The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1517: Sorry, you hit the jackpot

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"Although I am not a big man, Charles." Charles's face was awkward, "but he can do it to avenge his ancestors. Thanks to the love of the abyss demon, Charles will inherit the ancestors' legacy and be incompatible with the bright old dog.

A vast, dark atmosphere like **** rose into the sky, and the thick dark magic in the sky boiled like a sea, pouring into the hidden magic device like a vortex funnel.

The space gradually twists and rotates like a star black hole.

Charles smiled a little crazy: "You did n’t expect Prince Rose, because there are multiple magic arrays in the palace of the Council of Lords that communicate the planes of the demon gods, which also makes the four-dimensional space node here the weakest, used to communicate with the abyss. The face couldn't be easier. Come out, Dark Lord Demon, my brother. "

With the call of Charles, the Dark Thunder King, who had already been prepared on the abyss plane, immediately crossed the plane, and a huge leg claw took the lead out of the dark vortex.

"Bang!" It stepped on the corner of the dormitory with one foot, and in the blink of an eye its whole body came out of the dark vortex. The mighty demigod-level power has enveloped everyone present.

Demon King!

It seemed that even Prince Rose was silent, and Prince Charles' rebellion turned out to be a devil from the abyss world.

"Prince Charles, my brother." The Dark Terror Lord's voice thundered. "You're finally doing it. This king will wait until the bones are rusty."

This abyss demon is similar to the abyss lord who Wang Yan had killed, but it is more burly and domineering. And the dark and black power of thunder destruction is wrapped around it, which seems to indicate the direction of the power of the law it comprehends. Presumably it is in the abyss world, and it is definitely a generation of geniuses.

"Brother Thunder Demon King." Prince Charles was very enthusiastic and his eyes flashed with anticipation, "I don't know if the thing promised by Lord Demon God ...?"

"Haha, rest assured, as long as the soul contract is signed, our abyss demons are the most credible race." The Thunder Devil took a move, and a dark red heart-shaped treasure was in his hand.

As soon as that thing appeared, there was an immense breath of blood, and all the blood races present could not help but feel awe and the heart jumped wildly.

"Hahahaha ~" Prince Charles' eyes burst into fanaticism, staring at the dark red heart treasure, "Cain's heart is indeed Cain's heart." Before actually seeing this thing, Charles The prince was still a little nervous. After all, the abyss demons have always been cunning. Although they seem to pay great attention to credibility on the surface, they will set up countless loopholes in the soul contracts of both parties. If they are not careful, they will be deceived and lost.

"Brother Charles, according to your soul contract with Lord Demon Lord." The Thunder Lord changed hands to take away Cain's heart. "When you become the president of the Dark Council of Earth, this Cain's heart will be yours. You don't have to worry This king will not keep his promise. Although this heart of Cain is extremely precious, it is useless to our abyss demon family. This thing can only exert its maximum effect if it falls into the hands of your blood family. "

Indeed, if Cain's heart had a huge effect on the abyss demon, would the abyss demon **** come up with a deal?

"Okay." Charles took a deep breath and temporarily calmed his excitement and looked at Prince Rose. "His Royal Highness Prince Rose is stubborn now? For the glory of our blood clan, to avoid internal consumption, please be acquainted and take the initiative. Give up the post of parliament leader. I have the heart of Cain, the demigod realm will never be too far, and even the supreme glory of the blood race may be reproduced in the future. "

The reason why Charles made a lot of hole cards is indeed holding the idea of ​​forcing Prince Rose to take the initiative to abdicate. Although he had a strong card, Prince Rose was not vegetarian. If you just want to fight, there will be some losses that you do n’t want to see if you do n’t keep well.

As soon as Prince Rose abdicated, he waited for the seat of parliament to sit firmly. Turning her back to squeeze her flat and round, didn't she let her own heart go?

Prince Rose smiled shallowly: "Prince Charles is right, we should indeed be united within our blood family to avoid meaningless internal friction. So, this Prince of Cain's heart has collected for you. The burden of restoring the glory of the blood family, this The prince took it all in. "

"What?" Prince Charles exposed his fangs with anger. "Prince Rose, it's all this time. Are you still hungry?"

