The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1505: Close up

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"Yes, yes, it is normal for the Special Envoy to be busy on official business and not available."

The blood-handed lord stunned his stomach, but it was not easy to tear his face with the devil's envoy, so he had to laugh hypocritically and played a round for himself.

However, the special envoy Wang Yan pretended to didn't match his meaning at all, and really made his face green. The three vassals beside him, as well as the two dark elves, were also ugly and embarrassed.

It stands to reason that they have caused great damage to the Dark Blade Legion, and they hold the secret of the fallen devil's domain. They must enjoy the best treatment, even if the Giant Rock Demon King personally meets it, but this Demon King's special envoy has nostrils. It's really abominable to heaven.

"Cough, I don't know if the envoy, what else can you advise?"

Seeing Wang Yan looking around the castle hall, he didn't speak. The Blood Lord had to sigh and asked aloud.

"Ask me any advice? Is this how your **** lord did this? I really doubt how you killed so many elite troops in the Dark Blade Legion."

Wang Yan withdrew his gaze and glanced at the blood-handed lord, humming quite impatiently, "What are you still doing? There are some people involved in that operation? Would you please introduce it to the special envoy? The special envoy represents the giant rock demon king You are not introduced to this special envoy, are you waiting for His Majesty the Demon King to come and ask you personally? "


The blood-hand lord suffocated in his chest, almost not spitting out an old blood. The vassals behind him were also gloomy and suffocated.

But they fought a big battle, how to say they are also heroes, and how to be a special envoy of the devil, they dare to make them suffer, is this the meaning of the devil, or is this envoy so deceiving?

In short, they couldn't swallow it.

There is now a vassal of the Blood Lord, who wants to stand up and scold, but is cleverly stopped by the Blood Lord.

The power of the demon king can be said to be a hegemonic emperor. In this area, except for the supreme demon god, the devil is the only law in the country, and everything is the devil's right.

The Special Envoy of the Demon King is a close friend of the Demon King. His **** lord still wants to rely on the Giant Rock Demon King to keep climbing up. How can he tear his face with the Special Envoy of the Devil because of this little thing?

So the **** lord was blushing with a fat face, but on the surface he was smiling with Yan Pseudo: "The envoy lord said very much, this lord is solemnly introduced to the ambassador, and this time has become a key figure of great merit."

"These three are the ally of the lord. It is these three lords and the lord who have assembled a hundred thousand elite, completely defeated the dark blade army Kamu team, and slashed over ten thousand civilians along the way!"

The Blood Lord is proudly introduced, with three allies beside him, namely his three vassal lords.

Perhaps these little lords, their predecessors were some unknown people, but their strengths are all down-to-earth.

Coupled with the 100,000 elite joint forces assembled by the four parties, it is no longer a mixed soldier, and it can be said to be full of combat effectiveness.

However, for the siege of 100,000 people and the dark blades of his more than 3,000 people under his command, this disparity in comparison makes Wang Yan somewhat disdainful of their actual combat power.

And the blood lord lords, after defeating Camus, slaughtered the border civilians of the Fallen Devil along the way, and were also proud of it, which made Wang Yan somewhat disdainful.

It can be said that the blood lord lords are a group of cruel thugs who are happy with sadism. Now Wang Yan wants to start against him, but he has a feeling of replacing the way of heaven in his heart.

"I heard that there are traitors in the team of Camus. Otherwise, how could you, a group of soldiers alone, be able to surround a special warfare group like the Dark Blade Legion?" Wang Yan asked casually again.

"We ordinary soldiers alone can't understand the movement of the Dark Blade Legion, but they have traitors out of the Dark Blade, but not from Camus' team, but his wife, a close friend of Princess Erin."

The **** lord grinned greedyly and smiled yinxiely, "These two trusted princesses of Princess Irene not only betrayed their original master, but also sent the tender princess His Royal Highness to my side, Camoo ’s idiot even tricked into my encirclement. "

"Jin Jie, thinking of the princess and the idiot Camus, how miserable and howling in front of the lord, the lord is all comfortable!"

The **** lord smiled cruelly, "Camus has been abolished by the lord, and I am afraid it is dead now. But the little bitch, still with hundreds of dark blade slaves, is locked in the lord's basement!桀桀 ...... If the lord does not torture them several times a day, he will feel uncomfortable! "

The blood-handed lord, in his conversation, showed his fierce and vicious nature, and that kind of gruesome abusive laughter was disgusting and unbearable.

"Now these two heroes live in the lord's castle temporarily."

Seeing Wang Yan's indifferent look, the blood-hand lord immediately put away his bad taste, and turned sideways to introduce Occam and Delis to Wang Yan.

As soon as the two evil traitors appeared, the three of Camus who were covered in armor behind Wang Yan suddenly clenched their fists.

As the so-called enemies met, they were extremely jealous. Even if Camus and others had extremely high professional qualities and tried their best to restrain themselves, they could n’t help but tremble because of the outraged anger in their hearts.

It was such a slight tremor of fists that immediately aroused the alertness of Occam and Delis.

These two dark elf traitors are senior officers of the Dark Blade Legion, equivalent to the instructors of the special forces on earth. Their sharp observation and vigilance are far more than ordinary soldiers.

As Occam and Delice's eyes tightened, the blood lord's face immediately cooled.

This guy doesn't know how many years he has been in the sinister world of hell, he has already been cunningly like a person, and now he stared at Wang Yan with vigilance and asked, "You are not a special envoy, who are you?" ?! "

At the same time, a fierce and brutal oppression, like the tide, pressed against Wang Yan and others.

"Who am I? It's your offense." Wang Yan snorted softly. "They are all dying people, care about so much?"

"Forget it, I can't ask you anything, brothers, let's do it!" With a mighty cold drink, Wang Yan raised his hand and took a quaint treasure mirror in his hand.

This quaint treasure mirror is the second artifact eight mirror!

With this eight-point mirror, Wang Yan used an invisible transparent enchantment to cut off all his breath and easily reached the blood-handed lord.

At this time, Wang Yan once again activated this extremely powerful secondary artifact, the Eighth Mirror, and soon an invisible transparent enchantment expanded instantly, enveloping the entire Blood Lord's castle.

The powerful enchantment of Bajijing, invisible and colorless, is known as absolute defense. Even the demigod monsters dominated by Yanhu can't be broken with one blow, showing how powerful it is.

And in this layer of enchantment, all sound effects, even the fluctuations of the air, will be completely enclosed, and everything will be isolated.

That is to say, with this layer of enchantment, Wang Yan can then let go of his hands and feet and close the door boldly and beat the dog.


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