The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1480: Hurry, hurry to send me to hell

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After a few days.

Zhang Weidao, who had swollen noses and swollen faces, appeared at the transmission base in Zhejiang province.

In order to compete for the place to go to hell, they played on the uninhabited island of the South Pacific for one day and night and did not get a victory or defeat. It is pity that after they finished fighting, they only learned from the director of Linghu that today's forward base has been upgraded, and the current transmission array is much more advanced than the first generation.

It is more than enough to send them three and a half steps of S-class at the same time, and it can also carry a large amount of materials.

Dean Yun Zhiyun, who is in charge of this advancing base, is wearing a white coat and is still dressed in intellectual beauty and glasses. She has thrown out three confidentiality and life and death regardless of the contract: "Hell is dangerous, and the transmission process is not absolutely safe. If you want to go to **** to carry out your mission, you must sign an exemption and confidentiality contract. Now you have time to regret, and once you sign the contract, you ca n’t withdraw from the action plan. "

"Hell is so happy that fools will regret it." Shen Tu Tianlu didn't even look at the contract, grabbed the pen with his tentacles, and signed the name like a dragon, with a look of hope, "Hell, I'm coming soon, wow hehe ~ "

Wu Wujie and Zhang Weidao also scrambled to sign their names.

"Amitabha, **** is not empty, the monk vows not to become a Buddha."

"Infinite Heavenly Venerable, all the evil demons of Hell will tremble. My little heavenly teacher Zhang Weidao is coming to Hell."

Yun Zhi glanced coldly at the three idiots, and put away the contract and said: "Wang Yan has already made an appointment. He will greet you from hell, and there will be a welcome ceremony."

Welcome ceremony?

The three Zhang Weidao glanced at each other, all saw the fiery excitement in the other's eyes.

Needless to say, I also know what evil thoughts are filled with the brains of these three guys, **** and hell, welcome us as much as possible, do n’t pity ~

Hey hey ~

Idiot ~ Yunzhi can't see the faces of these three people anymore, although she doesn't know what means Wang Yan used to make them so hi. But she knows very well that the place of **** is definitely not as fun and simple as imagined.

Even if the S-level strongman used to be in the past, it is basically fierce ...

"Director Yun, don't waste time." The three of them couldn't hide their excitement and roared in unison. "We're going to hell. Hurry up and send us to hell."

It's really three idiots ~ Yun Zhi couldn't help but shot his forehead. This year, he went to **** so happily.


at the same time.

In another distant world-hell.

Hell, originally called the Infernal Demon Territory at the earliest, is a distant place that is unknown how many million light-years away from the earth. There is a gap between the two because it is unknown how many years ago, the very powerful purgatory demon aggressed in many places in the universe.

Naturally, they have also been to the earth and coveted the planet with its beautiful environment and abundant resources. In order to invade the earth for a long time, they distorted part of the four-dimensional space to establish a transmission channel for both sides.

As a result, the earth and **** are very far apart on the three-dimensional level, but on the four-dimensional level, there is still a small part connected. As long as the weak nodes of the four-dimensional barrier are broken, the magical thing of the two places can be realized.

It is a pity that the earth in the ancient times of the Honghuang was not easy to mess with. There were still a few on the earth at that time. When the earth was opened, it inherited the powerful creatures born from the elements of the universe, such as the fire **** Zhurong.

Under the desperate resistance of the gods, the aggression plan of the Infernal Demon Clan did not fully succeed.

In fact, in addition to the Infernal Demon Clan, there are many powerful planes and the earth have some connection nodes on the four-dimensional level. For example, the Light God's Domain where the Light Father is located, and the abyss world.

Of course, today's Purgatory Demon Clan has long since faded away. It is no longer the prevalence of the Devil God as a cloud, and even the old nest is occupied by nearly two-thirds of the two Devil Gods.

But even so, today's **** is still many times stronger than the earth. Some ancient gods on the earth have long disappeared for various reasons. The most powerful ones are only a few semi-gods.

Chilian Marsh.

Wang Yan, who has been transformed into Inferno Demon through bloodline evolution, is sitting on a chair with exaggerated shape and fierceness. Behind him was the elite guards selected by the barbarian army.

The barbarian is a powerful and easy-to-use war race with low IQ and can be very obedient and loyal. As long as it is an adult, it can reach B-level strength, and those with excellent qualifications can reach A-level. .

The arch guard next to Wang Yan is a full of twelve half-step S-level barbarian guards.

But the twelve barbarian guards are not the most conspicuous. The Abulon Greathammer, who has reached the legendary ogre lord, is guarding Wang Yan like a meat mountain. , Even if the devil is in front, it will charge without hesitation.

"Master Mo Yan ~" The Abbot of the Abuse County complained, "Does your little plan really work? I heard that although humans are weak, they are all very cunning and difficult to step on traps."

With her blood of succubus, she speaks with a graceful posture and a beautiful eye movement, which is full of powerful lethality for most males. In her view, human beings are extremely cunning. Looking at the female slave Lydia, you know that as a female slave, she was so favored by Lord Mo Yan, and she was given a powerful holy weapon.

"Abhorrence, how dare you question the plan of the boss of Moyan." The confusing lord who praises himself as the most loyal running dog of the boss of Moyan, with a hot **** fire in his eyes, "The boss is so wise and abducted. Individuals are not at hand. "

"Red confusion, how dare you ..." When the head of the cruel tormentor just wanted to go back, Wang Yan raised his hand coldly to stop it, "Who dares to beat a hundred army whips again and let Ablon execute."

"Yes, boss." Chidu responded respectfully.

"Got it, Lord Moyan." Although the cruelty was unwilling, Lord Moyan's ruthless appearance was so charming. If it was his own whipping, she would like to try it. She licked the scarlet voluptuous lips.

At this moment, the old communication channel was silenced, and a burst of powerful energy caused a crack in the space, as if the devil opened his eyes.

Wang Yan's lips smirked, Wei Dao, Do not abstain, and Shen Tu Tianlu brother, this is not my Wang Yan does not speak loyalty, who asked General Director Han to personally ask me to sharpen you.

Ha ha ha ~

Sorrow and sorrow!


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