"Look at what you said." Prince Rose said calmly, "Everyone is a descendant of Cain's ancestors. Why can you bear the glory? I can't do it for Prince Rose? Duke Morta, you are the old predecessor of the blood family, you Talk about who really deserves this Cain heart? "

A fire hit Duke Morta, but he shook his body and took two steps forward, showing a ridiculous color to Prince Rose: "Of course you, the great Prince Rose, the elder of the council. Only you, Only to have the heart of Cain, to regain glory for the blood. "


Prince Charles's chest was like a punch, and rubbing back a few steps, looking at Duke Morta with an extremely ugly face, "Old things, how dare you betray the Prince?"

"I yuck!" Duke Morta showed him contemptuously. "Just because you are a country blood, and also deserve my loyalty to Morta? From beginning to end, my Morta is loyal to the Prince of Roses. Before you used wicked methods to draw around, the Duke is nothing but a sham with you and wants to see your true face. "

"That's right!" Dark Verdict Chief Wood also took a step forward and sneered. "Now that you North American Dark League is a self-contained faction, it has long been out of the control of the Dark Council. What are the qualifications to return to the disputed chairmanship? "


Charles didn't expect Morta and Wood to betray both, and his pale face turned red, and a sweet throat spouted blood, and he laughed angrily, "Well, my prince didn't expect you to dare to play Tao. What if you two are missing, what can you do with your crooked dates? "

"Prince Charles, Prince Rose has long known that you have rebelliousness, wouldn't you have no preparation at all?" Wolf Wolf walked out of the darkness, staring at Charles with cold energy.

"It's you alone?" Charles looked disdainful.

"Prince Charles, how about me?" A knight in a black body armor, haunted by dark magic, came out to pay homage to Prince Rose, "Kast the Underworld Knight, see Prince Rose."

"Caster?" Charles looked more solemn. "You disappeared after the FBG disappeared. The prince originally thought you were dead. But you don't want to. You turned to Prince Rose."

"Charles, you are so brave to dare to rebel." Another powerful breath rose into the sky. An angel with black wings descended from the sky and looked at Charles like he was looking at the dead.

"Fallen Angel Deborah." Charles' face was a little ugly again, "You are under the fallen demon god, you can't ..."

"Oh, little things, you don't need to bother the fallen demon master." Prince Rose said with a smile, "My legendary strongman is more than you, does Prince Charles still want to be stubborn?" Since the Dark Lady Catherine After going to **** and joining the fallen demon god, it really pleased the devil god. But in this matter today, Prince Rose really didn't bother to fall to the devil.

"Good, good prince's good means," Charles said with a flush of blood, his eyes proudly. "Unfortunately, with my brother Thunder Demon, you can't turn the waves with a few more legendary strongmen."

"Thunder Lord?"

A somewhat lazy and playful voice sounded, "You mean this abyss demon? Gee, destroying the Thunder breath, it is indeed talented. Unfortunately, this is Earth, and it is not yet its turn to spread wild."

This voice?

Prince Charles shuddered, his face covered in disbelief. He is familiar with this voice. As a member of the Global Disaster Resistant Alliance, he certainly recognizes the voice of the commander in chief.

Yan Zun!

He, how could he still be on earth? Didn't he team up to the abyss?

"Who?" Has been watching the show, the calm Thunder Demon King, and the Devil's body suddenly stiffened, it seemed to smell a dangerous breath keenly.

Above the bedroom, a middle-aged man appeared slowly out of thin air. He was just Cao Jingluo, the Yan Zun who thought he was going to the abyss to find his way to death. He smiled jokingly at Prince Charles: "Prince Charles, when he saw his deity suddenly, he was not surprised and surprised Surprise? Ha ha, we have an old saying in Huaxia, called "Waiwaixu Xian'annei." If you don't clean up the internal moths like you, how dare we go to the abyss to fight? You said, is this the truth? "


Prince Charles once again gave a blood donation, his eyes were frightened and irritated, "Yen Zun, I didn't expect that I'd actually hit you."

