The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1462: Unstoppable

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"Bang Bang Bang!"

In the chaos, a sound like the collision sound of morning bells, twilight drums, and the screams of the demon king's guards, one after another, endlessly.

It was this elite gladiator from the Ogre Crow Maul, Abulon Maul, that caused such a commotion.

Ogre Abron has been successfully promoted to the level of legendary lord with the help of life and death, and Wang Yan's personal help. This made him all cells, has been greatly refined and evolved. The power contained in his body almost made him comparable to the power of a dragon, which turned over several times!

At this time, the ogres Ablon, the breath is more restrained, but the temperament is more majestic, under the huge and sturdy body, a strong muscle full of explosive power, as if naturally.

Coupled with tough skin and a fierce appearance, he was like a giant bear rushing into the flock, raising his hands and throwing them in the foot with terrible power like a mountain.

Even though the ogre has lost the metal mallet before, every punch, every palm, every collision, he will be able to blast a few, even dozens of guards.

As long as the demon king's guards are bombarded by ogres, the shield will be twisted, the weapon will crack, and the armor will be dented.

Some demon king guards raised their spears and choppers, and attacked the ogre at their own risk, but found that a layer of legendary body protection had been attached to the surface of the other party ’s skin. Defense!

In fact, even without this layer of body protection, only the ogren's own tough skin is not a weapon that these devil's guards can easily penetrate.

Therefore, in this momentary peak, the ogres that charged ahead made the demon guards who stood in front of them feel the fear of going deep into the bone marrow.

"Listen, for the sake of the brutal master, you don't have to be too heavy to start, don't die."

Wang Yan followed closely, and added a light sentence. After hearing this, the Master of Abuse County was so moved that he almost didn't cry. At the same time, his resentment against the Demon King and his brothers increased a lot.

Of course, the reason why Wang Yan said so is actually different.

First of all, here is the home of Chilian Demon King. Although Chilian Demon King and his three sons are not here, it is not a joke that there are more than 100,000 guards and twelve leading generals in the entire city. If it is in wartime, the purgatory demons are all soldiers, the number is even greater.

Although the Guards Corps guarding the city is scattered throughout the fortresses of this huge city, no one except Red Demon Lord has the right to mobilize. The two demon protagonists, Dunbar and Kas, only risked defying orders and mobilized the two thousand guards they controlled.

However, once large-scale casualties occur in this city, Wang Yan and others will undoubtedly be regarded as the enemies of the riots, and the entire city's army will also take emergency measures to launch large-scale siege and killing of Wang Yan and others.

At that time, because of the conflict of escalation, causing unnecessary losses to him and his companions, it will be worth more than the gains.

Wang Yan can expect to see him as a nail in the eye, and the helpless Chilian Demon King and his forces will definitely take the opportunity to seize the excuse and hurt the killer against Wang Yan and others. This is also the reason why Dunbar and Kas, these two generals, fled towards the palace of the demon king, and at the same time wanted to lead Wang Yan.

There is the palace of the Red Refining Demon King, which gathers the most elite guard troops in the Great Fire City, with a number of tens of thousands, plus a more tricky warlock army, as well as fortifications, defense towers and many other defenses against the enemy. Even if it is a demigod demon king, it can't compete with the fortifications of the entire devil palace. Wang Yan and others dare to break into the devil palace, which is really a dead end.

This is just like the ant can kill an elephant if there are more ants. Once a certain amount of change has accumulated to a certain degree, a qualitative change will form. A large number of armies and related professional weapons and tools are gathered together, that is, qualitative change, even the top strong can not compete with a large army.

And once the demon king of Chilian, including his forces, grasped the handle and killed Wang Yan and others in a large-scale melee. Even if there is really a big force behind Wang Yan and others, there is no way to do it.

Therefore, Wang Yan will not be stupid enough to grab anyone ’s handle. At present, as long as it does not cause large-scale casualties and does not impact the Devil ’s Palace, the situation will only stay in conflict with the two Devil Generals, instead of crisising the entire Great Fire City. Security, and the riots ruled by the Red Demon King.

Therefore, after Wang Yan ordered it, most of his men could understand the truth.

But the ogre Ablon Giantmaul scratched his head and thought for a moment. What did he mean by Master Moyan? It is necessary to destroy all the obstacles that block the road, and not to kill people. To what extent?

Then the ogres figured it out, just beating them to death.


There was a ferocious roar, and the ogres were surrounded by the crowd, exerted their strength, and issued a shocking roar of battle. The powerful impulse shock wave is just like the internal force of Chinese traditional martial arts practice, and it will overwhelm all the dozens of demon guards around.

The road in front of him was emptied out.

Under the command of Wang Yan, the Lord of Red Confusion led five barbarian elite gladiators, following behind the ogres Abulon, and drove all the way forward. Wang Yan personally took the rest of his companions and his men, followed closely behind.

In this way, the group relied on the advantage of hitting first, as if the arrow that was ejected was lost, and shot into the stack of demon king's guards.

For a time, the screams of Hellhounds, the screams of the guards, the roars of ogres and barbarian gladiators, and the roaring and collapsing of armor colliding with the surrounding buildings were like a chaotic and high symphony In the majestic vast city of drifting fire, one after another staged.

Dunbar and Kas, who were still running, heard the chaotic noise and looked back, the soul was almost flying.

Behind the rampage, an ogre like an ancient behemoth, wielding a battle axe, the confusing lord who made the inferno fire tide and the five powerful and highly skilled barbarian gladiators, seemingly incomparable. The blocked beasts of water and floods are mourning everywhere, and the weapons that collapsed and the demon king's guard who couldn't resist, flew around.

After this vanguard unit, the most feared Lord of the Demon Flames was carrying the rest of his men as if the Demon King had come and approached at low altitude.

Once the Lord of Demon Flames approaches, will it still be?

Riding a **** dog, Cass, who was running behind Dunbar, immediately panicked the command: "What are you still doing? Let's release arrows! Use the Purgatory Rope!"

General Cass groaned so loudly that it did have an effect.

Those who were placed on the roofs of the two sides had two or three hundred crossbowmen. They quickly stood firm in the turmoil and all directed the crossbows in their hands to Wang Yan and others below.

The arrows used by these crossbowmen are all forged from purgatory steel, which has extremely high energy adhesion and can cause some damage to some high-level strong men.

The hellhorse cavalry equipped with **** wire is even more troublesome. They used a heavy crossbow to eject the wire mesh made of **** steel. Once captured, dozens of hundreds of **** dogs joined together, even if it was an ogre Ablon It will also be difficult to break free.

Once trapped by dense steel cable hinges, Wang Yan and others, even if they have the skill, will be like trapped beasts in cages and difficult to perform. For a long time, I am afraid that under the attack of the dense crossbows and the demon king's guards, he will fall down with hatred.


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