The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1463: Short hand in hand

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However, things did not develop as expected by General Cass. Just as the crossbowmen placed above the roof were just about to launch their attacks, two silver-haired shadows flew into the formation of the crossbowmen.

These two black figures with silver hair and silver pupils are the dark elves Elsa and Enzo.

Elsa held an ordinary hunting bow, and the arrow she used was also a common commodity from the Hill Blacksmith's Shop, but this ordinary weapon played an unexpectedly powerful role in her hands.

She was tossing around in the hands of those demon king ’s guards, extremely dexterous. Sometimes she used a hunting bow to shoot at a near range and sometimes used martial arts to catch and kick. In short, she was like an impenetrable flying butterfly. Dancing alone in the crowd.

Coupled with her black magic energy, it is an extremely rich manifestation of dark energy, which is very corrosive to most living creatures. So with every blow she made, there must be an enemy who howled down and fell off the roof.

Even if it is just rubbed and touched, the strong dark energy will also cause serious corrosion and damage to the bodies of those demon guards.

On the opposite side of Elsa, the dark elf Enzo dragged to the dark devil qi, holding a two-handed sword from the Hill blacksmith's shop in his hand. His swordsmanship was very superb and his skill was extremely agile. , Rushing into the hands of the demon king's guards is like chopping melons and vegetables, opening and closing, as if no one was there.

Often those demon-guard crossbowmen haven't had time to react, they will be hit by a sword energy concentrated in dark energy, and fell to the ground miserably.

Of course, both Elsa and Enzo understood the meaning of Wang Yan, and his shot was not fatal, but under the erosion of dark energy, those guards of the crossbowmen were half dead, and it was inevitable that life was better than death.


"Don't come here! Ah!"

"Where is the dark elf ?!"

"Come, come and shoot him! Uh!"

Rows of rows above the roof suddenly made a mess. Those demon king's guards of crossbowmen suffered a big loss by surprise, and when the reaction came, they were difficult to use because of too many companions and too close distance. When they drew their daggers and prepared to fight Elsa and Enzo, they had already lost their opportunities.

Coupled with their abilities and strength levels, where can a master like Elsa and Enzo compare? Dunbar and Kas, the two magic generals, carefully prepared for Wang Yan's killing tricks, and were instantly disrupted.

However, there were still a lot of arrows lost. During the first round of attacks, he shot at Wang Yan and others, but under Wang Yan ’s command, Lydia raised his staff in his hand, activated the necklace on the neck and unfolded it. Powerful wind defense skills-the guardian of the goddess of wind.


Only listening to a gust of wind, a layer of nearly invisible wind barriers, all wrapped up Wang Yan and others.

The arrow that was shot seemed to hit a layer of invisible wall. Except for the water ripples that hit the stars, the barrier was not damaged.

However, this powerful guardian skill cost Lydia a lot of magic. Without the assistance of inheriting the holy crow and human staff, she could not extend the guardian barrier to such a large range. In addition, such defensive guarding is only temporary. Once the magic power is exhausted, this defensive barrier will naturally disappear.

Fortunately, the crossbowmen on the roof have been mostly attracted to Elsa and Enzo, all of them are tired of coping, it is difficult to take care of Wang Yan and others below, and the arrows lost are very limited. Wang Yan and others could not form any actual harm.

A wave of crossbow crises was so skillfully resolved by Wang Yan, but the real crisis was actually those hellhorse cavalry.

These Hellhound cavalry have extremely high mobility and impact. The impact of the charge is huge, and they are also equipped with purgatory cables. It can be said that this set of equipment is for dealing with high-level strongmen, or It is carefully designed for large creatures.

But unfortunately, the two magic generals, Dunbar and Kas, were too afraid of the power brought by Wang Yan. They also pulled the Hellhorse cavalry into the streets of the city and mixed them with a large number of guard infantry. More can bring advantages.

But they forgot that in the narrow streets full of buildings, the burly hellhorse cavalry had a hard time functioning. In addition, the surrounding surroundings are filled with guard infantry, which makes the city streets that are not spacious enough to become more crowded.

Under such circumstances, the Hellhound cavalry not only lost their mobility, but even their powerful slashes were difficult to perform.

While facing the arrow rain, Wang Yan immediately ordered to everyone around him: "Everyone just attack the **** dogs around!"

As soon as these words came out, more than thirty eagle body demon behind Wang Yan threw their talents, wind blade, thunder arrow, lightning chain and other magic on the **** dogs on both sides.

These **** dogs are large and difficult to avoid in crowded places, so either the blood cut by the wind blade is dripping, or the body is paralyzed by electricity, and the fur is burnt.

The **** dogs are very strong themselves. These low-level magic can't hurt their lives, but the pain makes them roar and grow more and more restless and difficult to control.

At this time, more than ten succubus behind Wang Yan, under the leadership of Wang Yan's pet charmer, undoubtedly added fuel to this riot and made the whole scene completely erupt.

"Cough, cute puppy, come and play with my sister for a while?"

With a whisper of laughter, more than a dozen succubus, led by the legendary charmer, spread a large piece of charm to the **** dogs on both sides.

These **** dogs were originally under harassment and attack, and their emotions were restless. This time they were controlled by the charm technique, and they were all crazy.

Suddenly, the loyal Hell Dog suddenly showed his fierce fangs to his companions, or took the cavalry master and began to run wildly in the narrow streets.

Those Hellhound cavalry had no time to project the Purgatory Rope, and they were all dropped to the ground one by one, even being bitten and stepped on by their own mounts.

The most unlucky ones were those demon kings ’guards, who suddenly began to suffer enemies, not only to face the frontal charge of the violent ogres and the confusing lords, but also there were one or two hundred mad **** dogs behind him. , Making them miserable.

"No, isn't it ..."

"With only a few slaves, the two thousand guards were crushed by half!"

"Master Lord Mo Yan, he and he, how did he do it?"

At this time, the guards responsible for the gate after the break, Qi Qi issued a shocking argument.

They are just the most basic security guards in this city. This time, they were sent by the two demons of Dunbar and Kas to assist the demon king's guards, and they were responsible for blocking the path of the Lord of the Flame Flame.

But they never dreamed that it was just a round of confrontation, but a few breathing skills before and after. In the past, the demon king's guards who used their nostrils to watch people, half of them were washed down, and the whole guard was caught. It's a mess.

This makes them basic guards, shocked and happy.

If it were n’t for the Lord of Flames, they would n’t have seen them in this life. The guards who used their nostrils to watch people on weekdays had such awkward times.


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