The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1518: This is the tears of my starry sky

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In the world of hell.


In the luxurious temporary mansion, Wang Yan drank **** fire tea unique to hell. This kind of tea tree will grow only in the heaviest place of **** flames, and it is difficult to tame and nurture. Only adventurers can collect some wild fire tea.

Drinking this tea in one sip will burn a pure infernal fire in the body, and then spread outward, impacting and quenching every cell of the body. Over time, the body will be stronger, and the affinity of hellfire will also increase.

This tea is good everywhere, it is a word expensive and scarce, ordinary lords are not eligible to enjoy.

Wang Yan lay comfortably, drinking tea and enjoying Lydia ’s massage skills.

Originally, Wang Yan didn't accept it very much, but the cruel master of the cruel county refused to be too accustomed to "female slaves", saying that being too accustomed to her would give her a sense of extravagance, and she would ride on the master over time.

After thinking of Wang Yan, he was tossed away by cruelty. Indeed, Lydia grew up under the indulgence of Emmons since childhood. After a half-step S-level, I dare to rush into hell, and fortunately met him, otherwise I would have died a long time ago.

It is more time to sharpen her temperament, let her know clearly, the true cruel face of this world.

Under the urge of cruelty, Lidia had to perform the duties of a slave girl even if she was reluctant.

What's more, the Lord of the Demon Flame said no in his mouth, but who knows what he thought? If it wasn't for her beauty, why bother to offend the son of the devil, or even the devil to seize himself?

Lydia is helping Wang Yan to massage the demon body shyly, while thinking uneasily, the wicked Demon Lord must be a evil spirit. Cheng Tian's mouth said don't drop it, but the slave girl collected them one by one. What kind of eagle body succubus, succubus, also picked beautifully.

How to do?

Is the fate of Miss Ben really in the hands of this demon?

Son of flame, son of flame, where are you, oooo ~~

"Lydia, where are you pressing your hand?" Wang Yan's voice was sullen, and he was surprised. What's wrong with this little nizi? The little face was red and red, and he was vigorously flicking him, could it be that she saw through her identity?


Lydiadon woke up from falsehood and suddenly realized that he was indeed pressing, and the position was not right. Immediately blushing and blushing, they all blamed the **** Demon Lord, if he was too evil, how could he be?


Lydia felt a hot eye, like a burning **** fire, covering her body with a factor, as if she wanted to melt her completely.

"You you you ~" Lydia covered her chest with her hands, her eyes wide open, "What do you want to do?"

She felt that Lord Mo Yan's eyes were full of aggression. She seemed to be seen through and there was no secret in her whole body.

"Lord Lord wants to ask what do you want to do?" Wang Yan urn sighed, his eyes sharp. Suddenly, he frowned slightly, "It's not right, there seems to be a secret in you."

"Secret? No, no, I don't have a secret." Lydia, like a little quail, covered her chest in panic. "No, don't come."

Wang Yan's devil's claws grabbed her mercilessly and broke her hands apart.

"No, help me, no, Lord Mo Yan, please don't."

A scream of shriek rang through the sky.

In a courtyard not far away, following the ears of Wang Yan, the confusing and spicy lord of Wang Yan, there was a mysterious and gratifying look on his face: "The boss finally started to work on the slave girl. Can endure for so long. "

In the view of Chidu, Wang Yan took food from the mouths of Chilie and they must have been very interested in the human slave girl. The reason why I have n’t eaten for a while is definitely wanting to adjust it ~ I ’ll teach it and eat it again.

At the same time, the brutal master of the county also showed the color of excitement and sorrow. Lord Moyan had never been close to beauty, and she could not find any chance to hurt her. Well now, Lord Mo Yan finally started to act.

Before long, it would be her turn to brutalize the lord.

It is a pity that what made her heart hurt was that she was not the main woman of the big house of the Demon Lord, who tasted the soup. Forget it, Chi confused that idiot is right, Master Moyan will inevitably become a strong party of the Demon King in the future, she can grab the position of the big house with her cruelty, what else is not satisfactory?

In addition, many guards also heard this scene and imagined various scenes in their minds. But this kind of thing is the most common thing in hell. Which lord does not have 180 or so slaves?

The stronger the demon lord, the more beautiful females around him. Lord Mo Yan's ability is greater, and for these subordinates, the future is even brighter.

