The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1495: Tu Hi Ogre

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"Giggle, congratulations to the master, there is a big leader and younger brother in the future."

The charmer who has been following Wang Yan all the time, at this time when seeing the excitement of the group, Jiaodidi said to Wang Yan with joy.

She followed Wang Yan for the longest time. At this time, Wang Yan's men, Ablon Giant Hammer, not only avenged themselves, but also conquered an entire tribe, which was undoubtedly much bigger for Wang Yan than any previous harvest. .

"Yes, yes, congratulations Lord Moyan, this ogre tribe is yours."

The hostess of the Abusive County was afraid that Wang Yan would be enjoyed by the succubus and succubus, and he quickly got close to Wang Yan for a while to please and flatter, "Master Moyan, since Ablon has won a great victory today, the tribe has been unified, I think Not staying here tonight, the slave family can also serve Master Moyan to relax. "

"It seems that I will stay here for two days."

Wang Yan also has his estimate. After all, the wealth of a large tribe is still quite considerable. As for the flattering of the cruel master, it really makes him a little overwhelmed.

In a few moments, the ogres Ablon Giantmaul, the top leader, after accepting all the ogre pilgrimages, turned to walk in front of Wang Yan, "popped", and fell to his knees.

All the ogres at the scene inevitably burst into wonder.

These ogres inevitably thought in their minds, that Lord Mo Yan had not returned their chieftain, Ablon Giantmaul, free? Besides, as their great leader, they are placed in the purgatory demon clan, and they are also a lord level. There is no need to bow down.

Before these ogres had more doubts, they saw that their new chief, Ablon Giantmaul, actually picked up the slave collar and put it on his neck.

This surprised all of them!

A large number of ogres gathered around, couldn't help but sigh and sigh in the heart, the Lord of the Flame Flame, in the end, how can he, how can he let a man who has just been freed, and was crowned the chieftain of Ablon. For him?

This new chief, Ablon, will actually take the initiative to put on a slave collar and bow down to the other to submit to his submission. Isn't this Demon Lord Lord stronger than the legendary strength and power?

In the eyes of the ogres who are not very quick-minded in the surroundings, only the most powerful people can receive such courtesy. Of course, in the next days, they will gradually become the same as Ablon Giant Mallet, willing to submit to the king forever. Yan's rule will also understand that Wang Yan's power is not limited to force alone.

There were a lot of suspicious voices around, but Ablon Giantmaul didn't care. After putting on the slave collar, he took the initiative to convince Wang Yanchen: "Master Demon Flame, I am Ablon Giantmaul to be a promised cannibal. Demon! According to the agreement with you, I, Ablon Giantmaul, must be a slave for you for twenty years to be free. Now that the time is not up, I ca n’t take off the slave collar! Your slave, and after the agreed time limit, allow me to follow you! "

The words of Ablon Giant Hammer were very sincere and had a very important influence on the scene.

The other slaves and younger brothers under Wang Yan's hands are very moving. They all think that they are more civilized than ogres. Now that even ogres know how to keep their promises and are loyal, they naturally cannot fall. Besides, Wang Yan is a rare leader in their eyes. They are also willing to follow Wang Yan forever.

So the rest of Wang Yan's men also took advantage of the situation to swear to Wang Yan like Abulon Giant Mallet and always be loyal.

This time the other ogres finally understood it. Among them, Zak the Greatmaul, and the slightly smarter ogres Shaman Walpole Blue Shield, all took their oaths on their knees to show their loyalty.

In any case, the Lord Mo Yan in front of him is definitely a powerful and well-respected leader. These ogres were originally some scattered tribes. Now the original chiefs and elders all killed the one-eyed blood mallet Magnum. They are now a piece of scattered sand. If there is no strong leader and supporter, they will be in the future. I don't even know how to live, maybe one day I will destroy other strengths, or conquer into a miserable slave.

Those days are miserable. They dare not take the risk.

After seeing thousands of pilgrimages, Wang Yan also felt a little sighed, and now his power has finally taken shape, and he has taken another big step toward his goal of coming to hell. I believe that in the next few years, he will be able to hear the news of Ange, and he will also make a name in the **** meeting, so as to be close to Uya Ange!

"Ablon, you did a great job this time. As your boss, I feel relieved for you." Wang Yan lifted Ablon Giant Mallet and patted his shoulder with satisfaction, saying, " To prepare a few pigs, I think we need to celebrate. "

"Piggy beast?" As soon as Ablon heard the name of the pig beast, he immediately thought of the braised pork, and the whole person was excited. So he quickly laughed and promised, "Well, I will arrange someone to do it!"

"Have you heard all? The boss has already spoken, hurry and catch the pig!"

Ablon also had an addiction to being a leader, and waved at the stunned ogres with a big hand. Those ogres reacted, and a swarm of bees ran to catch prey such as pigs and beasts, while others began to return to normal step by step. order.

The experience of Ablon Giant Hammer is quite ups and downs, and now he has followed the boss and finally stared back to the top. This experience also attracted Wang Yan's other men to congratulate him. At the same time, they were also full of confidence in their future achievements following Wang Yan.

For the next three days, the entire tribe was in the feast of the birth of a new leader.

To this end, Wang Yan also asked his men to help prepare some wine and meat for cooking. This time, Wang Yan brought a lot of grain and wine with his army. Since he took this ogre tribe, he simply took it out.

These wines and foods are all from the first-class goods in Liuhuocheng, and you can't buy them in some outlying places outside. Coupled with the dozens of female slaves under Wang Yan, and after Wang Yan's training, he learned a lot of the cooking techniques of the earth China, so that the wine and food brought by Wang Yan came to the table, and all the ogres were crazy.

Where have they eaten such delicious food? All of them got up high, and they swelled immediately.

Even some ogres began to sigh, why is Lord Ablon willing to follow this Lord of Flames? This also means that with this top-notch treatment, and the braised pork that they have never tasted before, they are willing to keep mixing with Lord Lord Mo Yan.

In this feast, more than 7,000 ogres in the tribe, regardless of gender, all roared Tu Hei, jumped Di, and timely fun was also a major feature of the absolute part of the race in Hell World.

Three days later, after the prayers and sacrifices of the Ogre Shaman Walpole Blue Shield, Ablon Giantmaul finally became the chief of this tribe.

At the same time, Wang Yan began to formally include this amazing number of ogres.


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