The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1494: Great Hammer Leader

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"The words of our succubus can add some confusion to him."

Saying that, Wang Yan's pet charmer, with more than a dozen succubi, had blown away a fragrant wind, a buff with mental interference, and it was so enveloped around Ablon.

"Our deterrence brand, the Ablon Brothers should be able to use it."

The three dark elves headed by Camus, the Shadow Spire, all had solemn expressions and increased pressure, and then blessed a buff with a deterrent attribute on Ablon.

"Blood burning!"

In the end, more than a hundred elites who were also barbaric and strong, displayed their magnificent battle roars on the scene, and at the same time applied their unique combat buffs to Ablon.

At this time, Ablon's muscles swelled, his blood was boiling, his spirits were high, and he was shrouded in a strange and fierce glory.

That sense of terror and strong pressure, even Wang Yan on the side felt a little secretly amazed.

He originally thought that adding buff should be the most popular among the Druids led by Miao Miao in the National African Affairs Bureau. But I didn't expect my own group of people at the moment to be all talents. The amplification spells jointly exhibited are not worse than the Druid. It seems that they are still more powerful than others.

"You, you guys ..."

Opposite Ablon, the head of the big-headed one-eyed giant mallet Magnum was black. He wanted to yell at Wang Yan and others for playing rogues, but he just spoke, but he couldn't spit it out.

This is clearly the head he opened first, how can he have a face to say Wang Yan and others? Especially when it comes to things that are not as good as people, he is really going to fight for this big leader. Under the eyes of everyone, he really has no face.

At this point, Magnum, the one-eyed mallet, burned in anger, and it was considered to be out of the way. With a roar, he killed Abloon.

"I don't believe it. You can win this boss!"

He did not believe it. The Ablon in front of him was just the son of a tribe's leader. The relative's father died under his hammer, and the opponent himself was just a fluke under his persecution. How could he be the opponent of his chieftain, the one-eyed blood mallet?

Coupled with the fact that his dominance has been threatened, no matter what the point of origin, he can not lose to this bully Ablon.

However, in the face of the rushing Magnum, Ablons was not afraid. At this time, he felt that his body was full of strength, and behind him was the support of the boss Wang Yan, which made him more confident and war-like.

The two confronted again fiercely, but the situation seemed to be swapped with the previous one.

Instead, Magnum became tense and tight all over. Ablon as a challenger, but the giant mallet makes the tiger alive, every blow and hit can produce a large number of Martian seeds. In that situation, it was really both overbearing and mighty, not only against the enemy Magnum, but also with ogres looking around, it was also full of deterrence.

In this case, the ending is already expected.

After more than a dozen rounds, Magnum's heart was getting colder and colder, but Ablon was getting more and more courageous. The hatred of the past and the past, coupled with the shouting and support of the boss Wang Yan and many brothers, fully inspired the fighting in his body and smashed Magnum all the way to the edge of the venue.

Magnum was panicked at this time, and his greedy nature was gradually exposed.

He fought and retreated, hurriedly called for help from his men, and shouted loudly, trying to use his strength to destroy Wang Yan and all others!

But he didn't know that at this moment he had already lost his heart, even the vassals who had been loyal to him at this time, after seeing Magnum's embarrassed appearance at this time, they all chose to be silent.

What's more, the battle of the leaders is a fair and glorious tradition in the ogre tribe. As long as the battle of the leaders is launched, it can only start a fair duel of life and death. How is it possible to allow Magnum to fight the crowd? And if it wasn't for this traditional rule, how could Magnum have taken advantage of the loophole and become the chieftain who unified more than ten tribes?

Now that the big picture is settled, just before Magnum dodges to the sidelines, Ablon finally wins the decisive victory, and takes the steel giant mallet carefully re-casted by Master Hill for him. Gem's waist.

With only a muffled sound, the Martian son burst in an instant, and the plate armor on Magnum's back was stunned with a gritty dent, and he himself fell to the ground heavily after a loud cry.


Magnum spouted blood, and when he saw that the general trend was gone, he hurriedly surrendered to Ablon and expressed his willingness to surrender, but the red-eyed Ablon Giant Mallet was like a bloodthirsty beast. After a few steps to catch up, he lifted the giant mallet and slammed into the other party's head.


The creepy sound was like a hundred watermelons, and it was smashed at the same time.

With this thrilling and dull loud noise, Ablon stepped on the back of the chieftain Magnum with one foot, and the giant mallet in his hand had smashed the other person's head firmly.

The plasma bone foam sprayed thinly, mixed with the already sparse brain marrow, like raindrops, splashing everywhere.

The whole scene was bloody, and all the ogres were stunned on the spot, but then the whole tribe boiled. The powerful Abron Giantmaul in front of him, the **** and cruel scene before, made all ogres cry out excitedly sound.

"Great leader! Great leader!"

"Giant Maul! Ablon Maul!"

For a time, the entire tribe was ringing the name of the new chief, Ablon Giantmaul.

There is no doubt that in the past, the one-eyed blood mallet Magnum, the rule was too brutal, causing all ogres to groan and shunt away from Germany. Right now the ogres Ablon Giantmaul brought Lord Moflame to this tribe, just like a savior, bringing new hope to the ogres of this tribe.

In addition, Magnum has been strongly killed, and there are still many in this tribe. The members of the original Maul Clan now see the return of the son of the old leader of Ablon, and naturally all the one-sided transfer to Ablon.

Under the leadership of this group of old clan members, the other ogres naturally followed the trend and were transferred to the new leader of Ablon Giantmaul, otherwise they would have no better choice.

Ogres are actually the same habits as some herds. They are powerful individuals, but they are still bullying and afraid of toughness. If there is no leader or commander, it is like a sand. Therefore, like other **** creatures, conforming to the rule of the strong is their basic criterion for survival and reproduction in this land. Otherwise, the wolves who left the group are not as good as the dogs in the village.

"I, Zac Giantmaul! Willing to be with the brothers and brothers behind him, submit to the chieftain Ablon Giantmaul, and unconditionally obey the ruler Ablon!"

Zac Giantmaul himself is the old friend of Ablon Giantmaul. This time, he immediately took more than eighty robbers with all the giant mallet clan to take the first oath of allegiance.

On the other side, apart from Abulon Giantmaul, the only remaining legendary ogre in this tribe, the blue-skinned shaman priest Walpole Blue Shield, also quickly took his Blue Shield clan , Swearing on his knees, saying that from now on, his Blue Shield tribes would all belong to the Jumao clan.

As a rare shaman among the ogres, Walpole Blue Shield can be smart, and now he no longer looks at the wind to steer the rudder, and it will be him.

With these two greatest forces on the scene, they started, and the rest of the ogres, like the tide, bowed down to Ablon Giantmaul, became the clan who followed Ablon Giantmaul, and indirectly became Wang Yan Under you, there is a brand new powerful force!


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