The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1471: This is not over yet

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"I, I rely on!"

Seeing the slave contract in Wang Yan's hands, tightly grasping Zoe's General Dunba, his eyes suddenly burst into shock, and he couldn't help but burst out a slur.

He was really countless, never thought that Zoe's slave contract was actually in the hands of the Lord of the Demon Flames, and it was impossible for him to be the black market's president of Ned. Sold to Lord Moflame?

No, isn't it?

The Nid told them personally that Zoe was born of a slave, and there was no sale or purchase. The contract that recorded Zoe ’s identity did not know where it was lost, so they went back and forced Zoe to sign a new one. Contracts will do.

Dunbar felt a bit dizzy in his head and his heart twitched in a panic. Now it seems that the President of the Dog Day, Nieder, deceived them sturdily. The Nieder President simply drove them to death?

It's over, I don't know how to die this time.

Speaking of this, President Ned was indeed a little helpless, because he had been forced to sell Zoe to Wang Yan long before Dunbar and Kas started. So at that juncture, he had no choice but to cheat.

"Fuck! Don't let the slave girl go?"

Emeryson's politician trembles with anger. He carefully read the contract three or four times. No matter it is the year of the contract leather or the content of the text, there is nothing wrong with it. He also scanned the contract with mental strength. Spiritual imprints also have no fake elements.

Therefore, the judgment was wrong and embarrassing Emerson had to vent his anger and dumped on Dunbar. This reckless idiot, making things like this, is simply to death!

"Ai, Chief Emerson, you, you listen to me explain, things are like this, me, I was deceived by the president Ned, me, me, me ..."

Dunbar was flustered and suffocated in his heart. He still dared not let go of Zoe and hurriedly begged to explain to Emerson.

However, he had just spoken, and was strongly interrupted by Emerson: "Fuck! I let you let go!"

Emerson's whole person's momentum was violent because of anger, and his old but fierce eyes seemed to tear his eyes apart.

Dunbar shuddered, and the resentment and unwillingness in his heart reached a point where he couldn't add more. But now he had no choice but to let go of the big hand that gripped Zoe's neck slowly.

Upon seeing this, Camus, who threatened Dunbar, also put away his sharp fingers, and came to Zoe in a flash, and then took Zoe several leaps and fell to Wang Yan.

"Cough, cough ... Lord Demon, Demon Flame, Zoe, you know you will come to save me ..."

In front of Wang Yan, Zoe's pretty face was ruddy, her face full of little happiness. However, he was controlled by Dunbar for too long, and he could not speak. As a result, there was a dry cough.

"No need to speak first, let's look at the famous Devil's Palace, how to deal with this matter."

Wang Yan rubbed Zoe's supple hair casually, with a calm expression and full of grace. Zoe was more shy and obedient, and bowed his head honestly to the side.

Such a scene leads to the envy of all the eagle body succubus and succubus slaves behind them, and those succubus now more and more respect the demon lord who is Wang Yan's incarnation. In their view, this Lord of Demon Flame with coexistence of charm and power is simply a perfect master. If they can get the favor of Lord Demon Flame, they are the ones who are captured, and they are willing.

"Fuck things, kneel!"

Without waiting for Dunbar to have any objections, Emerson, the strategist of the Inferno, as the head of his Demon Palace, slapped him to the ground with a slap.

Afterwards, he even led his followers, bowed respectfully to Wang Yan and the Master of Abuse, and said apologetically, "Master Demon Flame, Miss Abuse, this matter is old and sloppy. It is also us The mismanagement of the Devil's Palace made the **** irritate the two, and the old man apologized to the two. "

There are so many people at the scene, so many eyes, even if there are 10,000 reluctances in the heart of the prison strategist Emerson, at this time, he can only respectfully apologize.

Emerson then reached out and greeted the entourage to bring a box.

"This is a little bit of the old man's heart. Please also ask Master Moyan and Miss Brutality not to refuse." Emerson was very sincere. He handed the small wooden box with exquisite decoration to the front of Wang Yan and Brutal Master.

Wang Yan opened the lid of the box, and inside was a whole box of gleaming magic crystal coins, roughly counting at least 3,000 coins.

"The old deceased was undoubtedly offended. Please forgive me." Emerson proactively apologized and asked for forgiveness. Afterwards, he did not wait for Wang Yan to speak, and continued to speak out. Ten thousand magic crystal coins with Miss Cruel Absolute will be used as a little compensation for our poor management of the devil palace. "

Having said that, he bowed deeply and apologized respectfully.

As the saying goes, wealth is moving, and money can make ghosts grind. Emerson's shot is 3,000 magic crystals, which is a private gift of apology, and then 10,000 magic crystals are allocated on behalf of the devil's palace as compensation.

In Hell, a magic crystal is worth 3,000 gold coins, which is roughly equivalent to one gram of fire pith. Therefore, even if these 13,000 magic crystals are among the **** lords, it is a very generous sum of money.

Coupled with this sincere attitude of Emerson, it can be considered sincere. At least in the eyes of so many onlookers around, such compensation can still be justified. In terms of the pressure of public opinion, he and the Devil's Palace will also reduce a lot .

But at this time, Emerson, who bent his old waist to 90 degrees and respectfully apologized, was very helpless in his heart. He was also very painful for the loss of a lot of money.

But at present he has no way to do so. He actively apologizes for his mistakes, and actively compensates himself. It can be regarded as giving himself a step. It is always a shame.

Besides, General Dunbar is now committing a felony, and he also has offenses. If he does not coax the two difficult ancestors of Mo Yan and Cruelty, he will fear that Emerson will not have a good life. Too.

"Depending on your sincerity, the lord now accepts your personal apology." Wang Yan casually glanced at the old warlock Emerson in front of him.

Right now this old warlock is indeed a stratagem, and in the eyes of everyone, he has done this, and he is not easy to make too much trouble, and it is no problem to accept his personal apology.

Seeing Wang Yan's men's financial resources accept the apology, Emerson couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, at least he could clear the relationship with the stupid Dunpa.

But just as Emerson made a lot of laughs and tried to straighten his waist, a "wait" came to his ears.

"Emerson, you don't think you will lose some money, can this be the case? The lord lacks this little money?" Wang Yan spoke again casually, and the old warlock Emerson suddenly panicked.


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