The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1504: Wisdom into the Tiger's Den

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"Boom, boom!"

The dull flapping sound of the steel gate echoed in the vast **** castle.

Soon, a servant ran in from the outside of the hall door.

"Report!" The servant flew all the way to the **** lord without gasping, and reported, "His Majesty's Special Envoy, has stopped the convoy outside the castle gate and asked to bring the team to meet you personally."

"Okay, please invite the special envoy to come in!"

The blood-handed lord couldn't help himself, and right now he just talked about the giant rock demon king. As a result, the giant rock demon king's comfort envoy had already arrived outside the door, which could not be better.

With the hinge of the hula, the doors of the Blood Hand City opened in response.

Wang Yan and his team of pretend envoys slowly entered the city and walked all the way to the core area of ​​the castle.

Their pedestrians, all covered in armor, holding the banner of the giant rock demon, looked majestic. Passing by many guards, they were arranged on both sides, and bowed down to salute, very respectful.

Just kidding, the prestige of the demon king has already penetrated into everyone's bones. The special envoy under the banner of the demon king represents the devil himself, and no one dares to be angry.

"Xiao Chi, look at other people's castles, and then look at your own." Wang Yan was surrounded by thousands of defenders in the castle, but there was no tension at all. Instead, he communicated with the confusing lord beside him. Yin Xi said, "You are still the illegitimate child of the devil, and the castle you live in can actually be broken into that ghost. As your boss, I really feel ashamed for you."

The old confusing lord blushed, and the embarrassed voice replied: "Boss, you don't know, my father is simply not a thing! If my mother is killed, she won't even recognize me as an illegitimate child. "

"Look at the poor place divided for me, there is no oil or water at all, and there is a demigod monster, Lake Master, next to me. I have no chance to take people to develop in the wild, alas ... I can live Now! "

Chi Dao said more and more pitiful, he almost snotted and shed tears, but he suddenly turned his words and slammed his feet with emotion. My elder brother, my father was upset, I am happy! I am happy if I think about it! "

"And this! Bang Bang!" The confusing Lord patted the plate armor on his chest excitedly, and said with emotion, "This is a super weapon, I haven't worn the super armor in my life. ! "

As soon as Wang Yan heard a lot of shame, he secretly confessed this confusing lord. In the past, the life was really miserable, and even he, the boss, could not stand it anymore.

At the moment, the defenders of this castle, as long as they are at the rank of captain, are all equipped with a magic weapon, and some individual generals can use one or two magic weapons.

This is still the **** hand Valter, an army of lords, and if he is the demon king's guard, the treatment is even better.

But he was so confused that he was a serious **** lord, and the result is that he is now worse than his guards. His weapons are still whiteboard, which is a bit too chilling.

It is enough to see that Chilian Demon King has never seen Chidu as his son. It is also a skill to be able to survive in the harsh environment of Chilian Huze, the illegitimate child of the abandoned demon king.

"The Chilian Demon King is really your dear. Forget it, the boss will give you a new one later."

The voice of Wang Yanhan passed away, and at the same time he was secretly thinking that when he first came to hell, he was poor and he was almost self-made. It was not until the defeat of the Yanhu ruler that the first wealth was harvested.

In each subsequent battle, his wealth and prestige will increase accordingly. In this **** world that follows the law of the jungle, it is really only if the fist is big enough to survive and develop continuously.

The **** lord now is probably the richest opponent at the moment and the most brutal thug.

Wang Yan believes that as long as God unknowingly removes this scum and collects his wealth, then this resource will definitely increase the overall quality of his team!


"Master Envoy, welcome, welcome!"

As Wang Yan took three trucks and walked all the way into the hall of the Blood Slayer's Castle, Blood Slayer Lord Watley immediately led the three allies, two dark elves, and the elite guards on both sides of the line to greet him.

The other side represents the demon king, even if the blood hand Vattle is a big lord, he still dare not be brazen in front of the demon king.

"Master Bloodblood doesn't need a polite set. This is a handwritten note from your Majesty the Demon King. You can see for yourself." Wang Yan was so proud that he confiscated the congratulatory message from the Demon King to the Bloodlord. .

Blood Lord and several vassals beside him, his face was a little embarrassed, and he scolded one by one in his heart. Is this special envoy of the Devil too arrogant? Look at this attitude, it is just looking at people with nostrils?

The blood lord Lord ’s present merit and prestige, his face did not hold, but he did not dare to face the devil ’s special envoy, so he swallowed this sullen, as if nothing had happened, the vain guest said. : "Thanks to the love of His Majesty the Demon King, the envoy, please come in, please here!"

The Blood Lord took the person in front and welcomed Wang Yan and others into the interior of the castle. Along the way, I was still looking at the devil's handwriting. After seeing the devil's praise, he still laughed deliberately all the way, and continued to show off his great record to the demon king.

Wang Yan led others to follow him silently, and raised his eyes to look around.

The inner hall of this castle is still very large, and the surrounding decoration is also very luxurious.

If subdivided, the Bloodlord's Castle consists of many parts, namely the outer military defense zone, the Tun military zone, the lookout tower, and the armory and storage area.

In addition to the military role, this core single fortress is naturally a living area where the bloodlords live and entertain themselves.

Not only the blood-handed lord, but the lord of the vast majority of purgatory demons, most of the main city buildings are so, military and life, attack and defense are combined, and they are always defending against foreign enemies.

Foreign enemies are good defenses, but enemies that penetrate inside are not so good to deal with.

Camus, the Shadow Sting, led a team to perform special missions. It was indeed very powerful, and he was defeated by the enemies inside.

At this time, Wang Yan returned to him with his own way, and it was considered to have come and go.

"Senior envoy, everyone please take a seat."

After reading the congratulatory message from the demon king, the Blood Lord got better. Especially after seeing Wang Yan, the rewards of the three big cars and a pair of small thieves' eyes all squinted.

However, the enthusiasm of the blood-hand lord once again attached a cold butt.

"No need."

Wang Yan, who pretended to be a special envoy, raised it with one hand and flatly rejected it, "This special envoy is in a hurry."


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