The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1526: Mystery opens

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"The glory of the sun, the guidance of the moon, on the dark road, shining the brilliant road of stars ..."

Lydia stood on the edge of the circle and began to close her eyes and silently recite the spell.

The tears of the starry sky are floating in the center of the magic circle. Soon with the magical guidance of Lydia, the magic circle in front immediately emits a brilliant blue glow, just like the stars in the sky, refracting the bright starlight On this magic circle.

And this magic from the stars began to gather more and more, and quickly reached an amazing level. Soon there was a vast breath like the stars in the night, and began to leap from the magic array and rushed to the face!

"Master Father, this human slave girl is indeed a bit capable!" The devil's second son, Red Bone, who had previously seen Lydia, couldn't help but sigh after seeing this posture.

"It seems that this human slave girl really has a close relationship with the old fellow of the starry sky god." The eldest son Chi Lie's eyes flashed in full glory, filled with unbearable joy.

"Yes, yes, that ultimate secret is ours!"

The rough-looking three-time red bones can't help but be excited and said, "When we get the ultimate secret, our family will surely become the top force in hell, one of the best! And if the legend is true, maybe my father will Break through the shackles of demigods and achieve the ultimate true God! "

"Hahaha, by that time, the whole **** will be divided into four parts of the world!" The three brothers secretly heard the voice, excited each other, eager to try.

Hearing the rumor, Chilian Demon King did not participate and remained still and silent, but his eyes ignited a fierce fire.

He understands that he has been working painstakingly for so long, and now he will finally succeed!

The ultimate secret left by the **** of the starry sky ahead is already close at hand. It is likely that this is his only chance to break through the shackles of the deity!

Once he can be promoted to become a true new god, then the entire history of **** will be rewritten accordingly, and he will also have a long and precious life, and will be able to gain supreme power and achieve supremacy!

Thinking of this, the Chilian Demon King had already seen himself staring at the world, and his expression became more and more fluttering.

In fact, he really admired the starry sky god.

When he was still a little lord, Chi Lian followed this starry **** to go north and south, just to find out what the true meaning of life is.

Unexpectedly, it was really found by the old fellow of the starry sky god.

But now all this, including the old man's hard work of the starry sky god, will belong to him.

Chilian Demon King was ecstatic in heart, at this moment, a starlight suddenly fell from the sky.

As this starlight fell, the brilliance of the entire circle began to converge to the center of the circle, that is, above the tears of the starry sky.

The tears of the starry sky are becoming brighter and brighter, and finally a sudden burst of starlight is emitted, directly hitting the center of the empty rock wall in front of him.

The magical things happened.

Chilian Demon King and his three sons, all with wide eyes, watched closely the changes in the walls,

You must know that magicians are a magical profession. Like the Taoist monks in China, they all pay attention to borrowing power from the heaven and earth and the laws of the universe. Each magician is a learned scholar who studies the laws of everything Scholars usually have some mysteries that are difficult for others to grasp.

So as long as they are given enough time to prepare, they can often exert their power far beyond their own level.

This point, even Chilian Demon King, who is a demigod, is deeply admired. After all, he had watched the magical power of the starry sky **** at that time.

"Cough, click!"

With a few slight cracks, the surface of the rock wall that the starlight was constantly injecting began to crack, and after this layer of rock shells shattered, a space door opening that was only about one person high bloomed in front of people. .

This water-like doorway is sparkling and full of brilliance. It is the door to the stars that connects space to space.

But at this time in the eyes of Chilian Demon King and his three sons, this starry gate is not only a portal, but also a gateway to treasure and realize their ambitions for many years!

"Master Father, the door is open!"

Lord Chilie's voice trembled, and the three sons of the demon looked into their father's eyes, full of unspeakable excitement.

"Notify the warship and stand by! The rest follow the king to enter the door!"

Chilian Demon King moved, his muscles could not help but tremble slightly.

After so many years, the access control that has plagued him for so many years has now been finally opened, and his dream of planning for nearly a thousand years is finally being realized. At this moment, even if his mind is like him, there is an urge to burst into tears.

However, the devil is the devil in the end, and his heart is also very firm.

After a short period of rejoicing and excitement, the Red Refining Demon King regained his original calmness and majesty, but his mood seemed extremely happy.

"A female magician from the earth, go with this king to explore the treasures left by your ancestors in the college!" Said the red demon king holding Lidia, who had just cast the spell, and walked towards the starry sky door.

He brought Lydia to his side, as if to protect the other side, but in fact it was a threat, and at the same time, in order to prevent Lydia from playing any tricks. He didn't dare to let a magician with strange means do something he couldn't predict within the ruins.

The crowd behind the Chilian Demon King burst into ecstatic cheers. They all knew that this time following the Chilian Demon King, even if he picked up some bits and pieces, he would have developed a reward.

Soon, this army, which had already been ready to go, was led by the three princes and the five demons. They successively passed through the starry sky door and entered the mysterious and unknown secret realm of the starry sky god.


"Well! Well!"

The demon warships anchored outside the ruins, after receiving the ruins that had been opened, and all people standing by far beyond the communication, all the demon guards cheered.

"Really, those legends are true!"

"I heard that the human magician named Star God of the Sky was the person who was close to the **** in the legend!"

"Yeah, yeah, this kind of legendary big man, no matter what is left, it is a treasure!"

"Hey, leaving a little baby is secondary, the key is how to break through the secret method of the demi-god through lifelong research of the starry sky god, that is the priceless treasure!"

When the words came out, everyone at the scene cheered again.

"Yes, yes! If our Majesty the Demon King can break through the demigod in the future, my God! Won't **** be a quarter of the world in the future?"

"Hahaha, that's it! If our Majesty the Demon King can break through the demigods and dominate the world, then how can some of our cronies be able to fish a lord, and even have the opportunity to be the demigod in the future!"

The demon guards on the entire battleship all talked happily. They are all cronies cultivated by the Red Refining Demon King. As they reach the ruins, all kinds of rumors and the purpose of the Red Refining Demon King will know about it.

Right now the Red Demon King finally enters the ruins, which means that those legends are true, can they be unhappy with those who are on duty?

Who doesn't understand the reason why the water is rising?

However, at this moment, a voice from the outside suddenly reached their ears.

"Yo, so happy, what are you doing?"

Qiqi, the demon guard on the battleship, turned his eyes and suddenly his soul was about to fly.

That Wei An's upright body and overbearing handsome face are not the Lord of Demon Flames in the big city, who else? !


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