The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1473: Revenge of the Brutal Master

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"I'm afraid half of the advanced magic equipment in that showroom has been shipped here?"

Behind Emerson, an attendant could not help whispering with his companions. Among them, the attendant who accompanied Master Hill to get the equipment responded with pity: "More than half of the best advanced magic equipment can be here. Now. "

This word passed into Emerson's ear, and he was completely frozen.

The desperate feeling of remorse made him wish to smoke his two ears. Previously, if he hadn't talked about his mouth, he said that he would give Wang Yan's men one more piece of equipment, and he wouldn't lose twice as much advanced magic equipment?

I'm afraid the equipment in the showroom now has to be evacuated? When the Red Refining Demon King comes back, he must absolutely be furious. The generals beside them, fearing that none of them can escape the guilt, especially his general manager, it is estimated that the bad luck is coming.

Emerson was in a deep heart, but the short old man, Master Hill, still complained to Wang Yan at this time: "Oh, I originally thought that the Devil's Palace can have many good things, the result is all It's some rough-made land, but it doesn't matter. After I go back, I will improve and improve it, and it can still be used. "

To spread the goods? Barely usable?

Such a disdainful statement is like a thorn in the root, which is inserted into Emerson's miserable heart at the moment.

In his view, each of these high-level magic equipments can be purchased at a high price from the Devil's Palace, and they are all high-quality goods. What's worse? Right now, Lord Mo Yan, these people are clearly getting cheap and selling well!

Humiliation, this is naked shame!

Emerson wanted to cry without tears, but Master Hill's reason was so excusable.

He is a great master of refining. After many years of experience, he knows how many of the top equipment he has, and where can he see them? Coupled with his outstanding craftsmanship, it is difficult for others to catch his eyes.

However, tonight is different from the past, he still chooses a lot of good magic equipment and weapons for Wang Yan right now. It can be said that each piece is selected for Wang Yan's men and is very professional.

For example, for the Hawks and the Succubus, Hill chose light leather or light casual clothes. The weapons are mainly magic daggers, magic daggers, or melee wands. This can increase the speed of action, but also enhance the magical ability, as well as the ability of melee self-protection, or secret assassination, which is very suitable for the attributes of the Hawk Lady and Succubus.

Five barbarian gladiators, Hill chose plate armour and heavy weapons similar to the demon guard, which is also very consistent with the characteristics of barbarian gladiators, plus Hill went back to modify and modify, it is a very good standard equipment .

The three dark elves are also mainly light and sharp, but the ogre Abulon Giantmaul is more difficult to find. The weapons and equipment he uses are relatively large, so Hill chose nearly one ton of refined purgatory steel , Plus the rest of the materials, prepare to go back and make a set for the ogre.

There is no objection to the material Emerson, the material is always cheaper than two advanced magic equipment.

As for Meier and Lydia, their own level is already very high, and the advanced magic equipment is not enough for them, but they still got two pieces to add to the future. Whether they are sold in exchange for money in the future, or it is very good to reserve it as a spare.

After allocating the equipment and weapons, Wang Yan's men and women cheered and cheered.

Undoubtedly, they have won a great victory in this action of defending the general and the palace of the devil. These slaves usually have to look up to the guard generals, even if they are just a guard soldier, and their social status is not comparable to those of their slaves.

But now they not only beat each other up, but they also had to pay apology in return and pay a lot of compensation, which made those slaves feel very comfortable and even worshipped the leader Wang Yan to an incomparable level.

Wang Yan is full of spirits and high toes on this side, but on the side of the Demon Guards, it looks like frosted eggplant, and their morale plummets.

In addition to the envy of these demon kings' guards, there was only envy. Things were almost over now. If there was no order from the general, they would want to be disbanded on the spot.

"The problem of compensation has been solved, let us talk about this dab and Kas who dare to commit a crime!"

Wang Yan corrected his expression once again, and the brutal master of the county mentioned the two guard generals who did not put her in their eyes.

"Master Demon Flame, Miss Red Cruelty please anger, I will hand over those two jerks to the two. I only ask you two to speak out and keep them alive, after all, they are the generals of His Majesty, When His Majesty returns, the old will also give His Majesty an explanation. "

The Emperor of the Devil's Palace, Emerson, has no power in life and death, but there are still authorities for handling criminals.

Especially this kind of crime of rebellion that you dare to commit, if it is bigger, it is a death penalty. However, Emerson was still trying his best. As he said, they are all the people of the Red Refining Demon King. How should the two convict, or the Red Refining Demon King has the final say.

As soon as Dunbar heard it, he was suddenly scared and asked for mercy hurriedly: "No, don't, Chief Emerson, you, can you give me to Miss Brutality! Me, me, me ..."

He didn't dare to say the following words. According to the reprisal psychology and cruelty of the cruel master, once he fell into her hands, could he still live well?

"Humph!" Emerson arrived at this juncture. Where would he plead for him? When he snorted, his face was skimmed.

He didn't seem to have seen it, but he secretly said: "Fool! It's good to be alive now, and you can't escape this blame."

Hearing this, the blood in Dunbar's body was cold, and his desperation caused him to fall into the valley instantly.

It was at this time that Cass, who was seriously injured, was brought up by someone. The bones were broken and the miserable appearance of his body was corroded, which undoubtedly stuffed fear into Dunpa's bones.

Close to the collapse of Dunbar, he turned to the cruel county master for mercy: "Miss Chibull, I was wrong, it was the prince Chilie who forced me to do it. He said before he left, not to bring Zoe back to the devil. Gong, he will peel me off when he comes back! "

"Miss Cruelty, please, please forgive me once? I am also helpless, me, I will definitely change the past, please give me another chance?"

"Want me to spare you? Giggle, late!"

The brutal lord sneered with glamorous, "Don't you be fierce when you were against the lord before? Why don't you continue to be fierce?"

"Huh! I don't know what life and death are all tied to me!"

As the brutal master shrieked, the soldiers around were frightened, and quickly **** Dunbar and Kas with seven hands and feet, and used the purgatory wire to make them big and hung on two. The large copper pillar where the criminal was executed.

As soon as he got on the copper pillar, Dunbar began to cry, and Cass also woke up and saw the horrifying cry of the horrifying pig when he saw the brutal master standing in front of him.

"Giggle, cry, cry, the harder you are, the happier the master will be."

The Abbot of the Abuse County smiled and smiled at the same time, and at the same time began to take out various abuse tools from the storage bracelets, one by one, and roughly counted, there may be no less than one hundred sets of tools, including Many cruel tools similar to the amputation surgery on the earth, such as saws, tweezers, drills, peeling knives and so on.

"Donba, Cass, don't worry, these little toys, we have to go through each one again."

After the tools were complete, the brutal lord licked the tip of his lips, and a fierce flash in his eyes, "If you can't die."


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