The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1481: Hell people welcome you

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"Brothers ~"

At this time, Wang Yan was completely a pure blood image of the purgatory demon, with a tall and muscular body, thick red membrane wings, and dark red metal skin all over the body, covered with countless mysterious mysterious red lines From the inheritance of blood, the specific presentation of the innate law.

Every piece of his muscles seemed to contain endless power of terror, and he fell apart with a punch.

In particular, he also wore a complex and extremely handsome sub-artifact-level armor.

The whole image is more like the devil than the devil.

Even if Wang Yan dares to be confident that the Devil God is here, he will definitely think that he is a pure and pure purgatory demon, not a human in the world of Rush.

Wang Yan shouted with domineering vigor, "Get together and let those few stupid human beings on the earth appreciate the style of our **** people."

"Aoao ~"

Hundreds of elite warriors roared wildly and **** at the instigation of Wang Yan, deafening, and almost changed the colors of the world. Their fiery and crazy eyes are full of endless worship of the Lord of the Flame Flame.

Especially the ogre Ablon, a huge fist pounding his chest, a roar of air ripples. Some weak creatures will even be killed by these shock waves.

The world of **** is a world in which the law of the jungle takes the weak meat and eats the food the strongest.

Not only did the great Lord of Flames dare to confront the Red Demon King, but he was also an excellent compassionate lord. The barbarians and ogre brains are not aura, but this does not prevent them from clearly realizing that following the great demon lord has meat to eat, has a future, and can survive.

at the same time.

Under the tearing of powerful energy, the space nodes rippled and the gap expanded. Three figures suddenly appeared in the gap, they were like a few dead leaves in the storm, rolling and floating.

The whole process is very long, but in fact it is so short.

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, Shen Tu Tian Lu three, and the moment the gap between the space nodes was closed, he was embarrassed and fell into the humble base. The clothes on him were also torn apart in the majestic space energy, making it difficult to cover the body.

"Ouch, it's so hot." Zhang Weidao's **** and hot rock came in close contact, and the roar of roasted meat roared. "Mama, why is it so hot?"

The environment of the **** world is hundreds of times worse than that of the earth. The gravity is high and the temperature is high. Even the air is filled with many substances that are toxic to humans, such as the thick sulfur smell, precisely because of the extremely high concentration of sulfur dioxide.

Especially in this area of ​​Chilian Lake, where the temperature is higher, a stone stepped on the foot can be used as a rock barbecue on the earth.

Although Zhang Weidao's strength is good, he can't help but suffer a small loss. Fortunately, in the end, he was the master of Longhushan, and the background was extraordinary. He hurriedly played a rune, and a refreshing energy protected his whole body, making him as cool as being in an ice cellar.

As for Wu Wu Jie and Shen Tu Tian Lu, they performed a little better. After all, one practiced Vajra Buddha body, one was metal flesh and blood ability, and some were embarrassed, but it was harmless.

Feeling the drastic changes in the surrounding environment, the three of them all fell in love with each other: "Hell, hell, we finally arrived."

By the way, Pharaoh? Is n’t that right, Pharaoh will come to greet them, will he also help them with a welcome meeting? At the thought of the welcome meeting, the three guys showed a rippling smile on their lips.


The situation seems wrong.

Zhang Weidao rubbed his eyes to adapt to the environment of hell, looked forward, and crushed a large number of people. No, to be exact, it is a huge collection of strange and powerful creatures.

The atmosphere seemed strangely silent all of a sudden.

Both sides remained quiet and seemed to be looking at each other.

"His ~"

The three of Zhang Weidao stepped back a few steps, staring at the pile of terrible creatures in front of their eyes. The largest number is a kind of humanoid creature two to three meters high and as strong as a cow.

They are all dressed in elite armor, part of the naked ~ exposed tendon flesh, bulging up like a piece of fine iron casting, obviously full of powerful explosive force. Especially the first dozen of them, the most terrifying. When Wu Wujing looked at them, they still grinned, and the pectoral tendons fluttered rhythmically, as if they were showing their majesty.


Wu Wubing looked pale, and even stopped breathing. He is also a half-step S-class powerhouse, and of course he is very clear about the strength of the dozen or so imposing humanoids.

Half-step S-level, all are half-step S-level.

Among them, the two with the strongest momentum, in the half-step S-level, are among the top-level existences, even if they are separated from the legendary S-level. They gave Wu Wujie deep pressure and felt that they would not necessarily be opponents if they picked any one.

This is not counted. Among the monsters, there are a few horrible existences exuding an unfathomable atmosphere. When they go to that station, they have a mountain-like atmosphere. Obviously, these are all S-class monsters, which are first-class land gods in China.

Especially the hilly, fat monster with a grin, revealing a terrifying giant fangs, and the smelly saliva dripping down.

Fifth, I don't have this feeling, and the other two people can feel it naturally.

Three men from the earth, trembling trembling back to back together, did not show a fighting stance, that is because under the absolute crush of this strength, any resistance is futile.

"Master." Ablon, the ogre lord wiped his saliva. The greedy desire could not be suppressed in the giant eyes, and the urn said in a gruff, "These are human beings. They grow thin and tender, and Ablon wants to eat."

Ablon speaks the Chinese language of the earth, which is what Wang Yan recently ordered Lydia to do. In the future, Wang Yan will have to deal with the people of the earth. Wang Yan does not want his core group, even communication.

Ablon is an ogre and his talent is not high. But it has reached the S level, there are still learning abilities. Under the temptation of braised pork, it learns quickly.


Are you kidding me? The three of Zhang Weidao fell directly on the ground, sweating and shaking. Don't be so miserable, the three have just arrived in **** and haven't enjoyed the happiness of hell, will they be eaten?

"Ablon." Wang Yan of a demon body said with a smile, "Don't scare these poor earth humans, lest they belittle the quality of the **** people."

This guy, who is obviously a purgatory, seems to speak well?

The three of them were slightly relieved, and it seems that not all of them are unreasonable in hell.

"If you want to eat, you have to wait for the lord to ask for information, and then eat slowly." Wang Yan inadvertently turned around.

Slow, eat slowly?

Zhang Weidao three of them, feeling sore nose, tears burst out.


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