The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1470: Instantaneous reversal

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"Miss, don't think that you are the daughter of His Majesty the Demon King, you can ignore it! Now you are bringing an outsider ..."

Emeryson, the strategist of the Inferno, was indeed stunned by the slap of the brutal master, and his heart was anxious and angry, and the momentum condensed from his body was dissipated by the embarrassing atmosphere.

But after all, the other party was the devil ’s daughter-in-law, and he was not easy to attack. He had to hold his stomach resentful, preparing to raise his spirit and re-establish his prestige.

But before he had finished speaking, he was pointed at his nose by the brutal prince, and scolded again: "Huh! You old, eye-catching old thing, indiscriminately, help the chaotic thief of Dunpa, and ask our Xingshi criminal, What is your intention? "

After being so shouted by the brutal master of the county, this matter is starting to become confused.

In particular, the tens of thousands of guards surrounded by the scene and the other five generals who were sitting in the guards. They originally thought that the foreign lord, Mo Yan, was making trouble in the city, and all of them were fighting with the enemy. The Lord shouted like this, but shook them one by one.

These demon king guards and demon generals can't help but start to think, isn't this what they imagined? Is n’t Lord Lord Mo Yan making trouble, there are other reasons?

Emerson, the infernal strategist who was angered in front of him, had a deep heart in his heart, and his face turned black and black.

He is the confidant of Chilian Demon King, and like Chilian Demon King, he naturally has no good intentions for this Lord of Demon Flames. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill the Majesty of Lord Demon Flames. It's extremely embarrassing to be out of the station.

"Miss Brutality made a serious statement. How could the old deceased help Domba to ask your teacher to blame? It's just that there is such a large-scale fighting in the city, and the old decay will always ask Master Moyan for a statement."

Emerson suffocated his grievances, but he didn't dare to stubbornly confront the brutal master. He had to turn his shadowy eyes to Wang Yan behind him.

Although he wasn't sure what happened, he still instinctively favored himself, that is, General Dunbar who held Zoe.

Now that such a big event happened, he didn't believe it, and then he couldn't find a handle on Wang Yan and the others. At that time, he must take back the lost face on Wang Yan and others!

"Ask the lord to ask for a comment? Haha, it's so funny! That's how your famous Devil's Palace is censored?" Wang Yan laughed contemptuously, and then turned his eyes casually, "Why don't you ask the Dunpa, see Look at the generals of your Demon Palace, what is happening right now? "

Emerson was ridiculed by Wang Yan and was deflated again. His old face was almost green.

He is not nonsense at the moment. He turned his eyes angrily to Dunbar, and his eyes were vigorously signaled to Dunbar, as if as long as Dunbar gave a good reason, he would immediately order the shot. Forgive this Lord Mo Yan and his men.

"This, the cause of this matter, is all because of the Lord of the Demon Flames! Sir Emerson, you must do justice for me!"

General Dunbar's eyes lit up, as if he saw a savior, he quickly grabbed Zoe's neck and shouted to Emerson, "Prince Chire ordered me and Kas to buy this Zoe, and Bring it back to the Devil's Palace. I have negotiated with Kas and Chairman Neder on the black market, and I was about to take this female slave Zoe away, but the magic flame actually made a stalk from it, and wanted to take this female slave away! It was lawless and fundamental. Do n’t take our Chilian Demon King and Devil Palace into consideration! "

"In desperation, General Kas and I had to flee, but the demon flame was chased down to this point. Now General Kas doesn't know the life and death. If it's not a sir, you will arrive in time, and they will even kill me! "

Dunbar said that the compassion was touching, and she burst into tears. In addition, his neck was still caught by Camus, and he couldn't help but increase his conviction.

"Mo Yan! What else do you have to say?"

Emeryson, the strategist of the Inferno, finally found the handle, and immediately slammed, "Dare to do anything in our city of Liuhuohuo, and catch without a good hand!"


The surrounding guards were also fanned by Dunbar's words, and immediately shouted, Qi Qi pointed his weapon at Wang Yan and others, and the expressions were filled with righteous indignation.

Facing the fierce devil and the guard, Wang Yan instead sneered with a calm expression: "Lord Lord is still the same sentence, is your devil's palace reviewing things like this? Really disgraceful."

"What do you mean?" Emerson's face was so ugly that he couldn't understand it. Even now, this demon lord is not afraid of begging for mercy. Why dare to laugh at him again and again? Could it be that the head of the magic flame was terrified?

"Open your dog's eyes, take a good look!"

Wang Yan sneered, it seemed rare to talk nonsense with him, but just raised his hand and showed a skin contract in front of everyone.

The people present are all fighting races with outstanding abilities. Even if they are far away, they can still see the words on the animal skin contract clearly.

In just a few breaths, the tortuousness has gradually become clear.

"This is the female slave's contract of self-sale. Your gang of wine bags will open your eyes to Miss Ben and take a good look!"

The brutal lord of the cruel county pinched his arms, and once again met the guards around the devil's palace, screaming angrily, "I and Master Moyan have already bought this female slave, which is the two chaotic thieves of Dunbar and Kas, secretly Taking away the female slaves who belonged to us, I and Master Moyan were helpless and had to chase down. These two thieves were still set aside in the middle, trying to kill me and Master Moyan! "

"Now you're better, don't catch the criminals, but face each other with Lord Sword and Lord Magic Flame's swordsman? Is that how our guards of the Royal Palace in the Great Fire City do this? The Lord Sister really feels embarrassed for his father!"

The brutal lord looked around, eloquently speaking, and his face was filled with disappointment and indignation.

Tens of thousands of guards and five demon generals all felt embarrassed. The weapons in their hands could not be lifted anymore. They did n’t wait for Emerson ’s order. After looking at each other, they put their weapons back together. He stared fiercely at Dunbar and Emerson on the other side.

Isn't it playing them? With this method, they now feel ashamed of themselves.

Although the world of **** is full of chaos and violence, social operations still follow some constant rules. For example, this contract of self-sale, has a slave's self-sale contract, and signed on it to leave the spiritual imprint of both parties, then who this slave belongs to.

This approach is simple and clear, and has legal effect. At the moment, Wang Yan and the Brutal Lord have Zoe ’s slave contract. Obviously, Zoe belongs to Wang Yan and Brutal Lord. The Dunbar and General Kas dare to steal Zoe, which is a violation of the law of hell. .

Furthermore, as the officials of the Red Refining Demon King, two generals, Dunbar and Kas, dared to take the initiative to the daughter of the Red Refining Demon King, that is, tortured county, which is a felony in rebellion in hell.

The surrounding demon guards and the five demons who came to support them were not stupid. They did not dare to challenge the traditional laws of **** since ancient times. They naturally stood on the side of Wang Yan and the cruel master.

The situation reversed instantly.


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