The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1529: You are mean, you are shameless, you are not human

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At the time of Wang Yan's capture of the Demon Battleship, Chilian Demon King and others also successfully entered the secret realm left by the Starry Sky God.


Chilian Demon King and others seemed to pass through a layer of sticky jelly. After passing through this layer of portal, a sudden and cheerful feeling came immediately.

Here the sky and the earth are pure white, all shrouded in a pure and soft magic light curtain, just like the legendary sacred and majestic Kingdom of Light, with holy radiance everywhere.

It's just that it is different from the Kingdom of Light. It is indeed spotless, pure and holy, but it is not as solemn as the Kingdom of Light, but has an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Moreover, unlike the dry and fiery **** environment outside the secret realm, it is refreshing and comfortable, and there seems to be a gentle wind blowing on the head. In particular, the feeling of ease and leisure seems to suddenly emerge in the hearts of people, making everyone's originally excited and tense heart unconsciously quiet.

The men who followed the Red Refining Demon King were all shocked at this moment, one by one, novel and excited.

"It's a magical mystery! Isn't the old fellow of Starry Sky God trying to build a shrine here? Did he really want to be a deity?" The devil's eldest son Chilie looked around and couldn't bear it Live with emotion.

He followed brothers and fathers, big and small secrets, and went in several. The so-called secret realm is actually a small subspace, which can also be called a space fold.

There are actually many such subspaces in the universe. They are like a small bubble in the main space where we are, some of which are naturally formed, and some are artificially made.

In short, people who can find such small subspaces and use them are basically powerful. Moreover, the construction process is very long, and the cost is very huge. Even if someone who has no ability, even if this kind of subspace is discovered, there is no ability to develop and use it.

It ’s just that the secret space in front of it seems to have been built quite well, and the internal magic is plentiful to an alarming degree. Even his son, the devil, has been affected by the atmosphere generated by the environment here, and his heart has become peaceful. Rare things.

"Good pure magic ..."

Lidia, held hostage by Chilian Demon King and others, couldn't help but take a deep breath. With this breath of pure magical air, mixing into the body, she felt a warm and comfortable feeling, quickly hit the whole body.

She obviously felt that every cell in her body was active, and the whole body seemed to be instinctively absorbing, the rare pure magic around her.

As a talented female magician, Lydia also experienced elemental baptism in her childhood, so she is very sensitive to the pure magic in the secret territory.

She can feel very clearly that if she is in this environment full of pure magic, not only will her strength become more powerful, but the speed of magic recovery will also increase significantly. If you concentrate on practicing in this mysterious environment, you can enter the state of meditation in minutes, and the efficiency will definitely increase several times than outside!

Of course, these things will not be said to Lydia and Chilian.

"Don't make any fuss, everyone here, this is the old fellow of the starry sky god. The place where the retreat was closed. The magic is also normal."

Chilian Demon King revisited as usual at this time, his expression relaxed, "But this place has not been opened for nearly a thousand years, and the magic power will actually be so rich. Did the old guy have realized the ultimate secret of life before he died?"

Faced with the starry sky **** Marcus Harvey, Chilian Demon King admires in the end. Therefore, returning to the original place, looking back at the past, still worried about the starry sky god.

However, he is very clear that the Star God of the Sky was dead, and now everything here belongs to him.

"and many more."

Hearing the Chilian Demon King's tone, Lydia lifted her face at once, "You, you know the starry sky **** and his old man? You, have you been here before?"

"It's more than just being here, this king has still practiced here!"

Chilian Demon King said more excitedly, "To this day, Ben Wang tells you the truth, that old guy, the starry **** of the sky, was killed by Ben Wang!"

"Hahaha!" As soon as this remark came out, the three sons behind the Chilian Demon King and all the men made a loud laugh.

These people, like Chilian Demon King, according to their habits, seem to kill a powerful man by vile means, which is a matter of pride.

Similarly, the use of Lydia to open the door for them also made them more happy, and the laughter at this time was a ruthless mocking of Lydia.

"Starry sky god, his old man, is that you killed ?!" Lydia groaned, her eyes widened, her expression full of indignation.

Seeing Lydia's exasperated expression, Chilian Demon King enjoyed it very much.

He seemed to be boasting about his great achievements, and continued to say: "Speaking of this, this king was still the follower of the old man of the starry sky god. , Thanks to the old man ’s careful teaching. "

Chilian Demon ’s smile became more evil: "This King accompanied the old guy, and pursued the true meaning of life for nearly a hundred years. Just when the old guy was about to complete his dream, he never dreamed that the person who killed him in the end would actually I am the king! "

"What? You, you are such a big bastard!" Lydia was shocked.

She knew that Chilian Demon King was a jerk, but she didn't expect Chilian Demon King to be such a jerk! Actually, Eun would revenge and kill the Star God who has gratitude to him!

"Huh! If this king is not a bastard, can he get the status as he is now?" Chilian Demon King sneered in disapproval. The competition in the **** world is fierce. the benefits of?

"If you want to blame, you can only blame the secrets he discovered are too big!" Chilian Demon King is not ashamed, but proud, "This King really did not expect that the old guy actually found a group, from The fire of life of the galaxy beast! That is the most source of energy in the universe. If the mystery can be broken out, it will be enough for the king to evolve into a god-level life comparable to the star beast! "

"Such an important baby, how could Ben Wang let his eyes open?" Said Chilian Demon King, his eyes gleaming fiercely, "So Ben Wang stabbed him from behind while he was not prepared. A knife! "

Lydia's heart shivered, her hatred shivered, and she couldn't help but scolded: "You are despicable, you are shameless, you are not human!"

After all, no matter how strong the magician is before he becomes a god, he is a physical child. Its physical strength is far inferior to those of the fighting race known for its strength and physical fitness.

Therefore, the sword of the Red Refining Demon King penetrated the body, and the **** flames on the blade burned the internal organs and the internal organs, even if the starry sky **** returned to the sky.

So don't look at the magician's frequent combat power explosion, but once accidentally being approached or sneak attacked, a small soldier may kill them.

"Despicable, shameless, not a person? Haha! Ridiculous! The king is a demon king, of course not a person." Chilian devil snorted, "Stupid human, your life is now in the hands of the king. point!"

Chilian Demon King held Lydia again, and he would continue to move forward.

But at this moment, a weird scene happened.


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