The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1519: Threaten me

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With Wang Yan's forgiveness, Lydia's face grew red and red, almost bloody, and her body was trembling. At the last moment, she broke out completely, her long fingers flicked, and a crow soul scepter was out of her hand.

"The great element of wind, please listen to my call." Lydia chanted magic bytes with suppressed tone of grievance and anger, each byte is full of mysterious rhythm, as if Form a harmonious and wonderful resonance with heaven and earth.

The violent element of wind condensed in the Crow Soul Scepter with high density, and formed a continuously rotating vortex.

Even Wang Yan's level of strength felt that the vortex was full of extremely violent power. It can be seen that Lydia's great advancement in element control and the terrible power of the holy scepter of the holy artifact level.

"Hello." Wang Yan kept going back. "Don't mess up, even if you threaten me, I won't follow you."

"go to hell!"

Lydia was completely angry, and the vortex in the Crow Soul twirled violently, forming a storm that rolled towards Wang Yan. The storm rose in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it became a terrible hurricane with a diameter of tens of meters and a height of hundreds of meters.

Even more frightening is that there are countless wind blades hidden in the hurricane, and the sound of a crying wolf is howling.


Wang Yan's mouth twitched, didn't he? Under the anger of Lydia, the devastating hurricane has such power? It is no longer lost to the power of ordinary legendary lords.

Of course he can avoid it, but once he does, the devastating hurricane will intensify, and even the entire palace here will be destroyed. They are sure to run away, but there are still many weak female slaves and a large army.

As a last resort, Wang Yan had to be tough, and when he screamed, the already very tall demon body swelled a few percent again. As soon as his wings flickered, he entered the hurricane center: "Lydia The trick also wants to hurt the lord, you are too naive ... "

After half the words, Wang Yan was stunned. In the middle of the hurricane, the countless wind blades were spinning like crazy mincer blades. Under the blessing of the hurricane ’s rotation, even the gold iron rock Will be stirred into **** in an instant.

Wang Yan is not afraid of these wind blades. The key is that there are other things hidden in those wind blades. It looks like a thin wind blade formed by the condensation of wind elements, but in fact it is all space debris.

Are you kidding me?

Although those space debris are not many, they only occupy 1% of the wind blade. But it is space debris after all, they are extremely sharp, and cutting gold and iron is as smooth as cutting tofu.

Even if Wang Yan is more confident in his demon body, he dare not resist the space debris while resisting the countless wind blades?


Wang Yan burst into a roar, the red-black demon body swelled to the extreme, his skin instantly became golden, and a faint golden light enveloped his whole body. A purgatory demon lord, even shining Buddha's light, no one else but him.

The powerful wind blade hit his Vajra body, and even no scratches were left. Only those invisible and transparent space debris can cause a blood stain.

"Break this lord!"

Wang Yan was covered with magic flames, which was in stark contrast to the body of Vajra. A punch hit the center of the hurricane, as if ruining the world, even the three-dimensional space was shocked to form a dark, broken hole.


The dull burst sounded out of thin air, and a giant shock wave spread outwards with the hurricane as the center. Everything that passed was dissipated, and the space was like being plowed once. Everywhere was fragmented or twisted.

A punch is just a punch.

The horror hurricane issued by Lydia was blown clean, and the sky continued to show a dull red color.

Such a shocking move of the two people naturally shocked everyone.

Lord Chew ’s eyes widened, and he felt the raging power of the devastating forces. He could not help but praise: “The boss is worthy of being the boss, playing a game with the slave girl.

The rest of the men continue to watch the nose, nose and nose. Although the great Lord of the Flame Flame is too special, it is still a great lord.

Not to mention the various reactions of idlers.

The reactions of the two at the scene were also very strange.

Standing alone on the ground, a person floating in the air, so big eyes glared at the small eyes.

"Why, how is it possible?" Lydia felt her body hollowed out by the Crow Soul Scepter, a little shaky. With this blow, she felt an unprecedented power and vaguely touched the threshold of the S-class.

She is confident, even if her grandfather Emmons personally hit a full blow, it may not be able to cause such momentum and power.

I dare not say how this attack will do to the Lord of the Demon Flame, at least it can make him suffer a lot of injuries and get a deep lesson. But he didn't want to, the other party even blasted her devastating hurricane with a punch, the price paid was only some small scratches on her body.

No, no, he did n’t even have a minor injury. Those subtle blood stains have healed quickly under his terrifying resilience.

This purgatory demon lord is too abnormal.

And Wang Yan is also a little depressed, just a half-step S-level magician. The great move is so powerful, and it is cut with space debris. Fortunately, his old king was not a vegetarian, so that he would not be overturned in the gutter.

The space has always had a very strong self-healing ability. Under the violent impact of the energy just now, the resulting space rupture quickly recovered after a few twists.

At the level of Wang Yan, in fact, he can already break the void with a strong attack power.

But if you want to reach another plane world by breaking the void, it is almost incredible. It is only possible to hit the space node and keep the void tunnel stable for one or two seconds.

Otherwise, casually breaking the three-dimensional space and rushing into the four-dimensional space is purely looking for a dead end.

And all planes will exclude foreigners. Wang Yan was an ordinary S-class when he came, and Gaia of Hell World was so lazy to even glance at him. And when super powers like Uncle Gun come over, Gaia in Hell World will surely be aware of it, and will be malicious to him.

When the S-class abyss demon ran to earth, how much did Gaia care?

The different thresholds of the two worlds 'response to the visitor level also reflect the difference of the two worlds' power levels.

Of course, now Wang Yan has disguised his body as a pure-blood purgatory demon through bloodline evolution. Later, even if he is promoted to a demigod in Hell World, Gaia in Hell World will not interfere.

There is even a certain possibility, because Wang Yan is young enough to be outstanding and strong, and it is not necessarily a child that is loved by Hell World Gaia.

Not to mention gossip.

Wang Yan, who was suspended in midair, suddenly felt chilly, and looked down, erm ... a casual robe had been cut into pieces, and only a few strands of broken cloth were flying in Lingfeng. No way, it was just a massage, who would wear heavy armor to massage?

The majestic demon body is full.

"Ah ~" Lydia also reacted, squatting on the ground screaming suddenly, covering her eyes desperately. This scene is really too spicy.


Wang Yan's cry was even more fierce than her, and he quickly took out the black armor from the storage equipment and put it on, and looked at her in a panic.

Lydia's cry came to an abrupt halt, her eyes staring at the purgatory demon, the feeling, as if she was Lydia's intention to covet his body, a strong sense of shame sprang up.

The corners of her mouth twitched, if not because she couldn't beat the demon, she would have died with them.


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