The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1472: No, get compensation

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Wang Yan said that there is no shortage of money, but his men have packed the box of magic crystal coins into the storage ring.

"No, I don't know Lord Moyan, what other instructions?"

Faced with Wang Yan's impenetrable gaze, Emerson was in a panic.

He couldn't help wiping a cold sweat in his heart, secretly nervously thinking that he had heard that the Demon Lord Lord was difficult to deal with. Now it seems that this matter is going to be resolved, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

"Look at your lord's men yourself."

Wang Yan pointed to the slaves behind him, and said impatiently, "Because of your management errors, many of my weapons were damaged and my body was injured. Do you think they should not be compensated?"

After such a long and fierce battle, the weapons that were randomly taken from the blacksmith's shop have already been broken. The slaves who were previously injured have many cracks in their wounds. Therefore, Wang Yan feels that the Royal Palace will not be compensated , I'm really sorry for myself.

"It's easy to say, I will represent the Devil's Palace, and allocate two thousand magic crystal coins as medicine and treatment costs for Lord Moyan."

When Emerson heard it, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He thought he thought it was a big deal, but some slaves only, how much can it be worth? So he hurriedly said, "In addition, I will let someone else equip you with a weapon, and give you an extra set of equipment for our Devil's Palace."

Emerson said it was very atmospheric, and quickly ordered people to deliver the equipment and weapons they delivered.

The extra money was naturally put into Wang Yan's storage ring. A total of 15,000 magic crystal coins compensation, Wang Yan is still acceptable.

However, after seeing the equipment and weapons delivered, Wang Yan couldn't help but give Emerson a white eye and ridiculed without hesitation: "The director of your devil's palace is planning to use this garbage to send this lord? Is it because your devil's palace is too poor or sour, or you, the general manager, don't think the people of this lord are worth it? "

As soon as Emerson heard, he yelled and scolded, saying that you are just slaves. Do you have to pay the kind of big price?

Besides, these good or bad are the standard equipment of the Demon King's Guard. Compared with the general mercenaries in the city, the weapons and equipment used are better. I don't know how much, how can they not be worthy of these slaves?

Of course, he dare not say such words.

At the moment, I had to swallow my voice and nodded again and again, apologizing and saying: "Mistakes and mistakes are all undermined by the staff, and I will let them get it again."

"Slow down!"

The brutal master who looked at it abruptly stopped, and Emerson's body shivered suddenly for no reason.

"Miss Brutalism, what advice can I have?" Emerson quickly asked to please, but he was violent.

He always felt that the Miss Lord of his house, singing a harmony with this foreign Lord of Flame Flame, made him feel a strong ominous hunch.

"How can ordinary equipment be worthy of Master Moyan's men?" Brutal County Master glanced at Emerson and said casually, "I remember there is a weapon room in the Demon Palace, which is full of equipment and weapons of the captain and lieutenant general, Use those things to make up for the loss of Lord Mo Yan. "

"Why, what?"

As soon as Emerson heard it, he almost died without a spit of blood, and quickly explained, "Miss Brutal, the weapons and equipment in that showroom, but for the outstanding captain and lieutenant, the reserve of high-level magic items, the value is high, Can't use it easily. "

"Let's bring it to you, how can there be so much nonsense?" The cruel county chief squinted, "When did the county chief speak so badly? Lord Moyan's men are not as good as your captain Lieutenant General? If my father asks him later, he will say that the master of the county asked for it, and now he will bring it to the master of the county! "

Emerson ate deflated again, but he could n’t refuse. He was not like the two brave gods of Dunbar and Kas. He dared to rebel against the cruel master, so he had to respectfully accept it, and then let him go take.

"Wait." Wang Yan stopped Emerson again, and said, "I have a friend who will let him follow you to get it, so as not to waste time running back and forth."

Wang Yan instructed Master Hill to follow Emerson's entourage and go to the arsenal of the Devil Palace to select equipment. Now that Master Hill is determined to follow Wang Yan, he naturally stands up.

Moreover, Wang Yan intends to prevent him from fighting and keeps him by his side all the time, just to fear that the battle will hurt him as a technical talent. Master Hill is not a fool, and naturally understands Wang Yan's sincerity, so now is the time for him to act.

It was just that Emerson was about to suffocate and cry, especially when he heard the word "wait", his heart would twitch.

And what's wrong with this little old man? It seems to be a legendary strongman, holding a blacksmith's sledgehammer in his hand and wearing a special high-end metal wing suit. Looking at the posture, I am afraid he is not a master of training.

At the thought of this, Emerson was about to cry again.

The old man is not a master of training, and he definitely has great achievements in forging. For such a senior technician to go to the arsenal to choose equipment, I am afraid that they will lose their devil palace to death?

When the group of people patted their **** and walked away, as soon as Chilian Demon King came back, he might be a cauldron.

Hill and his entourage went to the Devil's Palace, and after a short while, they saw Hill commanding an entourage and dragging a cart back.

The car is full of high-quality high-level magic equipment. According to the compensation agreement, each of Wang Yan's men can get one piece of equipment and one weapon.

So the thirty-two Hawk Banshees, fifteen succubus slaves, three dark elves, five barbarian gladiators and an ogre, including Meier and Lydia, belonged to Wang Yan at the scene. All received a piece of equipment and weapons.

The equipment and weapons are really big, and they are neatly placed in the car, and they are dazzling and dazzling, and they are very eye-catching. Enormous envy of soldiers and team captains at the scene, one by one, sighed one by one in the heart, Lord Lord of Mo Yan's slave treatment was so good. .

To know that such a high-level magic equipment and weapon, even the lieutenant general and the captain of the guard need to make achievements before they can obtain it. It can be seen how high its value is for the ordinary class.

"Here, how many pieces of equipment do I need ..."

Emerson, the head of the Devil's Palace, after a rough calculation, burst into tears.

At present, there are a total of 58 slaves under Wang Yan's men, one person with one piece of equipment and one weapon, which is a total of 116 high-grade magic equipment.

Magical equipment has the largest base and the widest category in the world of hell, but high-grade magical equipment can be compared with ordinary ordinary-grade equipment. The value of high-grade magic equipment has almost caught up with ordinary magic weapons, so the price ranges from at least hundreds to thousands of magic crystal coins. Usually a middle-class nobility can have only one or two pieces.

Obviously, after such selection by Master Hill himself, none of the market prices of these one hundred and ten pieces of magic equipment are lower than one thousand magic crystal coins, and even higher.

In this way, the total market price of this batch of equipment is probably not less than two or three hundred thousand magic crystal coins!

At the thought of this, Emerson's heart was about to break. With such a huge loss of pot, he, an old man, was really a bit immobile ...


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