The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1496: Instant wealth

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"Master Moyan, these are all the accounts counted by his subordinates."

The ogre shaman, the blue-skinned fat man Walpole Landun, respectfully handed a scroll of animal skin written with words to Wang Yan.

In the large account of the Jumao tribe, Wang Yanju sits as the leader of this tribe, and Abulon Jumao and Wang Yan's men are located around Wang Yan.

Obviously, although Ablon Giant Hammer is the nominal chief, but the person who really controls this tribe is still his master, Wang Yan, the son of the flame who is the Lord of the Flame Flame.

Wang Yan glanced at the blue-skinned fat man Walpole Blue Shield. The other party felt Wang Yan's coercive gaze, and bowed his head in a humble manner with respect.

Right now he knows who is the real boss just like everyone else in the tribe, so when facing Wang Yan, he almost played a twelve-point spirit, fearing to offend the wicked Demon Lord.

"It seems that you are a wise man, and rest assured that as long as you serve the lord loyally, the lord can guarantee that your tribe no longer needs to worry about the future, you will continue to grow, and in the future under the protection of the lord, you will definitely become this piece. The top ethnic group on the mainland. "

Wang Yan spoke casually, but his posture was calm and confident, and he still appreciated the ogre shaman in his tone.

Ogre shamans are very rare talented wizards among ogres. They are born with a very high affinity for nature and have a high IQ.

However, like other ogres, they are lazy by nature, but they can cast elemental magic equivalent to that of a senior magician only with their own understanding, which is very powerful. This innate high-intensity natural affinity can definitely suffocate a vote of painstaking practicing magician.

Moreover, the ogre shaman is equivalent to the wise men in the ethnic group, and it is also the condensing point of faith. In addition, the ogre shaman can perform ogre witchcraft such as bloodthirsty, which is very suitable for the ogre combat method, so With them, the Ogre Horde can play a better fighting power.

The Walpole Blue Shield in front of him is the most outstanding representative of dozens of shamans. His ability is excellent. The reason why his skin turns into this light blue color is all because of the infiltration of magical elements into the body.

Faced with Wang Yan's Zhao An, he naturally nodded and said yes, and he was not a fool. With the powerful aura displayed by Wang Yan to him, Walpole Blue Shield firmly believed that Wang Yan could lead them to eat people Demon, develop and grow, and reach an unprecedented peak.

No longer ignoring this ogre shaman, Wang Yan began to read all the accounts of this tribe.

At this point, Wang Yan's mood instantly improved.

The barbarian race of ogres has very little funds. The coins of the entire tribe add up to only dozens of magic crystal coins and thousands of gold coins. This is what they left from the robbery of passing vendors.

Although there is not much cash, the resources and consumables they have accumulated over the years are quite abundant.

For example, the total number of kernels of various types of Warcraft actually reached thousands! This huge amount surprised Wang Yan.

These Warcraft kernels are all treasures that these ogres usually accumulate from hunting. They know that this kind of things have high-intensity energy, and they are often used as rewards and supplements to be directly swallowed.

Although this approach also has certain effects, the effects are limited after all. But now it is different in Wang Yan's hands. Whether these cores are used for refining pharmaceuticals or for equipment manufacturing, they will be a huge asset!

In addition, ogres also need herbs for planting plants. They usually use these things to heal or tonic.

In this way, the total amount of all kinds of natural materials and treasures accumulated by the entire tribe has actually reached a frightening weight of several tons! And the variety is very rich, can be said to have everything.

This made Wang Yan really jump.

Although there are no rare treasures like purgatory red lotus, but fortunately, the total amount is large, and they often have consumables, which is just right for Wang Yan's new army.

Needless to say, the role of these innate spiritual implants and various materials. In addition to being able to be refined into a wide variety of medical drugs, it is also an important material for washing the pulp and cutting hair, refining the body and soul, and it can also become an invisible medicinal powder poison.

Of course, the role and subdivision of this requires the appraiser Zoe to take people to be screened one by one. And Wang Yan believes that Zoe, who has just started practicing alchemy recently, is absolutely happy to harvest such a large amount of raw materials.

In addition, the most amazing discovery by Wang Yan is that the stock of equipment and weapons of this ogre tribe is almost the same as the lair dominated by Yanhu.

In this tribe, there are tens of thousands of pieces of scattered weapons and worn-out equipment accumulated!

These are the loot that these ogres usually rob. When they encounter better appearance, they will take it to some black market vendors and sell it at a low price, and some will not recognize it, they will all be scrapped into scrap iron. Stored in the cave.

There are a lot of good things in it. Many of the treasures that have been dusted because they didn't know the goods are all in the storage cave.

Now this group of wealth belongs to Wang Yan. Wang Yan and his men are very keen to go to that cave to collect treasures.

Of course, the total amount of materials and wealth in this batch is really too large, Wang Yan alone, slowly pick up, it really has to pick up the Year of the Monkey. This is also the difference between personal adventure and fighting with the team.

"No wonder that war and plunder can always bring huge amounts of wealth, which only slightly gathered a wild ogre tribe that has so many supplies. If the robber is a lord or a devil, then How much treasure and wealth are collected? "

Wang Yan couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart, and then greeted Zoe and Master Refiner Hill: "The next two are troublesome."

"Master Demon Flame, you can rest assured, and then give it to us." Zoe and Master Hill respectfully bid farewell to Wang Yan, and then called several female slaves and barbarians. The old **** was following behind Walpole Blue Shield. Go to the place where the tribe stores treasures and materials to further inventory the wealth belonging to Wang Yan.

At this time, Wang Yan's heart was very good. Master Zoe and Hill, who are now conquering, really helped him a lot. Otherwise, if he doesn't understand the ecology and resources of hell, if he wants to sort out so many resources, and find the dusty treasures from them, and then restore them, it will be really difficult.

After the crowd left, Wang Yan sat alone in the leader's chair, secretly thinking about brewing.

Right now his total value is probably not less than one million magic crystal coins! To know that a magic crystal can be worth one gram of fire pulp, worth 3,000 gold coins. In Hellworld, an ordinary inferior resident has no more than three or five gold coins a year.

Of course, the social class of the **** world has clear upper, middle and lower levels, but even in the upper class society where Wang Yan is currently, millions of magic crystals are still a huge amount of wealth. Often there are several ordinary lords. number.

Unless the other party is a powerful lord.

Speaking of Lord Lord, Wang Yan couldn't help thinking of the purpose of his trip, it was the Lord of Purgatory, the **** hand Valter! After unexpectedly harvesting such a large tribe of ogres, it is his turn.

Haha, I do n’t know what the Lord of Purgatory can bring him?


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