The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1491: I am afraid it is not a treason?

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The one-eyed blood mallet Magnum, with a gloomy face like water, even if he is sitting in a large tribe and doing good things in this coke rock hill, but he has a strict hierarchical relationship in the **** world, he can be very clear.

He can bully any other race around him at will, even if he secretly kills several purgatory demon races, but the demon lord Wang Yan ’s incarnation is too famous and identifiable. He is afraid to touch it easily.

Just when the ogres around him were all calmed down by Wang Yan's momentum, the Zac Giantmaul, who had just suffered a terrible blow, finally made up his mind and stood up from the ground.

He glared fiercely at the leader Magnum, and at the same time took more than eighty ogre robbers, shouting his arms and shouting: "This is the Lord of Flames from the Great Fire City! He is here to save us, he can bring Our entire family will have a good life ever since! "

The many ogres surrounding it are another uproar, if Lord Lord Mo Yan really promises so, it may not be impossible. And Lord Lord Mo Yan really wants to accept them, then their group can also have one more mountain, which is better than looting the days now.

But this kind of arm shouting shouted into the ears of the chief, Magnum, and suddenly made his heart cool.

Magnum froze in the bottom of his heart. He was secretly thinking about the situation in front of him. I am afraid it would not be a rebellion by a joint outsider? Does that still work?

However, before waiting for his extra reaction time, the alien ogre who dared to anger him positively glared at him again.

"Yes, following the boss Demon Lord, our ogres will have a backer from now on, and we can live a good life in the future!"

The Ogre Ablon Giantmaul, who followed Zac, was also touted, and then raised the steel giantmaul in his hand, until the magnate in front of him, the magnificent, "I am the former leader of the Giantmaul clan Son, Ablon Giantmaul! Today I will represent my boss Lord Moyan and all giantmaul ogres to challenge you, the ogres, to the leader! "

The ogres gathered around this time all boiled, and there was a lot of talk about it.

Especially among the seven thousand ogres, there are hundreds of them who are the original giant mallet clan. At this time, after hearing the sons of the old old leader, they now come back to regain the position of leader and lead them to a good life, so One after another came out of the crowd, gathered around Ablon, and at the same time uttered a cry from the sky, cheering for Ablon.

Most of these ogres that were conquered by the Magnum force dare to speak out. At this time, some people want to take their place, and a large part of them are all vacated, and they have responded to Ablon's call.

Ogres are such a race, primitive and savage, full of beasts. Once a leader who convinces him appears, they will follow this leader like a herd.

"The Giantmaul clan has long been destroyed by this leader, and now this tribe belongs to my Magnum Bloodmaul!"

The one-eyed Bloodmaul Magnum is not doing well, but since he can become the leader, there is naturally his cunning. He saw Ablon Giantmaul wearing a slave collar on his neck, and immediately snorted, "And you are just a slave, what is the qualification to challenge this leader? Huh! I think you are the running dog of Purgatory Demon Race, trying to make us Bloodmaul clan, follow you to become a slave! "

These words aroused the vigilance of all ogres at the scene. After all, it is better to be able to maintain a free body, and it is better to be a miserable slave.

Magnum also felt complacent about his wit, but at this moment, Wang Yan tapped his fingers gently, and as his thoughts moved, the slave collar worn on the neck of Ablon Giantmaul suddenly appeared. Song, with a click, fell to the ground.

"Now he is qualified to challenge you to the leader." Wang Yan raised his mouth slightly, and at the same time promised with full atmosphere, "All the ogres who join the lord, the lord can guarantee his freedom! As long as you Loyalty serves the Lord, who will provide you with food, land, and shelter! "

At this time all the ogres at the scene were relieved. In their view, Lord Mo Yan not only gave Ablon freedom, but also spoke so, and it seemed to be full of sincerity.

But Chief Magnum panicked. His heart was tight, and he cursed at the moment that it was treason! It is rebellion!

Even the four comrades beside him looked a little shy at this time, and it was obviously suppressed by Wang Yan and Wang Yan's men in all directions. After all, Wang Yan's strength and identity are placed, and Wang Yan's men, the number and quality of masters, are much stronger than his Magnum.

"Fuck, confuse things! You dare to collude with outsiders to usurp the tribes that the Lord Lord has worked so hard to form!"

Chieftain Magnum no longer dared to relax and even dare to take care. Now the nerves are tense, and he looks fiercely at the Ablon Giantmaul in front of him, "Huh, since you don't know life and death, the lord will complete you, the lord Accept your challenge! "

Magnum forcibly persuaded, but the voice did not fall, Zoe, the eagle body banshee sitting sideways on the side of Wang Yan, swept Magmum's body with real eyes.

"Cough, Magham, you are so kind to say that our Ablon colluded with outsiders? I think you are an outsider."

Zoe looked cold and mocked, "Have you ever heard of the real eye? In the real eye, everything will be revealed in nowhere, nowhere to hide. Now this real eye is in my hands , And your chieftain, Magnum, is not a complete ogre under the inspection of the real eye. He has half the blood of the two-headed giant. Speaking of it, he is an outsider usurping your tribe? "

As soon as these words came out, all the ogres at the scene were shocked. They always felt that the leader Magnum was a little different from them. Originally, he was not a pure blood ogres!

Coupled with his method of seizing the position of the tribal leader, even if you think of it as an ordinary ogre with low IQ, you can understand that this Magnum is an outsider, and using the tradition of ogre, it took the leader. And persecuted them to this day!

"Well, even if there is only half of the ogres bloodline, Ben, this leader is also an ogres! Obsolete, not much nonsense, Ablon Giantmaul, come to the duel!"

The leader Magnum suddenly panicked. The Lord Moflame and his men are terrifying. In just a few words, he was separated from the whole tribe. In this way, will it still be worth it?

Right now he only has a challenge, and in the duel, he powerfully kills the ogren Ablon Giantmaul to re-establish his prestige. When the prestige is re-established, he must take the opportunity to kill all the people of Mo Yan! Otherwise, staying is a disaster!

Soon, almost all the ogres of the entire tribe squeezed into the center of the tribe. More than 7,000 cannibalists crowded this crude fighting field, but the scene was silent and silent.

The one-eyed blood mallet Magnum and the Ablon giant mallet, at the time of separation, the two eyes were opposite, the fierce atmosphere on the scene, as if the gunpowder barrel is about to detonate, touched!


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