The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1530: Bizarre creatures popping up suddenly

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This is a pure white world full of magical brilliance. The actual area is not too big for Chilian Demon King and others. It is preliminarily speculated that there may be no change in the past thousand years.

The Chilian Demon King held Lydia, pointing in a direction familiar to him. The crowd immediately followed, raising their eyes to see that at the end of the glorious glory, a towering tower was standing.

This is a classical mage tower filled with the Western European style of the earth. Its role is like a fortress of the **** demon king. It can not only absorb the magic around the magician, but also greatly enhance the magician's ability to cast spells.

In addition, the mage tower is also a magician's laboratory, residence, storage room, and meditation practice, fortresses and shelters outside the world.

It is often filled with everything the magician needs. Some magicians will also set up defensive measures such as organ curse, and using special techniques, the internal space is much larger than it looks outside.

At this time, the Master Tower built by the Star God of the sky was towering into the clouds, and the tip was shining with holy and majestic lifelike stars. It was far-sighted and awe in my heart. Can't help kneeling down at it.

Even the Red Refining Demon King, who is strong as a demi-god, seems to be crushed under the bright light full of star power.

This is just the mage tower left by the starry sky god. It can be seen from that, how beautiful the starry sky **** was in that year? It's a pity that he fell midway, otherwise it is really possible that after he broke the true meaning of life, he would break through the demigod and advance to the gods!

The three sons of the Red Refining Demon King and all his men were dumbfounded. A mages tower alone is so bold. If the Star God of the Sky is alive, then his power will still be gained?

Lydia was equally stunned, and even burst into tears in her heart.

It was the first time she felt such a great power after a magician reached the extreme. It can be said that she has never been as proud as she is now, nor has she been so sorry.

If the starry sky **** is not murdered, then what he has achieved so far can even change the earth!

"No! The relics left by the **** of the starry sky cannot be taken away by the Red Demon King anyway!"

Lydia secretly made up her mind in her heart and prayed nervously, "Why is it that the devil flames are not here yet? Then the Master Tower is in front. If you don't come again, it will be late!"

"The relics of the old fellow of the starry sky **** must be hidden in that tower."

Chilian Demon King looked at the mage tower far away for a few seconds, and then waved his hand, "Everyone is following me."

The three demon kings and all the men, all at the same time, with patience and excitement, all started following the red demon king together.

But walking, the group of people suddenly found that there was actually an eel shaped like a moray on their head, a beard on their head, a translucent body, and a strange creature with a faint blue star on the surface, slowly moving towards them Come slowly.

This creature is very magical, about one meter long, cruising in the air, but silent, even without the breath of a living creature. So that even Chilian Demon King had just discovered it through the slight vibration in the air.

But it is indeed a living thing, and it is swimming consciously. If you look closely with the mind, the fluctuations it emits are a group of living magic elements.

"What the **** is this?"

The red bones of the devil's three sons gazing at the shadows first questioned the exit first. Obviously, this is a bizarre creature they have never seen. Although they seem harmless, they dare not carelessly.

"This, this is ... Mana Pterosaur?"

Lydia struggled to remember the record in the book, "This is a product of arcane energy, an elemental creature born from pure arcane energy, the purest magic power."

"They are born with magic power, usually harmless, and if they are properly reared, they will also feed the magic power back to the owner, but if irritated, it will cause the magic power to explode and have great power."

Lydia said with a slight sigh, "Unfortunately, creatures like Earth are now extinct, otherwise they will be a very elegant magic pet."

During the speech, Lydia gathered a pure magic power at her fingertips according to the practices recorded in the magic book. Soon the mana floating dragon that was cruising above everyone's head immediately swam towards Lydia, and in a single bite Under that little magic group.

After swallowing that magic power, this mana pterosaur shuddered slightly, gloriously, and seemed very happy.

And Lydia also practiced the starry sky magic. After eating the magic power of that mana pterosaur, she seemed to have a more intimate feeling towards her, swimming around her arm, and seemed very intimate.

"Huh, your magician always likes to keep something weird." Demon King Chilian dismissed it and grunted, "This King remembered that the old guy had raised many rare and precious pets. It seems that this mana pterosaur survived that year. "

"Survived? Impossible, their life span is not that long."

Only then did Lydia realize that the mana pterosaur that year was still alive? Could it be that this space was closed for thousands of years, and it was born by virtue of the magic power emitted by the mage tower?

Between her doubts, her surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The weird quiet made people feel nervous, and Lydia followed the other eyes and looked in the air.

I saw just above them, hundreds and thousands of dense mana floating dragons were cruising towards them lightly with pedestrians.

They are silent, but with an invisible pressure, like the dark clouds on the eve of the rainstorm, thickly covering everyone's mind.

"Why, how could there be so many?"

"Wouldn't they have been reproduced in the past millennium by the mana floating dragon once?"

Seeing this scene, the three demon kings and a large number of men sweat came out. This kind of thing is said to explode. I do n’t want to say how much power, even if the power is only similar to one fireball, but thousands of fireballs explode together, that kind of power is going to kill people!

They determined that the powerful Chilian Demon King would never be killed by these mana pterosaurs, but they would definitely not be able to withstand such an attack.

"Don't move!" Chilian Demon King Shen Sheng warned, "Don't touch these things, we quickly leave here."

No matter what, once the number reaches a certain scale, even his demigod will feel scalp numbness.

But the warning of the Chilian Demon King had not fallen, and a violent explosion suddenly came out of the crowd behind him.


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