The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1525: All in plan

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At the time of Lydia and Chilian Demon King Xu and the snake, Wang Yan has led his men and quietly approached the edge of this strange rocky mountain range.

"Have you seen that battleship?"

Wang Yan was hiding in a bunker in the mountains and pointed to the gigantic and huge warship in the distance.

This battleship has red stripes on the black background, and the ship's cold light circulates, full of powerful and mighty momentum. And it seems to have broken through the shackles of gravity, so it is suspended in the air quietly, with no sound.

It is no exaggeration to call this mysterious and strange construction method called black technology. Especially after opening this horizon, Wang Yan really wanted to get a ship, not only can be sent to earth research, usually take out and play for yourself.

"This is a Devil-class battleship, a royal vehicle that only Hell Demon can have."

Wang Yan's men and women were watching from afar. Among them, Master Alchemist, who pulled his beard, commented, "This is a high-level product of the combination of alchemy and refinery. It was easily flattened by it, and at the moment, with our own talents, I am afraid that it will not be easy to capture in a short time. "

"Don't worry, everything has its own weaknesses. As long as we grasp their weaknesses, even the tall devil can be pulled and crushed by us on the ground."

Wang Yan was still confident, and then looked at Zoe on his side. Zoe immediately sacrificed his true eyes and described every structure and staffing inside and outside the Devil's battleship in detail.

This is the power of the real eye of the alchemy relic, especially now that he has inherited the complete heritage, Zoe uses the real eye and is more handy. Even if it is more than ten kilometers away as it is now, it is still possible to scan this warship with the real eyes and the unconscious sight.

"Is there only one legendary demon general and more than 300 guardian-level demon guards?" Wang Yan was more satisfied after listening to the detailed report. "It looks like the main force is there, then we can handle it."

"You guys are coming over, it's time to try that trick." Wang Yan greeted, and more than twenty ogres with big iron boxes immediately gathered in front of Wang Yan with respect.

Look at the appearance of their strict array, as if receiving Wang Yan's order, it is more important than the sky falling. Especially the big iron box behind them seems to be more precious than life in their careful eyes.

In fact, they are so rigorous, because their ogren thoughts are simple, and Wang Yan told them to say that this is the latest secret weapon developed, it is very important, plus a set of detailed assembly process training This makes these ogres unconscious and study with great care, for fear of destroying the major event of Lord Lord Mo Yan if they are not careful.

"Is it clear how to use this thing?" Wang Yan asked, and the twenty ogres nodded quickly.

"Very well, a few of you will follow him, a few of you will follow him, others will follow me."

After thinking about it for a moment, Wang Yan began to arrange it quickly. "Tell me all. Once the devil enters the secondary space of the ruins, we will start to act!"

"Remember, the action must be fast and the angle must be accurate!"

Wang Yan's eyes slowly swept across the crowd of people in front of him, and then carefully advised him. Then, his big hand waved, "It's all gone, go to arrange it immediately!"

"Yes!" A group of generals, all made a whisper after they lowered their voices.

Then the brigade, led by several generals, quickly and quietly moved towards the designated place.

"Master Demon Flame, this devil warship will raise its defensive shield at the moment of crisis. Even if the demon king can't be easily destroyed, are you sure we have a way to deal with it?" Master Refiner Hill, asked with some confidence "Once the warship's shield is raised, we have no chance."

"Don't worry, the lord has his own way." Wang Yan was calm, and Chengzhu was in his chest.

"Master Demon Flame, then ... Miss Lydia, can you really succeed?" Appraiser Zoe was worried about Lydia's safety and couldn't help asking.

"She's absolutely foolproof, you just wait to watch a good show." Wang Yan raised her lips slightly, his expression calm, "Everything is in the plan."

At present, it is enough to see how precious the remains left by the starry sky **** are, and how important it is to the Red Demon King. Otherwise, why even Wang Yan turned upside down in the troubled city of Liuhuo, and that Red Demon King had no time to ask?

The name of the starry sky **** was not called in vain in those days. Not only can he rely on the mortal body to seal off the crazy ancient demon, but also in the later stage, he almost became a **** with a flesh and blood.

Such legendary masters have left their names even in hell. Wang Yan knew very well that the secret left by the starry sky **** is definitely a rare treasure that even the devil and even the devil are rushing to.

Now Lydia can be said to be the only person in **** who can open the seal by normal means, walk into the subspace, and get the treasure. Otherwise, if you want to break through with force, you must have the devil come in person.

The cunning demon of Chilian Demon King is reluctant to share this kind of baby with the devil, so he can only rely on Lydia. So Wang Yan can conclude that Lydia is safe no matter what.

Right now, as long as Lydia successfully brings the Chilian Demon King in, his plan is half done.


At the same time, Lydia was deep in the cave.

At the end of the cave, in front of the empty rock, a very delicate and beautiful magic array has been constructed by Lydia.

This magic array is mainly based on the small hexagram, and then combined with planets and space-time signs and other patterns, the final intricate combination is together.

Although the area of ​​this magic circle is not large, every match and every stroke reveals a natural sense of ingenuity. It seems to be a star in the sky. It is already innate and inseparable.

"Give me the magic crystal." Lydia constructed the magic array well, and she needed the magic crystal when she reached out.

Everyone at the moment knows that the magical structure of this formation is extraordinary and extraordinary, and every place does not reveal a deep background. Chilian Demon King and others are all elites, and at a glance they know that this time there is finally a drama. Therefore, the eyes are bright, the excitement is abnormal, and the attitude towards Lydia is reversed. Whatever the other party wants, they will naturally give it.

Prince Chilie quickly took out hundreds of magic crystals and gave them to Lydia.

Lydia is familiar with light cars, hundreds of magic crystals are imported into the bag, and more than a dozen are placed in the circle of the magic circle.

She didn't understand why she did it anyway. Anyway, she now thinks that there is a loss to take advantage of, which is a kind of loss. This must have been infected by the Lord of the Flame Flame!

However, with the magic crystals containing pure energy, she was placed in the magic circle, and the entire magic circle gradually lit up like a star.


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