The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1515: Dark rebellion

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Now in the eyes of many young men and women around the world, they are full of curiosity and longing for becoming a blood race. The North American blood tribe has developed unprecedentedly, and many blood descents are excellent.

In fact, even European blood tribes account for a lot of light. In the past, it was not difficult to develop a blood descent, and it was also resisted. Now let alone blood descent, countless people, even blood servants and even blood slaves, are willing to **** it.

"Then said it again." Prince Rose said quietly, "Is there anything that matters when Prince Charles comes to Parliament this time?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Charles straightened himself and coughed twice: "His Royal Highness, this is the case. Now all the major forces advocate global integration. Our North American Dark Alliance has been out of the country for a long time, and we want to return to Parliament. embrace."

"Giggle ~" Prince Rose smiled, "It's a good thing to say. Although this matter also needs to call a member of the council to vote on the resolution, the Prince believes that the matter will definitely pass the resolution. And the Prince will issue a proposal in Parliament , Fight for the position of Vice-President of His Highness Charles. "

"Thank you for the kindness of His Royal Highness." Charles had a hint of cunning in his eyes. "However, the position of the district deputy councillor, does His Royal Highness look down upon me Charles?"

"Oh?" Prince Rose smiled like a flower, "Does Prince Charles mean to become a parliament leader? Giggles, His Royal Highness is really ambitious."

"This ambition, of course, is to match the strength." Prince Charles slowly stood up, a vast and powerful breath filled him, carrying his hands, looking at Prince Rose's palace, the tone of voice was very incomparable. Self-confidence, "Our dark council has always been the winner is the king, the strong is the respect. You can take the post of parliament from the hands of Prince Richard, I naturally have this power."

Unlike the Light Holy See appointed by the Pope, the Dark Council will also train heirs. But the fact that he can truly ascend to the post of parliamentarian is accompanied by **** storms and real strength.

"Giggle ~" Prince Rose narrowed her eyes, smiled broadly, and said quietly, "Interesting, interesting. Prince Charles wants to fight for the post of parliament, of course, it is qualified. But you should also understand that once you fight, End after failure. "

Prince Charles smiled, his whole body was more powerful, just like a dark prince holding Zhi Zhu, slamming Fang Qi, and his temperament was extraordinary.

Let's just say, a **** and thick breath filled him, condensed like substance, and rushed to the sky through the palace. It seems that the dark dense fog covered in the sky will poke a big hole.

At the same time, on the island where the dark council is located, there were another seven or eight inferior momentums, as if responding to the call of Prince Charles and reflecting each other.

The seven or eight undisguised and powerful atmosphere flew from everywhere to the palace. Their speed is extremely fast, and the fastest one is more than ten seconds outside the palace.

"Bold, who dares to break into the palace of the parliament?" A thick voice sounded outside, and the tall and powerful blood wolf walked out of the dark with a serious look. "Are you going to rebel?"

He was the first to arrive outside the dormitory. He was a middle-aged man with the same burly figure and similar appearance to Wolf. He said aloud: "Wolf, we are only invited by Prince Charles to come and witness some Things. I'm your elder, and I'm not going back soon. "The middle-aged man is one of the ruling chiefs of the Dark Council-Werewolf Wood.

The dark ruling of the Dark Council has always been a sharp knife of the Parliament, specializing in strangling internal traitors, as well as the Inquisition against the Holy See. The overall strength is extraordinary.

Normally, only a level of strength can qualify as a dark verdict. And if you want to become the adjudicator, you must reach the S level. There are three full arbiters in the world today.

And each dark adjudicator is one of the twelve members of the dark council and has the right to vote in the council. Although the President of the Dark Council has great power, the voice of ordinary parliamentarians should not be underestimated.

Wolfe frowned: "Wood adjudicator, do you want to intervene in Prince Charles' rebellion?"

As Wood was preparing to speak, another murky voice sounded: "Wood, this is the new legendary strongman of your werewolf family? Gee, how dare you talk to elders like this, it's really unruly."

A middle-aged man dressed in a tuxedo and dressed in a very gentleman manner descended from the sky. His skin was somewhat pathologically white, and his temperament was like an old nobleman from the Middle Ages in Europe.

The comer is the Duke of Morta, one of the bloodline bigwigs. This bloodline strongman sits on the side and has many bloodlines. He is a very influential veteran MP.

"Duke Morta, when are you, our werewolves, it's your turn?" Wood's ruling chief seemed to value Wolfe's junior very much, and was a little dissatisfied with Morta's provocation.

"The matter of the werewolf family, the Duke of course is too lazy to manage." Duke Morta smiled with a smile, "but now the big change is about to happen, and one more variable is always not good." His sharp eyes looked To Wolfe, there was a vicious murderous intention.

Wood blocked the Duke of Morta with a flash, and looked badly: "Morta, things are the same. You dare to move my werewolf family, don't blame me for turning up ruthlessly."

Blood Wolf's face changed greatly: "Your bold courage, even ..."

Before he finished speaking, the cold voice of Prince Rose came from the palace: "Wolf, let them in. The Prince wanted to see what card they gave them so much confidence."

"Yes, grown up in Parliament." Wolf Wolf's eyes were a little unwilling, and he slowly retreated into the shadows.

"Hahaha ~" Duke Morta walked toward the dormitory with his head, "Prince Rose, you colluded with Yan Zun and the light of the Holy See to design the killing of Richard's parliament leader. Morta and Wood witnessed it. But because of your obscenity, Wood and I pretended to turn to you. Now there is Prince Charles returning to Parliament and presiding over justice. The Duke will naturally stand up to expose your true face. "

Duke Morta and Wood entered the palace one after another.

Almost at the same time, the rest of the powerful came.

Two of them are middle-aged handsome guys wearing expensive suits, blonde hair, and overbearing president Fan Er. Their eyes were slightly bloody, their skin was fair, and they looked at Prince Rose with greedy eyes.

Prince Charles smiled and said: "His Royal Highness Prince, let me introduce you. These two are the rising stars of our North American Dark United blood family, Duke Oliver and Duke Bright. They were both less than 150 years old and were promoted to The Duke of the Blood Race, each in charge of a huge family. "

"I have seen Prince Rose." Oliver, two **** dukes of Bright, all showed a courteous gentleman's appearance, but the greed in the eyes was unstoppable.

"The prince has heard of you." The rose prince, slender and delicate, tasted with a glass of red wine in hand, and smiled faintly and contemptuously.

Both Oliver and Bright were angry and sneered, "I hope that your prince will be hard-mouthed to the end today."


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