The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1497: Come, come and beat me

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Just as Wang Yan was wandering in hell.

At the same time, the earth!

Located in a media building in the United States.

Here is the media empire, which has fed countless people who rely on the media to eat. A man with glasses, who looks more ordinary, is rapidly writing a manuscript, and the reprimand of the editor-in-chief is heard from his ear.

Employees at the bottom of the food chain are countless in this building.

"Landy, if you can't change the draft today, just go out." The menopausal female editor growled, "Waste, hurry up, hurry up."

The bottom employee named Randy, holding the glasses frame, said calmly: "Got it, Ms. Barbie." He accelerated the speed of typing and crackled.

Because of the presence of the fierce Ms. Barbie, although other colleagues were full of sympathy for Randy, no one dared to say a word for him, and each was busy with their own lives.

It is now.

A casually dressed, middle-aged Chinese man who appeared to be ordinary appeared inexplicably in the office area. He looked around and waved excitedly when he saw Randy: "Hi, Randy, my brother. Find you It's been a while, but I can find you. "

After Randy saw the man's appearance, he almost spurted blood and his face was pale. Damn, how could this guy appear here?

The middle-aged man seemed to ignore Randy's face and happily went up to hug his shoulders: "Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you missed me?"

This sudden situation made people in the entire office focus on them, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into a silent state. And Ms. Barbie was so angry that her face was twisted, and her whole body was shaking: "Randy, damn, is this guy your friend? Don't you know that our office area can't be arbitrarily."

"Yes, Ms. Randy, I will let him go." Randy stared at the middle-aged man fiercely, compressing his voice into his ears, "Cao Jingluo, I don't care what you are crazy about, I don't want See you now, leave me now. "

That's right, the middle-aged man who looks very ordinary, is really the first master of the earth, Yan Zun Cao Jinglu.

"Huh?" Cao Jingluo glanced at Ms. Barbie and touched her nose to playfully laugh. "Landy, don't be so ruthless and unjust. I thought, we were also comrades who once formed a team together and had this book together."

Listening to his tone, this Randy is definitely not a simple existence.

"Since you have hacked the material, you are not my comrade-in-arms of Randy." Randy's glasses burst into a rage. "Also, I am working now. I'll trouble you to roll immediately. Roll as far away as possible. Don't Let me see you again. "

"Work?" Cao Jingluo thoughtfully, suddenly realized, patted his shoulder with a mysterious smile and said, "I understand, understand, I'm disturbing you to be a girl. Gee, you taste so real Unique enough, ha ha, unique ... "

Your sister is unique.

Every cell in Randy's body throbbed, and he had an urge to kill.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry." Cao Jingluo hugged his shoulder and continued to say, "There is indeed a misunderstanding between our brothers in the past, but that has already passed by. Now I am here to make up for your losses. . "

"Make up for the loss?" Randy smiled angrily. "Cao Jingluo, come here less. If it weren't for the sake of the near disaster, I will make you come and go this time."

As Cao Jingluo prepared to talk, the grumpy Barbie lady finally couldn't help but growl again: "Landy, how dare you ignore the old lady ..."

Only half of her words came to a halt, and her throat seemed to be pinched by an invisible force, and she couldn't even spit out half a word. Randy turned back gradually, the ordinary eyes under the lens burst into a breathtaking light: "I quit."

As soon as his voice fell, he and Cao Jingluo rippled around. In the eyes of many people, they disappeared.

In the next moment, they appeared in the altitude of several kilometers. At this height, the wind is strong. But such a strong wind, even their clothes did not touch.

Randy took off his glasses, and his face gradually became sharp and sharp, staring at Cao Jinglue like a vast universe: "I have reached this point, then I will do what you want. Come on, let me see the world's first master again. strength."

As his voice sounded, his original mediocre figure gradually changed. The cells of the body seemed to be reordered and integrated, and became smooth and bloated, containing endless explosive power.

"Interesting, interesting." Cao Jinglue felt the thick dangerous breath from the other person's body, and the long-lost blood gradually boiled, "Landy, I heard that you have broken through the shackles and promoted to become a demi-powerful man. Look at the power of Demigod Superman. "


That's right, this man named Randy is the most powerful fighting force in the Super Shield of the Midi Super League-the male super! He is used to hiding himself with ordinary work, not only to cultivate his mind, but also to be able to integrate into the lives of people on earth and find the meaning of his existence.

