The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1522: Coax a thief ship

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"Why, what? For me, why, and me again ?!"

The innocent face of Lydia, the whole person was forced, because once it was targeted by this wicked Demon Lord, there must be no good thing!

"Lydia, you also saw that devil's battleship, but it is an extraordinary black technology."

Wang Yan pointed to the mountain side of his finger and slowly said, "Now that the domineering warship is parked on the other side of the mountain, how many Demon King's guards will be hidden in that warship? What is the strength of those pro-guard forces? "

At the thought of that grisly battleship, Lydia's charming eyebrows could not help but wrinkle, and came to this place for the relics of the starry sky god, the man brought by the red refining demon king, the absolute strength Not low.

"That warship is very large and dangerous. The number of troops that can be carried in it is less than four or five hundred people, right?"

Lydia was disturbed, and speculated while saying, "Since it is the Red Refining Demon King who is close to the guard, his strength is definitely not bad. Well, at least there must be A level ... No, A level is estimated to be only next to the devil. Sweep the rubbish, the personal guard next to the devil, let alone half-step S-class. Of the four or five hundred demon kings, a large part of them are half-step S-class! "

The devil is the devil, and has a deep and powerful background. It is enough to deter the party by keeping guard alone.

"Yeah, those guards are absolutely not to be underestimated." Wang Yan pretended to be scrupulous. "In addition to these guards, do you think how many enemies will be carried by the Red Refining Demon King with such a big event this time? ? "

Speaking of the magician, Lydia's face gloomed: "I'm afraid there are no fewer than five, plus his three sons ... There are at least eight or nine legendary generals!"

"If you add the Red Refining Demon King ... oh my **** ..." Lydia took a breath of breath, not knowing it, startled, such a powerful and elite army, arrived on earth I am afraid that there is capital to attack a country, right?

"The situation is very serious." Wang Yan sighed deliberately, so the tone was tight. "No matter what the Red Demon King is greedy, it takes so much effort, and it's so covery. The baby there must be extraordinary. Now that this incident has been hit by us, then we must not ignore it, so no matter what is hidden inside, we must get it! "

Wang Yan's attitude was firm, and everyone around him was serious and nodded in unison.

The world of **** has always followed the brutal rules of the jungle, there are not so many rules, no matter what good things, as long as you have the ability, it is yours to grab it. For this reason, it is normal for father and son to fight and brothers to cripple. It is like the replacement of the imperial power on the earth, and the throne is competing, which one is not so competing?

Now these men have determined to follow Wang Yan, and their morale is strong, even if the opposite is the famous Chilian Demon King, they still have the courage to robbery him!

"It's just not going to fight the Red Refining Demon King head on."

After inspiring morale, Wang Yan began to speak about the powerful relationship, "We are all very clear about the strength of the demon king. Let alone the warship, the demon king's men are not easy to deal with, plus the strong demon **** Chilian Demon King, we alone are probably not their opponents. "

"If we win by luck, we will also suffer heavy casualties. And can be expensive as a demigod demon, who has few hard moves under his hands? In that case, I think we can basically leave the red refining demon king. Once let red refining Devil King escapes, what consequences we will face next, I think you all know better than me. "

Wang Yan said it was no exaggeration, and all the people around him were stern, and Lydia's face was somber.

At present, the Lord of the Flame Lord is indeed a warrior with high morale, but there is no complete plan, and there are no semi-god-level strong men sitting in the town, and there is still a chance of winning the group of Red Refining Demon King. But if you want to leave the Red Refining Demon King, that is a fool's dream.

"Then, what should I do?" Lydia has been entangled by Wang Yan, the whole person is immersed in tension and pressure, and even the voice of the voice is slightly trembling.

"It's really difficult, but we have to do it too." Wang Yanyu patted Lydia's shoulder with a serious heart, and looked back deeply. "I have a way right now, but this way can only rely on you. finished."

"Why, what's the danger? Isn't it dangerous?" Lydia beat the drum straight, unconsciously, already full of bad hunches.

"Danger is naturally a little bit dangerous, but the lord can guarantee your safety." Seeing the other party hooked, Wang Yan raised his mouth slightly, close to Lydia's ear, so to say so, the latter suddenly widened Eyes closed.

"No no no, I'm not going, I'm me, I'm not going!"

Lydia was so frightened that she wore her hands and waved again and again, and her feet went back and forth. "The three brothers, Chi and Chilie, are all perverted. I, I will not go!"

"Yes, that's right! I can give you the way to open the door of the starry sky. Well, the tears of the starry sky also lent you." Lydia lost the tears of the starry sky when she thought of what happened when he first came to hell. Then, he quickly quit and said, "You, let others go."

"How do you do that? Starry sky magic is too deep. We all have zero foundation. Who can learn it?" Wang Yan picked up the tears in the sky and re-inserted into Lydia's hands. He said again, "This plan you It ’s the key. Only if you go, there will be no mistakes. Go, whether we can defeat the powerful Chilian Demon King, it is up to you. "

Wang Yan seemed to be in harmony with Yan Yue, but this word spread to Lydia's ears, making her feel more horrified. Especially when I thought of the terrible and perverted brothers, the three brothers, "Wow", cried aggrievedly.

"Um, me, I'm gone."

In a few moments, Lydia, who readjusted her emotions, began to embark on her journey alone.

"You, you must come to my rescue!" Lydia was uneasy and turned back three steps at a time.

"Relax, this lord will surely save you." Wang Yan waved his hands again and again, as if driving a stray animal.

Seeing this, Lydia felt herself more and more, and was coaxed into the thief ship by this Lord of Flame Flame.

Next, she was afraid that she would not be treated first, and then what?

If it is really dead, she is not afraid, only those terrible **** demons, and the three old brothers of the old change ~ state, old change ~ state ...

If they fall into their hands, she will not ...

At the thought of the terrible end, Lydia straightened the drums, woo! This world of **** is really terrifying. Where are you, Son of Fire?

Woo, son of flames, come and save me, if you don't come again, it will be too late!


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