The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1514: Dark Holy Island

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The waters near Europe's most prosperous and ancient city.

An island that has never appeared on the map. The island has a rugged structure and sharp cliffs everywhere. One of the highest cliffs is as if split vertically by a giant axe, as smooth as a mirror.

The huge black waves, one after another, beat the rock wall frantically, and the sky was dark and full of oppressive and palpable black mist.

A giant castle full of Gothic flavor, like a huge prehistoric monster crawling on the cliff.

Here is the famous holy place of dark creatures, the base camp where the dark council is located. For two millennia, it was this organization that had commanded countless dark creatures and resisted the light of the Chamber of the Holy See.

At the top of the majestic and majestic castle, there is a large palace of extravagant luxury. This palace has always been the supreme leader of the dark council, the palace of the dark council president.

The current Dark Council President is the prince of roses of the blood Dracula family. Naturally, it has become the palace of the prince of roses. After a lot of renovations, this palace now fully meets the taste of Prince Rose.

In a palace more magnificent and noble than the human emperor, the prince Rose, dressed in aristocratic red clothes, sat charmingly in front of an ancient jeweled mirror.

Her pretty face in the mirror, without using any cosmetics, looked like her skin was snowy and could be broken. The only regret is that she lost a trace of blood, and looked a little sick.

But this morbid morbidity made her highlight the ancient aristocratic charm. In the tradition of European nobility, morbidity is always beautiful.

Behind her, stooped down to stand two beautiful blood maids. Even if they are just maids, they all have A-level strength, and they are qualified to establish a branch of the blood clan.

In the eyes of Prince Rose's deep and extremely touching eyes, a trace of sorrow and sometimes a trace of cowardice were revealed, but more, it was cold anger.

Suddenly, she spit out two words, "Fuck!"


The valuable old mirror burst, and the fragments sprinkled on the luxurious **** carpet.

"Master is angry!"

The two blood-race maids had no blood on their horrified faces and knelt down on one knee. Because of the inner fear, their delicate bodies are trembling faintly.

Today's Prince Rose, but the most powerful person in the dark forces on earth, is unknown many times stronger than the ancient emperor Guizhou. In a rage, blood flow into the river is also common.

Prince Rose did n’t take care of her maid. The pair of charming eyes sparkled with blood, strange and cold, and hummed to herself: "Cao Jingluo, you dare not go to the abyss without the prince, it is the strength of the prince Will it hinder you? "

What made her even more enraged and jealous was that this time Yan Zun Cao Jing skipped the abyss world and brought two women, Jiuwei Tianhu Linghu Yaojue and Bright Angel Envoy.

Isn't this a clear statement, is she not as good as the other two women? Linghu Yaojue shouldn't be down, after all, he is his nominal wife, but what does the **** of light make Daier count? If it is not relying on the grace of the light god, you can use the divine power to fight, how can you have a semi-divine level of combat power?

The prince rose was extremely angry, but she was helpless. The Dark Council is actually a **** behind it, and has a very close connection with the world of hell.

But it is different from the worship of the only **** in the light of the Holy See. The dark council enshrines every demon god, and has secretly connected with every demon god. Even some members of the Dark Council are inextricably linked to the Devil God of the Abyss.

This is also destined that every demon **** will not really regard the dark council as his own, and then go all out to cultivate it. The respective cooperation is also mostly based on interests.

It is impossible for any demon **** to sacrifice his own great interests and help her break the prince of rose to the demigod.

"Hum ~ the Prince didn't believe it." Prince Rose's eyes were full of blood, showing two pointed fangs. "With the Prince's own efforts, he can't be promoted to the demigod."

At this moment, a dark knight outside knelt down to report: "The head of the Parliament, Prince Charles, President of the North American Dark Union, Prince Charles has arrived in the Parliament, hoping to see the President."

"Charles." The blood rose more in Prince Rose's eyes, and her fangs shone. A few seconds later, she whispered, "Please come in."


The loyal dark knight exclaimed, "How can this be done? This, this is out of order." Now that the Prince Rose is in the palace, Charles Howard can enter her palace.

Unlike the previous generation of dark parliamentarians, the previous generation parliamentarians are indeed awesome. But this generation of the prince of roses is more favored by the dark race of the younger generation.

Such a beautiful and intelligent dark president is extremely rare in the history of parliament. Including the young and excellent dark knight, many young and handsome young men in the dark council love and respect the Prince Rose.


