The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1465: For braised pork

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Like the sound of a dagger piercing into the leather, although Camus, the Shadow Stinger, does not have a weapon, he uses the energy of dark energy to form double-edged blades, as if endless.

General Cass's outstretched hands were penetrated by Camus's double-edged blades, and then nailed to the ground.

At the same time, Cass's shoulders, waist and abdomen, and legs were all nailed into the double blades of the transformation under the instant attack of Camus.

The rich dark energy in the transforming blade instantly dispelled the strength of General Cass's body. The dead energy in the dark energy, which was fatal to the living creatures, also began to corrode General Cass' body and flesh.

General Cass's wound was immediately blackened and eroded under the influence of corrosion, and he was nailed to the ground with his face up, like an insect specimen nailed on the page of the book with a thumbtack. Move more.

This is the power of light and life, the relative darkness and death, even if it is just touched, it will cause serious damage to living things, not to mention that it is like Camus, which turned into a sharp blade and directly penetrated into Cass. In the body.

"I don't know what is alive, but spare you a dog's life first."

Camus lowered his eyes, sneered contemptuously, then flashed into the shadow of the corner, disappeared again, as if he had never appeared.

Camus moved extremely fast, and finished all this, but before and after the effort between breathing. And the combat skill he is best at is the unexpected assassination. The more chaotic the battle situation, the better for him.

If you do n’t follow Wang Yan ’s intention at the moment, prevent the situation from expanding and avoid harming yourself. He had already given this devil Cass a fatal blow when he was just lighting up, instead of temporarily abolishing his ability and crucifying him. It's on the ground.

"Damn elf dog, you, you are waiting for this general! This general will never be able to spare you!"

General Cass was beaten and disabled by sneak attack, trembling with rage and roaring again and again.

Assassination attacks naturally have the advantage of assassination attacks. People with superb assassination skills often take advantage of their lack of preparation, and can kill each other in one shot. But if you do a head-to-head battle, you won't say the outcome, Tacas thinks he won't be so miserable.

At the thought of this, he became more and more annoyed in his heart. With a surge of anger, he wanted to break through the erosion of dark energy.

But at this moment, a series of roaring screams began to spread into his ears.

Cass stiffened his neck and squinted, his eyes suddenly spit out, and he quickly panicked: "No, don't wow!"

"Well !!"

A wail of sorrow traversed the sky, and the original demon guards, who had been rushed to the ground, all fled backwards under the strong impact of Wang Yan's team.

The galloping **** dogs, and the guards that filled the entire street, all stomped over from the body of General Cass.

General Cass, who made the second big disaster, naturally ended up with a broken bone, which was terrible.

Since the development of the situation, half of the big cities of Liuhuo have fallen into chaos, and the entire city crowd has been attracted by the fighting here.

Especially in this area as a battlefield, houses collapsed, roads cracked, and howling roared.

Fortunately, this resident was cleaned up by the Demon King's Guards. The civilians had no casualties, but the more than 2,000 Demon Kings' Guards gathered here suffered heavy losses.

At this moment, Wang Yan spread the magic wings to glide at low altitude, overlooking the entire battlefield.

Seeing that the Demon King's guard was in chaos right now, knowing that it was a good time to break the lineup, he immediately urged the ogren who was the front striker to urge the order: "Who can break through the enemy line first, the lord will reward him with two pounds of braised meat ! "

"Two or two pounds of braised pork ?!"

As soon as the ogre heard the word, his eyes were red. When the spit drooled, the whole person was as excited as the chicken blood.

"Go away for Lao Tzu! Roar!"

For the sake of two pounds of braised pork, the fighting spirit of the ogre Ablon Giantmaul was completely inspired. He immediately raised a battle roar in the sky, and the talented bloodthirsty skill from the ogres exploded in an instant!

At this moment, the ogre was already very powerful and fierce, and once again madly increased, a terrible muscle full of wildness, once again expanded and condensed, even his body surface was flushed with blood.

Ogre's bloodthirsty technique, but only the most elite top ogres can inspire talent skills. Once the show is successful, they will inspire the most brutal and primitive beasts in their hearts. They will become extremely fanatical and full of warfare, regardless of strength, speed, or resistance to attack, will be greatly improved.

So once a certain ogre begins to perform bloodthirsty, there is no doubt that this ogre will start desperately.

But for the ogres desperate for two pounds of braised pork, I'm afraid there is only Ablon Giantmaul.

"Mom, **** it!"

"Then, that ogre is crazy! Hurry, run!"

"Ooo! Ooo ..."

The ogres Ablon Giantmaul who exhibited bloodthirsty techniques, a fierce and perhaps violent resource, reached the point of being exciting.

Not to mention the guards, even the dogs are afraid.

Those **** dog hells, regardless of whether they were disturbed by the spirit of the succubus, at this time, as soon as they smelled the sweat and odor on the ogre, they were all like ghosts, and they ran with their tails "whooping".

Otherwise, there is only one way to be overtaken by the ogres. After all, Wang Yan said, do n’t kill people, but you ca n’t kill dogs.

"Aw, roar! For braised pork!"

The ogres were full of war. He picked up a big trailer pulling goods from the side of the road. He was like a mallet in his hand, and ran forward.

The big trailer was made of steel anyway. It was five or six meters long and three or four meters wide. It was very heavy, but it was like a toy in the hands of an ogre.

He just smashed left and right all the way, and the place he passed was like being disturbed by a hurricane, the house collapsed, the rubble and the enemy flew around, and even the ground under his feet seemed to be lifted off several layers.

"I'm a little bit grinning, for the braised pork, as for?"

Lord Chew and the five barbarian gladiators around him united in shame. They also wanted to eat braised pork, but they couldn't really grab the goods right now.


With a roar, the ogre lifted the heavy trailer with both hands and slammed forward.


A series of powerful roars roared past, and the last wave of the Demon King's Guard was finally smashed by the ogre.

At this point, Wang Yan and his team finally broke through under the obstruction of the Demon Guard.

"After the confusion led others to break, we continue to chase!"

Wang Yan also changed his position again at this time. As he waved with one hand, the striker began to turn into the back. The leader of the Red Confusion led five barbarian gladiators and immediately stood on the street behind Wang Yan, blocking the entire street Full of dangdang.

At this time, the high-spirited ogres continued to open the way ahead, and Wang Yan himself continued to chase away with the rest.

"It's over, things, things are making a big deal!"

In front of General Dunbar desperately fleeing, his forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

His mouth was dry and his heart was beating wildly, but he dared not look back, fearing that he would see Wang Yan's angry face when he turned around.

But at this moment, he was driving the **** dog and finally crossed the city street.

Looking up, a large and magnificent square has appeared in front of him.


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