The louder the female slave screamed, the taller their chest was.

Lydia's heart is crashing fast. She has realized that in a ghostly place like hell, no one will rescue her even if she calls her broken throat. Woo ~ Son of Flame, say goodbye.

At the time Lydia was about to break out of everything, desperate to tear off a piece of flesh from Lord Lord Mo Yan. Suddenly, the devil lord's claw suddenly squeezed into the air.

Only a muffled sound was heard, as if a space bubble had been broken, and the surrounding space was rippling.

Wang Yan chuckled, and after the devil's claws squeezed a space bubble, he grabbed a translucent tear crystal. Within the crystal, there are bits and pieces, exuding pure energy fluctuations, just like the vast sky.

"Ah ..." Lydia screamed, stunned. "You, you ... how could you find out?"

"Oh, every little trick to distort the space." Wang Yan said with a smile, "This gem looks good, as if born with a powerful law of space. It is no wonder that with your own skills, I am afraid that I can't make Carry a small space bubble. "

Lydia blushed, heartache and grief. I thought that the demon lord had sent evil thoughts to her, and wanted to fight hard. I never thought that the other party just saw through her trick of hiding the tears in the stars.

Shameful, it is really shameful.

Isn't it right? Isn't it a problem of losing others now? It was the problem that the tears of the stars were taken away. It is the treasure that was passed down by the **** of the starry sky at that time, and it is also the symbol and root of the starry sky academy inherited for thousands of years.

In theory, this thing can be more important than her life. In a hurry, she hurriedly snatched it from Wang Yan's hands: "Demon, quickly return the tears of the starry sky to me."

With Wang Yan's strength, how could she be snatched by her? There was a scorching breath all over her body, flying her like a shock wave. The devil's claws were playing with the tears of the starry sky.

Of course he recognized the tears of the stars at first glance, but he didn't expect Lydia to be so bold. Dare to steal even the tears of the stars, and dare to bring him to hell.

Fortunately, he met Wang Yan, otherwise, wouldn't he bring equipment to the world of hell?

"What are your tears in the starry sky?" Lydia fell to the ground and hurriedly rolled over and screamed, "This is obviously my thing."

"Nonsense ~" Wang Yan sneered and mocked, "You are the slave girl of the lord, let alone a tear in the sky, that is, from the soul to the body belongs to the lord.

That looks like an overbearing male president in an urban romance drama.

what! ?

Lydia's face was pale, and her heart was cruelly crumpled. Grandpa, sorry. Sorry for the deans of the Starry Sky Academy in the past. In her eyes, there was great despair.

Greedy, overbearing, cruel.

These are all synonymous with the terrible Demon Lord. The tears of the starry sky fell in his hands. Even if the Red Demon Lord is close, will he come back?

Just when Lydia felt ashamed of her ancestors in despair.

A devilish temptation sounded in his ears: "It seems that you want to get back the tears of the stars? In fact, this is not impossible."

"What?" Lydia was so happy that she couldn't believe it. "You, you, are you really willing to give it back to me?"

"Of course, but you have to satisfy your lord." Wang Yan is really not interested in the treasures like the tears of the starry sky. He gave it back to the starry academy last time. How can he really be greedy for ink?

Let him satisfied?

Me, I see, it's all life!

After Lydia froze for a few seconds, her white skin flushed red. She gritted her silver teeth, as if she had made up her mind, and stretched her hands to shake her dress. At the same time, two drops of crystal tears slipped from the corners of the eyes.

"Hey, hey." Wang Yan took a half step back, his face wary, "Lydia, what are you doing? I warn you, don't let chaos come."

Lydia looked at Wang Yan aggrievedly: "Don't you say, yes, should I please you?"

"Don't be kidding." Wang Yan stared at her with a fiery eye. "The satisfaction of the lord is to let you be honest and obedient from now on. It's not that you covet the body of the lord."

"Coveted ... Body?" Lydia felt like she was being hit by countless days of thunder, and the thunder was out of focus, and she didn't recover until after a long while, her face was full of sorrow and indignation. "You you You ... why do you say that to me? "

"Okay. The lord is too lazy to bother with you." Wang Yan posed a posture to forgive you. "The lord is so excellent and perfect. It is normal for your little slave to have an attempt on the lord's body. It ’s not just you. In fact, many female slaves have ideas about the lord, and you ’re not a special case ... "


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