The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1466: Hurry up, this girl is going to send a shot

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"Hahaha, God is helping me too!"

General Dunbar saw that he had escaped from the city and entered this magnificent large square. He couldn't help but feel a joy and couldn't help laughing.

Because there is a dozen miles of Noda Square along this square, looking straight ahead, the towering building in front of it like a mountain is the Devil's Palace!

As long as he reached the Devil's Palace, his plan was successful, at least he would be safe.

Although he never expected that the combat effectiveness of Wang Yan's team would be so strong. Because of them, they actually made things to this point.

The entire area behind him is almost destroyed, causing such a turmoil. It can be said that no matter whether it is successful or not, he and Kas are probably unavoidable.

But as long as Zoe, who has the real eye, is forced back, and there is a conflict with Lord Lord Moflame and the Sovereign Sovereign, there will be a conflict. He and Kas don't care.

And if Zoe, who has the real eye, really has a great effect on Chilian Demon King and Prince Chilie, maybe the guilt will be alleviated by then, and there will be no sin to death.

But if it just falls into the hands of the raging Demon Lord and the Cruel Lord, then his life is over. Even if it is a lucky chance to survive in the hands of Mo Yan, the brutal master of the revenge heart is estimated to torture him to disability!

"Never, never fall into your hands!"

At the thought of this, General Dunbar couldn't help but shudder, worrying about kicking the hellhound mount again, and letting the already running white foamy hellhound desperately look forward to running again.

"No, it's not good ..."

Appraiser Zoe was suppressed by Dunbar with force, and was lying on the back of the **** dog at this time, making it difficult to move. But she glanced over her eyes and could already see the towering Demon Palace from afar. She knew that as long as he gave this Dunpa a little more time, he could rush down to the Demon Palace, and then Lord Moflame wanted to save her again. There is no hurry.

But at this moment, she had no other choice but to pray silently in her heart: "Master Demon Flame, hurry up!"

"Silly big guy, run fast, this girl will give him a shot!"

Following Wang Yan's team, under the direction of Wang Yan, Lydia fell to the ogre's shoulder with a light body technique, then raised her crow and cane in her hand and whispered. The mantra, "Cut the ground gently, the air rushes like a blade!"

"Hurl!" The ogres couldn't help shivering when they heard the familiar mantra.

Although he didn't understand the human slave girl, he was talking about what it meant, but the magic that the human slave girl exerted was really terrible!

What's more, there is still an inheritance holy hand in hand. Now that the human slave girl is casting magic, even if he has broken through to the legendary level, he does not dare to hard connect.

As the saying goes, he is willing to gamble to lose. As a traditional **** creature, he previously lost to Lydia. At this time, he is also convinced and full of respect for this human slave girl.

Hearing Lydia's meaning at this moment, the ogre immediately changed the stance of the head before running, and began to chase forward quickly and steadily.

Outside world creatures like Hell World, the evolutionary path is the same as the creatures on earth, and they all follow the laws of nature. So some species are good at running, some species are good at attacking.

In the same level, it is obvious that the species that is good at running is undoubtedly faster and has stronger endurance. As a result, the fast, explosive, and aggressive Hellhound was domesticated into a mount by the Purgatory Demon Race.

Dunbar's mount is a leader-level **** dog that is capable of half-step S-class. Speaking of running speed, it is faster than ordinary legendary masters, and the endurance is stronger.

But the ogre itself is a species full of primitive wildness. Perhaps in the long-distance attack, a fat ogre is no better than a healthy **** dog. However, in a short sprint, the powerful ogres are like a running rhinoceros, and the speed is not slow at all.

As for Wang Yan, he is actually faster and more agile now, but he also wants to test his specific abilities and cooperation now. In the future, there are too many places that need to use these men. Now in this battle, It is undoubtedly the best test for him.

Therefore, before the distance from Dunbar was not really opened, he did not rush to shoot, but calmed down, like a real commander, gave it to his hands to do it.

"Haha, an ogre and a human slave girl, also want to chase my **** dog leader, dream!"

Dunbar glanced towards the rear secretly, and could not help but laugh again, and urged his mount again, "Hurry, run fast! You idiot!"

He is not far away from Wang Yan and others who are chasing behind him. As long as he is a little slower for a second or two, he loses the state of high-speed attack at the moment, and he will be chased or the top of his head next time The harpy banshees stuck together.

So now he dare not stay at all, even if he ran to death by his mount, he could not slow down.

However, at this moment, a strong wind breaking sound suddenly came from behind him!

The violent sense of crisis made Dunba's body covered with cold hair, and he couldn't help glancing backwards. He suddenly came to the terrifying scene of himself, and almost didn't scare his soul out.

"Hey, what the **** is this magic ?!"

Dunbar's heart was beating wildly, and he saw a terrible powerful wind blade exaggerated behind him. Then he couldn't avoid it, so he had to give up his mount, dragging Zoe in a panic and rushing to the side.

This wind blade is indeed terrible and tight, the source of the wind blade is naturally Lydia standing on the shoulder of the ogre.

Now she has a full combat experience, all kinds of magic are easy to use, and with the help of the inheritance of the holy crow and the human scepter, just two or three breaths, one through the superposed eightfold wind blade, has been brewed. .

At the beginning, she was suppressed in the B-level field level in the slave arena, and she used her strong spiritual power to superimpose the eight-fold wind bomb, defeating the powerful ogre in one fell swoop, and almost died.

Now she not only restored her strength, but also inherited the help of the Holy Artifact in her hands. The eight-fold wind blade brewed from this, and its terrifying power, naturally far exceeds the original.

Just in front of everyone, this outrageous wind blade, the diameter of the half moon shape, I am afraid that there are several small buildings as tall, powerful and concentrated wind elements, condensed and true, making this wind blade surface as bright and beautiful as the moonlight , Sharp and compelling.

As the wind blade was released with great force, cold sweats were scared out of the ogre that served as Lydia's mount.

Everyone looked at this creepy eight-fold wind blade, and strongly cut the hard ground, dragging the long tail all the way, carrying the high-pressure fluctuations that even the air oscillated, and shocked the ground all the way. The huge gully, all the way to the back of Dunbar!


At that moment time seemed to be still.

Dunbar dragged Zoe and fell to the ground in embarrassment. On the side of him, the **** dog, who also felt a severe crisis, was cut into two segments in an instant when he was scared to urinate.

The **** urine of the **** dog didn't even have time to bark, and the whole body kept running forward, but the body turned into two bodies with neat cuts, and fell heavily to both sides.

And the terrible eight-fold wind blade continued to run forward for hundreds of meters, and then gradually subsided. With the disappearance of the wind blade, the hard and neat square ground left a huge gully of nearly a thousand meters!

The brutal trace was shocking.


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