"Oh, it ’s ridiculous. Our ancestors in China have already had a similar strategy, what is called to lead a snake out of a hole." Cao Jingluo said with a smile on his shoulders, "I just did n’t expect you to surprise us, Prince Charles, I think It ’s time to make a credit for you. "

The so-called surprise, naturally refers to the demigod-level abyss demon king. Such a powerful existence, it is undoubtedly harder to go to the sky to kill it.

However, it is now alone in the earth, and there are still half-god-level powerhouses staring at it, which shows its fate.

The abyss demon was not a fool, and instantly judged that he had fallen into a trap, and his huge eyes turned cunningly: "Sorry, I was invited to come to the show. Bye ~"

With that, it burst into a black thunder breath and wanted to go straight to the sky. As long as it can escape from the atmosphere, it can enter the space universe. The vast universe, the earth people want to chase it becomes more difficult.

It only takes a few years to wait for the two planes to collide, and it will be able to come back with a big swing.

"Sin Barrier, where do you want to go?" A great light sounded from the sky, and the golden light broke through the heavy dark clouds, like a golden lightning blasted on the Thunder Lord.


The unexpectedly thunder demon king was bombarded, the armor of the chest was layered, and the whole demon body rolled backwards and fell into the sea.

The Pope of Light spread a thick and pure holy light, and the volley suspended in mid-air, with a great shore like a god. The surface is a serious and solemn appearance, but the bottom of my heart is dark.

The light of the ruling just now was so powerful that even a demi-level abyss demon blasted away.

Just as the Thunder Demon was about to fall into the sea, another figure appeared behind him out of thin air, accompanied by a giggling giggling smile: "Thunder Demon, you have a good skin, and stripped me of Xiaoyan as a armor. "

The beautiful shadow is like the descendant of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl, the four colors of the brilliant light are extraordinary, the nine tails are like the nine-handed warhammer, and they are blasting towards the Thunder Demon King.

The thunder devil was shocked to the extreme, and originally thought that this time he came to the earth for a business trip, it was easy to abuse the local indigenous people. But I never imagined that he was besieged by a group of semi-god-level strongmen.

Run, run, run!

It has only one thought now, that is to run and run, only the father and mother have fewer legs. It roared, and the demon body swelled a bit again. The giant wings crackled with the lightning, and it disappeared on the spot instantly.

Space teleport!

The abyss demons are semi-four-dimensional creatures, and they have a deep understanding of the laws of space. Even when they were born, the innate moire of the law of space grew on their wings.

And this abyss demon intensively destroyed the law of thunder and lightning. The next second, it appeared a few kilometers away, desperately fluttering its wings and running away.

"Fool, the earth is not where you want to come and go." A handsome blond man stood in front of it, and with two eyes staring, he shot two devastating plasma beams.

The wings of the Thunder Demon King were swept across, and a pig-like scream was exploded immediately, and even half of the wings fell into the sea with the roast of barbecue fragrance in the sea air.

Four, four and a half **** levels!

The Thunder Lord only wanted to swear, Prince Charles, you **** dad. With one enemy and two, it's all fierce, and let alone one with four.

Without half of its wings, if it is not easy to use the laws of space, how can it escape the pursuit of the earth?

Outside the sea, the roar of the Thunder Demon King continued, even the sound of begging for mercy, and the sound of a sudden explosion.


Under the stimulus of energy, the waves were more anxious, flapping on the cliffs and stirring up the torrential waves.

Prince Charles' face was ugly to the extreme, and while his attention was on the battlefield of several semi-godly strong men, he quietly retreated back.

But after retiring to the door of the palace, he found that Prince Rose was holding a glass of red wine and looked at him with a smile: "Prince Charles, please rest on the road, and, thank you for bringing Cain's heart from the abyss, but Rose is disrespectful Now! "

"Ah ~"

Prince Charles's mood collapsed, his wings raised high, and he killed Prince Rose, "Bitch, I fight with you."


The waves on the dark island were more urgent and higher.


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