Although the Superman family has a highly evolved genetic bloodline, once they reach adulthood, they are at least A-level, and some of the better Superman can be promoted to S-level. But even so, it is not easy for the Superman family to break through to the SS level and promote the demigod.

It can be seen that even in the Superman family, Randi's blood is very noble.

Cao Jinglue and Randy continued to fly high into the sky, and entered the stratosphere at a height of 10,000 meters in a few breaths. But they still did not stop, continue to fly high.

Dozens of kilometers, hundreds of kilometers.

Until it broke through the warm layer of the atmosphere and entered the atmosphere dissipation layer.

The destructive power of the demigod is too strong. If they fight in a city, the whole city will be destroyed before they can win. Only the vast expanse of inner space is their best battlefield.

At this level of strength, they can already migrate between the planets in the galaxy just by flesh.

For example, they can fly directly to Mars from the earth, and after exploding acceleration, they only need to fly by inertia. It's just that demigods rarely do this, after all, it's too dangerous.

The interstellar space is extremely vast and empty. For the entire solar system, the earth and Mars are just two small pieces of sand, and they are still constantly moving. If they fly a little bit wrong, it will be a million miles.

Not to mention gossip.

At this time, the Super League has inadvertently changed into a uniform. The high-strength nano-scale blue uniform and fiery red cloak show the super figure of the Super League.

Cao Jingluo, who has always been casually dressed, now also has an extra set of equipment. The suit is reddish black, unique in shape, and full of cool temperament.

"This ..." The superhero's pupils shrank and his face dignified. "Your set of armor? I'm afraid it has reached the quality of a sub-artifact?" The man is a semi-god-level strongman, and his strength is unparalleled, even The blessing of the holy equipment is not great for him.

Can be worn by him so majestic, and concealed, there is no doubt that it will definitely not be an ordinary battle armor. And the superheroes are so versatile, they can naturally feel the breath of power from that set of armor.

In the inner space dissipation layer, the air is very thin. According to common sense, it is difficult to form sound waves for sound transmission. But when the strength reaches their level, it directly uses energy to form sound fluctuations, which is just a simple thing.

"Oh, Randy, you have good eyesight." Cao Jingluo said, holding his chest with both hands, in a cool posture. "My set of armor is called the master armor. It was my baby apprentice who played only a semi-god-level monster. Filial piety master. Its basic quality has reached the sub-god level, just because it is a freshly baked baby, and it will have the ability to breed a spirit in the future. It is a pity, a pity ~ "

It's a pity to speak, but the expression is unspeakable.

The corner of the male super mouth slightly twitched, how can there be an urge to beat him? Even if there is no sub-artifact armor that gave birth to the spirit, the protection is very exaggerated, okay?

At their level, suitable weapons and equipment are a bit difficult to find. Even if it is a dark council with a rich background and a light church, there are only a few artifacts that are regarded as treasures of town education.

Although Randy was born in the Superman family, he had no background after falling to the earth. The Super Shield has worked hard to create a cloak for him, which is barely enough for him to use in the legendary level.

For him now, it is only a slight gain. And if it is to fight against a strong man of the same level, how long this suit can last is absolutely unknown. For a time, the Super League even envied some envy: "I heard that your apprentice's son of flames went to hell? It seems that the wasteland **** world of your State African Bureau is one step ahead of us."

Today, Wang Yan is no longer a simple young strong. He who has grown up can already be called the pillar of the country. Even if it is as strong as a male superhero, it is also the name of the son of flame.

Especially his sister Vera, who spent all day nagging the Son of Flame, and said that he wanted to have a child with him ... to continue the blood for the Superman family.

"Oh, the progress is average." Cao Jingluo said humility, "I didn't approve of Xiao Yan's going to wasteland so early, but when the children grow up, sometimes we can't help us. By the way, Randy Did n’t you just say you want to beat me? Come, come beat hard, do n’t be polite. ”

Looking at Yan Zun Cao Jingluo's insincere expression, the Super League's face was a little bad. Cao Jingluo's guy was originally a veteran semi-god-level strongman, and I'm afraid his experience strength will be slightly better than his male super-half-chip.


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