The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1532: Sincerely don't let Ben Wang feel better

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Only when you approach the mage tower can you realize how remarkable and magnificent it is.

Even the demigod Chilian Demon King stood in front of this towering magister tower and was impressed by its majesty and spirit.

At the foot of the Master Tower, there is a palace complex that has not yet been completely built.

This palace community adopts the typical ancient Western European style, and the scale of the building is magnificent and magnificent. The steps in front of the main hall alone are as high as a thousand steps. Looking up, the palace community formed in the upper part seems to be a rolling mountain with magnificent anomalies.

If the ordinary magician comes here, he will even give birth to a pilgrimage-like psychology, but this time a rather embarrassed group of people, just climbed the stairs, came to the front of the palace, headed by the red refining demon king, his face suddenly gloomy Down.

"Old man, sincerely don't let this king feel better!" The Chilian Demon King glanced away and immediately scolded.

It turned out that right in front of the palace, two rows of giant stone statues were standing on both sides of the road, with hundreds of them!

These giant stone statues are twice as tall as the purgatory demon clan that has always been known for their strong physique! They are all shaped like European knights, holding swords and holding shields one by one, just like the guards reviewed by the king, they are majestic and full of momentum.

It's just that this imposing giant stone statue falls in the eyes of Chilian Demon King, but it doesn't have the slightest sense of beauty.

Starry sky **** he knew very well at that time, these giant stone statues in front of them, is a big resistance in their next advance.

"Give me cleverness. These are the puppets made by the old guy during his lifetime. Once outsiders approach, they will attack!"

The Chilian Demon King frowned, turning to stare at Lydia, "Human, you are a descendant of the Academy of Star God, do you have a way to control them?"

"How do I know this? Every magician's operation is different. If anyone can control it, what other defensive effect do they have?"

Lydia waved her hands, indifferently, and pointed to the entrance of the hall, "Master Lord, you see, there are more advanced armor puppets, and more powerful war puppets, the number It ’s still quite a lot, and it ’s not easy to deal with. But after so long, it should have expired, and you do n’t have to worry too much. ”

The magician on the earth, but a very powerful scholar, they can use magic and formation to create all kinds of puppets with powerful fighting power to defend or fight.

There are many ways to make these puppets, such as warlocks, puppet masters, alchemists, and even the Taoists in China have their own unique methods, and magicians also have their special operation skills.

The most common of these is the rock puppet made from soil elements.

Such lifeless rock puppets, completely unaware of pain and life and death, they will often fight the enemy to the end, unless they are broken into pieces, otherwise they will not stop.

Moreover, rock puppets are cheap to make and easy to repair, and can be used multiple times as long as the internal magic circle is not damaged.

Armor puppets and war puppets are high-end combat puppets that are more combative than rock puppets.

It is usually made of armor that has survived wars and weathers. This high-end battle puppet is difficult to make and destroys one less one. However, because it is not a flesh and blood life, it is almost immune to most magical damage, and the defense ability is more powerful. Although they do not have the intelligence and self-awareness, they are very melee in close combat and long-range throwing, which is very fatal, often causing headaches for their opponents.

At present, the number of these puppets looks like hundreds and thousands, and there seem to be several in every palace. This pair of red refining demon kings with only more than 200 people will definitely be a tough battle again.

Right now Lydia is saying good things on her lips, but in fact she can't wait to be a devil and a group of demon kings. It's better to wipe out the whole army on these defensive measures earlier.

Especially for the Red Refining Demon King, not only did he revenge, and murdered the Star God, but now he even wants to try to obtain the relics of the Star God.

"Humph! It's just some puppets with obvious features. How can they stop this demon king?"

Lydia's cool words on the side made the Chilian Demon King very unhappy. He also knew that the prohibition left by the Starry Sky God was difficult for outsiders to crack, but now that the Master Tower is in front of him, how could he retreat?

There was no hesitation at the moment, and the Chilian Demon King waved his hand and commanded, "Give me all! All obstacles will be destroyed by this King!"


The sons of the three demon kings, the five demon generals, and two hundred men, all echoed.

They were originally the elite troops of the Red Refining Demon King, and they had reached the mage tower at this time, and their morale was high. After receiving the order, they immediately assembled into a battle formation and moved towards the palace ahead.


Sure enough, the team had just reached the square in front of the palace, and the powerfully shaped puppets of giant stones came to life together.

Without any hesitation, these giant stone puppets raised their heavy stone swords and stone shields, and slammed their heads under the hands of Chilian Demon King.

The Chilian Demon King ’s men are well-trained and have high combat power. In addition, they have no choice at this time. They can only bravely move forward and fight puppets with a number that is much higher than them.

In this way, a fierce battle erupted under the mage tower.


"Puff puff!"

Far from the entrance of the Starry Sky's secret realm, Wang Yan and his team finally passed through the Starry Sky Gate, and the assembly was completed, ready to go.

This time the team that followed Wang Yan came in a thousand people, and the two hundred powerful ogres all followed. However, Wang Yan also left Master Hill on the ship just in case, and left him more than 100 elite barbarians, as well as a dozen female demon and several dark elves as helpers and guardian sentinels.

Master Hill is a great master of refining. He is a legendary strongman himself. After sitting down for Wang Yan, and taking someone to repair the damaged Devil Warship, it is simply better.

Once the warship of the Demon King was repaired, Wang Yan had to retreat, and with the firepower of that warship, even if the Red Army's reinforcements were killed, there would be no way to take it for a while.

As for the demon guards, Wang Yanquan fitted them with slave collars. This kind of thing is very famous in hell. Anyone who dares to make trouble will be blown off his head and is very cruel.

In addition, there are more than one hundred elite savage soldiers stationed and supervised, there are banshee shifts in the distance, and there are non-stop patrols of dark elves in the inner circle.

It can be said that Wang Yan's future is foolproof, and then it depends on whether this battle can be won.

However, at this moment.

There was a loud roar, and suddenly a tremor came from the direction of the mage tower.

Wang Yan's men immediately tightened his nerves.

"Old, boss! It looks like my dad is in front, me, us, let's kill it quickly!"

Among this group of men, the confusing lord opened his mouth immediately. The whole person was trembling with excitement and nervousness when he thought that he would actually go to war with his father.


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