Prince Rose angrily angered, a vast and terrifying **** breath loomed over the dark knight's head, "When does the Prince say it's your turn to put your beak?"

"Parliament, parliament leader ~" If the dark knight was crushed by the mountains and could not move, his heart was full of fear. With his strength, the prince rose to pinch him easily.

Suddenly, a slightly rugged voice came from the dark: "The elders of the Parliament, Knight Cole have always been loyal to you, and you will spare him this time."

"Huh!" Prince Rose Jiao hummed, withdrew the turbulent weather, and said coldly, "Look at Wolfe's face, just spare you this time, don't hurry to do things?"

"Yes, the council leader." The young dark knight Cole, feeling the pressure dissipated, retreated after hurriedly saluting, his back unconsciously soaked in sweat.

He didn't dare to straighten his body until he retired from Prince Rose's palace, and he breathed a sigh of relief. The head of the Parliament grew stronger and stronger, much stronger than when he was first promoted to the blood prince.

"Your boy, are you brave enough?" A rugged voice rang out, and a burly and strong man came out of the darkness. "A little dark knight, also dared to hit the elders of the council."

The dark knight Cole saw the coming person and hurriedly saluted: "See Lord Wolff. Thank you for your pleading."

That's right, the burly man was Wolf Wolf, who once displayed his style at the Youth Conference. In addition to the last time, he has been selected as the top ten outstanding young people in the world three times, known as the rare talent of the werewolf family in a century.

After the Youth Conference, he worked hard to seek shame, and was promoted from the half-step S-level to the S-level in less than half a year. The promotion of legend at his age is rare in the history of werewolves. Even Yan Zun once praised him, and this life is expected to peep into the path of the demigod.

"Be calmer in the future. With your kid's qualifications, practice well, and you may not become a legend." Wolf Wolf patted his shoulder and encouraged a few words.

"Yes, Master Wolf." The Dark Knight Cole hesitated, his eyes slightly indignant, "I just can't figure it out, that Charles of the North American Anthracite, who has been attentive to the President of the Parliament for three days, certainly has no good intention . Our parliament chief, why should we treat those traitors and Yan Yuese? "

The blood wolf Wolfe's eyes flashed through, and then he smiled and comforted: "His Royal Highness is in charge of the entire parliament, and he has great power and responsibilities. Of course, considering the problems cannot only be based on preferences. Now the process of global integration is accelerating. If the dark creatures are further divided into civil strife, they will only make other forces laugh. Go, do things well. "

Although the Dark Knight Cole was not upset, he still went straight to execute the order.

Not a moment.

Prince Charles, dressed in a modern leather cloak, came to the Prince Rose's palace with a high spirit, and gave a gentleman-like salute: "Charles meets His Royal Highness Prince."

"Charles, you're here. I'll wait for you for a while. Come in." The prince of Rose came out with a delighted voice.

Rao was based on Charles's heart for two or three hundred years, and he couldn't help feeling a rippling heat. He sorted out his clothes and walked into Prince Rose's palace with his head.

His name is a prince, and naturally he is an S + level blood. I thought that when he was a small blood family in Europe, he was discriminated against by family members, and he went to North America, which was still a barren land.

After going through too many things, it also witnessed the history of the rise of Mi Emperor in the past two hundred years. Gradually, he grew from an insignificant little vampire, and now grows into a powerful man.

So far I remembered that Charles couldn't help but sigh, and sighed in the sea. Although the blood races in North America are well mixed, they have always been discriminated against by blood aristocrats in the European base camp. There is no tradition and no accumulation of heritage.

"His Royal Highness." Charles walked into the palace with some excitement. When he just wanted to kiss his hand, he heard Prince Rose lightly say, "Charles, sit down."

In desperation, Charles had to sit in the chair brought by the maid and pretend to listen to the instructions of the Prince Rose.

"Charles, speaking of it, you have been quite successful in operating the Dark Union in North America over the years. It is the use of modern film art to positively promote the image of our blood, and let countless young handsome people fall into the arms of my blood." Prince Rose smiled slightly , "This achievement can also be regarded as an ancient history, comparable to the holy ancestor."

"Thank you Prince for complimenting." Charles warmed his heart and said respectfully, "Although Charles traveled far and wide, he never forgot the glory and mission of a member of the blood tribe. Some small achievements are not worth mentioning. "

The modesty of his mouth, but Charles was secretly overwhelmed. The use of modern novels, movies, TV series and other elements to beautify the blood, and the promotion of blood is indeed his most proud hand.


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