon guard Cass!

Zoe was a little flustered inwardly. The two generals were ordered by the demon king and the prince Chilie. They had visited President Ned a few days ago to discuss the purchase of her. Later, they even dared to fight at the auction. Brutal Sovereign.

Obviously, both the demon king and the prince Chilie had purposes that some outsiders could not detect. The two demon kings clearly received certain death orders. Under the eyes of everyone, they dared to force people to catch people without any scruples.

Now she fell into the hands of the two demon guards, and the ending can be imagined.

"Shut up! Be honest with Lao Tzu!" The slightly older and burly General Dunbar glared Zoe fiercely. "If you dare to move more, this General will break your leg!"

"Huh! You cheap slave, should have belonged to our Prince Chilie. If it wasn't for the Lord of Flame Flame, you would have entered the Palace of Demon King!"

On the other side, General Cass, who was slightly more stern, gave Zoe a glare and saw Zoe no longer struggling. He quickly looked at Dunbar and said, "That Lord of the Flame Flame is not easy to mess with, let's leave here quickly. "

At the thought of the demon lord, who was so strong that Chilian had to make him three points, Dunpa straightened his heart, nodded and hurriedly greeted, and fled with his men towards the exit.

The pedestrian immediately began to shuttle through the complex and winding alleys of the free market.

But exactly this scene was discovered by the Hawks in the red light district above the tree house.

These tree houses, built in the red light district, are tens of meters high. Originally intended to add fun to the guests, they imitated the residence of the Hawk Tribe. However, the eagles who became slave girls now live above these tree houses, and with their sharper eyes than the eagle, they can almost see the entire free market.

At the moment, the appraiser Zoe was taken into captivity, which happened to be a slave of a Hawk Banshee. At first glance, the Banshee made a cry.

A harsh sound wave, like a falcon across the sky, attracted everyone's attention at once.

The alarming harpy, first swooped down from the tree house and rushed towards Zoe in a rush. And the more than twenty banshees who were notified also acted quickly, followed by a cry of eagle, and then resounded on everyone's head.

Some of these Hawks were even picking up passengers, but when they heard this alarm, they immediately kicked the man off their feet, followed their companions, and quickly chased away like Zomba ’s Donba and Kas. go with.

Among them were two more Hawks, who were separated from the team and quickly flew in the direction of Master Hill's blacksmith shop. They wanted to report to Wang Yan.

This is a force from the lower class. The reason why these harpy banshees do this is not unrelated to Zoe's mother and herself.

Zoe's mother was once the queen of a tribe of Hawks. At present, many slaves of Hawks in this black market are the subjects of Zoe's mother. In addition, after Zoe became the chief appraiser, he took care of the compatriot Hawks living in this black market. Therefore, when he saw Zoe in distress at this time, how could these surviving Hawks slaves sit idly by? Rational?

Even if they are treated as riots, they must keep Zoe safe.


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