The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1523: Woman, your acting is very good

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"Boss, how do I think Lydia is so miserable that she won't die outside?"

The confusing Lord scratched his head and looked at Lydia who was far away, full of sympathy in his heart.

"Lydia, it's a pity to die outside." Ogre Ablon Giant Mallet touched his belly and said roughly. But his slobbering expression, where sympathy is, it is a pity that he was not eaten into his stomach.

"It's okay, I can't die, the girl's life is very hard." Wang Yan was confident, not worrying about things changing.

Then Wang Yan began to talk with the crowd around him and talk about the next plan.

After just a few words, all the eyes around him lighted up one by one.

There is no reason for him, this plan is too second.


After dozens of minutes.

Lydia finally bypassed the mountain range where Wang Yan and others were hiding, then rode on the crow's scepter and flew all the way in the wind, and finally galloped for dozens of kilometers. After bypassing the Devil Warship, he plunged into the black Among the bizarre mountains.

This large mountain full of strange rocks is not high, but the terrain is rugged and the rocks are rugged. There are black market rocks protruding outward like a bayonet.

If you look down from above and connect the whole mountain together, it seems that this area is a cemetery full of huge animal bones, which is very scary.

At this time Lydia landed carefully, and after putting a layer of wind escape on herself, she began to **** for the place where the starry sky **** sensed.

Lydia had groped for the last time on the ground. At this time, he knew the road and knew the road, and soon he touched the crack in the huge mountain.

The place where the starry sky **** senses is in this crack cave.

"What is it that you can't get into the tiger's cave and get a tiger? I'm also a thief of the Lord of the Flame Flame. I, if I died in it, even if I were a ghost, I would never spare him!"

Lydia took a few breaths and tried to calm down her beating heart, then settled down and began to touch the cave.

According to previous information, the Red Demon King and his party are all hidden inside, but she knows that there are people inside, and she must go inside now.

Sure enough, Lydia had just touched the cave and was instantly crushed to the ground.

"Actually you?"

The person who caught her was surprised and lifted her with one hand.

This is a sturdy, rough-faced purgatory demon, Lydia recognizes him, this purgatory demon is the Red Rock Lord among the three demon kings!

"Jin Jie, no wonder, when I sneaked in, I was clumsy, it turned out to be your little bitch." The person who made the noise, tall and thin, was the Red Bone Lord among the three demon kings!

Chi Gu and his brother naturally recognized Lydia as a human slave girl, and she still has a fresh memory that she will never forget.

It was this human slave girl who attracted their three brothers to fight with the Lord of the Demon Flame and lost their faces in front of the people of the entire city of Liuhuo.

How could they forget this hatred?

"Huh, bitch, why are you here? Where is the devil?"

The red bone was a cunning genius, immediately squinting, and looked closely at Lydia, and at the same time asked fiercely, "Hurry, where is that Mo Yan's **** hiding? Otherwise, the lord will strip you away! Hmm? Etc. Wait, why didn't you see your slave collar? "

The red bones became more and more suspicious. The people in the entire city of Liuhuo knew that the demon lord Lord of Flames attached great importance to this human slave girl and had always been with him. Right now the female slave suddenly appeared here, and it was obvious that Lord Mo Yan was nearby.

Moreover, the slave collar of this female slave actually disappeared. Could it be that Lord Mo Yan restored the female slave's freedom?

Lydia knew that the more this time, the more suffocated. If the act is broken now, not only will Lord Moyan and her plan be broken, but she herself will be in danger.

At this point of thought, Lydia immediately insulted half-truly: "Huh! You filthy **** demons, let me go! That demon flame is a beast! Where is he, care about my fart? I , My slave collar was naturally picked by myself, I am not a slave now, let me go! "

"This female slave is so fierce. Did she steal the key and escape?"

Chi Yan glanced back at Chi Gu, and the two immediately frowned, as if thinking about the reason why Lydia suddenly appeared.

But at this moment, a gentle voice drifted from the depths of the cave.

"Oh, woman, your acting is very good."

Lidia suddenly groaned, and then looked away, only to see a person wearing crimson armor, with muscular body, high temperament, as if he was a natural purgatory demon, slowly from the hole ** come over.

This purgatory demon, is the elder brother of these two demon kings, the heir of the future Great Fire City, Lord Chilie!

As he appeared, the surrounding atmosphere immediately dimmed.

And Lydia discovered that there were more than two hundred elite guards and five legendary demon generals who came along with Chilie from the inner shadow!

The two hundred elite guards, all of whom are S-class guard captains who are as strong as half a step, and five demon generals, are battle-hardened and energetic.

Such a powerful force is now all mixed together, so that the surrounding atmosphere begins to decline in vain, a depression.

"Acting? What acting? I don't understand what you are talking about. In short, you despicable demons, let me go. I am not a slave, and I will never become a slave again!"

Lydia, like a frightened bunny, continued to resist the struggle. She was terrified on the surface, but in fact her heart was already in a panic.

If I were seen through a lie now, it would be all over.

"Hum!" Lord Chilie snorted coldly, and his body exploded in vain. "Not acting? Why did you appear here? The devil's magic flame, cunning, and prince do not believe, you can escape from his hands come out!"

He is a son of a demon king who has suffered a great loss in the hands of the demon lord. He knows the ability of the demon lord, and now the female slave can escape from the demon lord? He didn't believe it at all.

"That **** magic flame, arrogant and arrogant, spent all day with a group of female slaves, he was drunk, and I naturally had a chance to sneak out!"

Lydia scorned her face and said unwillingly, "This is what it is, love it or not!"

"Oh, is it? The prince really didn't believe it!" Lord Chilie narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly, "Come here, peel me her skin first! The prince wants to see, this female slave's mouth can When is it hard! "

The inhabitants of **** are quite cruel, they say killing as long as they fight, and they are cruel to treat their enemies without mercy.

At this moment Lydia heard a pretty face suddenly white.

In my heart, I repeatedly swear, that **** magic flame, is the world's first big pit! Look at the **** out of him. Wasn't this intentionally pushing her into the fire pit?

On purpose, yes! It must have been intentional! Lydia wanted to cry without tears, and scolded herself for being the thief of the magic flame.


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