The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1492: Battle of the leaders

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With the legendary ogre shaman as a duel sacrifice, after a short chant of prayers, all ogres at the scene gave a majestic roar.

At the moment when the roar rang, the one-eyed blood mallet Magnum and Wang Yan's younger brother, Ablon Giant Mallet, immediately resembled two giant bears, violently rushed together.

"Magnum, your end is here! After so many years, my Ablon Giantmaul is waiting for today!" Ablon Giantmaul rushed toward Magnum.

Since his father fell, his mother died tragically, as well as his siblings and himself have been persecuted. To this day, his siblings have long been alive and dead, and only he, Abron Giantmaul, survived. And his firm motivation for living so far is to avenge this brutal leader Magnum.

"Huhhe! I don't know anything about life and death, but you can rest assured that the lord will smash your head with a hammer and make you kneel on the ground like your father!

The one-eyed blood mallet Magnum smiled madly, raised the blood-stained steel mace in his hand, and slammed at the oncoming Ablon.


With a loud bang, two strong ogres like a meat mountain, and the giant stick mallet in their hands, struck together vigorously.

The violent roar and momentum were as if they were free, like two container trucks running at a speed and collided head-on on the highway.

The terrifying power and shock wave erupted in this way, like an earthquake and a tsunami, rushed in all directions.


There was a commotion among the crowds watching around, many ogres with lower strength, even under the powerful impact, were rushed to the ground head-on, panicking and howling.

This duel of ogres, unlike the high-end trait venue used by purgatory demon clan, will absorb or suppress the horror energy emitted by the top powers during battle.

Here is a mountain of depression, raised all around and sunken in the middle. The ogre tribe was built around this concave ground with huge boulders, which formed a bowl-shaped pit in this area, which was very rough.

Magnum and Ablon are dueling in the pit, and other ogres are watching at the edge of the pit. If there is any strong impact, these ogren audiences can only resist hard by their bodies. Fortunately, these ogres are thick and rough, and usually can withstand it. Of course, the weaker ones usually shrink to the end, otherwise in the duel of the two legendary masters, it is really only life and death. .

"Boss, do you think the Ablon Brothers will win? That one-eyed blood mallet, it looks difficult to deal with."

Lord Chew was following Wang Yan in the middle of the duel field, but Chew, who had a lot of combat experience, clearly felt the power of the great leader Magnum.

"Why do you guys always grow others' ambitions and destroy their own prestige? Abron, but the master of our demon flames, how could they lose?" A side of the abusive county master Jiao glanced, snorting, " If he dares to lose, the master of the county will kill him alive! "

The master of Chidu County has always been superstitious about Wang Yan, thinking that everything Wang Yan did was right. But the confusion can make her depressed, and now she keeps her eyes open, whispering: "How can I grow someone else's majesty? Besides, if Ablon loses, the eight achievements will die on the spot, and you will have a chance to kill him. . "

"You! I am confused that you want to quarrel with me, right? Ablon just won't lose!"

"Ablon will lose, you have the final say?"

The abusive county lord glared at him, and the confessed lord did not give in, and the two brothers and sisters started talking again. Until Wang Yan "shut up", the two talents quietly quieted down.

"Master Demon Flame, said, speaking of Chief Magnum, he is really not easy to deal with."

Zac Giantmaul, who has joined Wang Yan ’s camp, is following Wang Yan with a nervous voice, “That Magnum has killed ten leaders, seven legendary elders, and each time is very powerful, never Lost. The Abron brothers are still very young and should have just been promoted to the legendary level shortly. Now facing the powerful Magnum, I, I also sweated a lot for him ... "

The voice of Zach Giantmaul had just dropped, and Zoe, who was holding the real eye on the side of Wang Yan, had slowly opened his eyes: "That ogre leader Magnum, mixed ogre and double The excellent genes of the head giants, so their physique and strength are far stronger than ordinary ogres. No wonder they will defeat so many ogran leaders and elders. "

"However, Ablon passed through the blood evolution of Lord Mo Yan and absorbed a whole precious purgatory red lotus fruit. The factors in the body's genetic blood line have been fused with the elements of the inflammatory system, which is also optimized. There has also been an additional increase in man-demon. "

Appraiser Zoe analyzed Wang Zhen from the side of his eye and said, "If you compare Magnum with Ablon, Magnum's physique and strength will be slightly stronger than Ablon, and become legendary. The strong is also long enough to be very stable in all aspects. However, Ablon Giantmaul is not weak. After you have optimized the bloodline by Lord Demon Flame, your stamina and explosive power are higher than Magnum, and Ablon is relatively more Be agile. "

"It's just who has the advantage of winning, it's not easy to say, it can only be seen the combat experience and combat skills of the two of them." As for who has the absolute advantage, Zoe shook his head, saying that she could not distinguish.

She can only see the strength of the body of both sides with real eyes, but the real combat cannot be completely assessed by physical fitness, and combat experience and skills often play a decisive role.

"I see." Wang Yan nodded slightly in response.

Judging from the current situation, the one-eyed blood mallet Magnum's offensive is indeed stronger and more fierce, and in his current identity and record, he is obviously more confident and confident than Ablon.

At this time, a huge mace made of purgatory steel was being beaten by the one-eyed blood mallet Magnum, and the waving tiger was in a fierce wind. It was fierce and unusual. Even if a whale blocked the road in front, I am afraid that he will be smashed by his hammer!

In contrast, Ablon Giantmaul seemed psychologically nervous in the face of this fierce enemy.

His muscles were tight, and his offensive gradually changed into a defense in the face of the aggressive Magnum, and he began to step back step by step.

"Hahaha, ignorant idiot, dare to join outsiders to challenge the lord, and die to all!" One-eyed blood hammer Magnum, arrogant, grinning endlessly.

His momentum is indeed very strong, and even in the situation in front of him, he thinks he must win. At the moment, he even rallied twelve points of strength and launched a final offensive to Ablon Giantmaul.

However, at this moment.

Ablon Giantmaul suddenly retracted the giant mallet in his hand, sideways, avoiding the powerful headshot of Magnum.

At the same time, Ablon clenched his fists and bullied him head-on, punching him in the face of Magnum.

This is not counted, what surprised the people at the scene most is that his fist actually ignited layers of fire!


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