The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1533: Trip to let them go

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"No hurry, you look at the ground."

Wang Yan pointed to the ground in front of him, and from here on the way to the Master Tower, there were light blue mana dust and several corpses of guards who were bombed with blood and blood.

Obviously there has just been a brutal battle here, and the battle ahead now seems to be fierce.

"What are these things? Gee, can explode the devil's guard like this."

The confusing lord stepped forward and grabbed a handful of blue dust, puzzled.

"Go back to confuse the Lord, these things are mana dust, good things."

Ogre Shaman Walpole Blue Shield quickly and happily brought a few ogres under his arm, took the bottle and loaded it, and at the same time did not forget to look at Wang Yan and explain, "Master Demon Flame, powerful After the explosion of the magic spell, this kind of dust will be left. Collect them, probably so many, and then use the spell to ignite, it will ... "

"Boom!" Walpole Blue Shield gestured with his hand. "A strong explosion! Even I will be killed!"


"This power?"

This time it was not only confusion, but even the cruelty that followed, Camus and others were startled.

Ogres are natural, and this Walpole Blue Shield will not tell them lies. If even his legendary shaman can be killed, the explosion power of this kind of powder is really amazing.

"My mother, this thing is too terrible!" The confusing lord quickly threw away the mana dust in his hand, and at the same time sighed with emotion, "Fortunately, the boss is brilliant, deliberately let my father's old immortal come first, or be bombed It ’s just us! "

The confusing Lord suddenly felt a sense of the rest of his life. He didn't want to walk ahead and was abused by the institutions here.

"Thunder or such, just give it to the powerful Red Refining Demon King. Let's follow behind, don't worry." Wang Yan's expression is indifferent. He has long guessed that the predecessor like the starry sky **** is powerful, if you want to protect How can it be a crucial thing without using a little means?

No matter how hasty the time, a person who has almost become a **** has a very rich heritage. Therefore, this kind of adventure mine exploration work is still left to them to do it.

"Master Demon Flame, but Lydia is alone beside the Red Refining Demon King ..." Wang Yan's succubus charmer whispered uncomfortably.

Both she and Lydia are from the earth. Speaking of her as a succubus but her hometown is earth. She also knows Lydia, so she is not sure about each other's safety.

"Don't worry, Lydia is likely to be the key to unlocking the final seal of the treasure. Even if the demon king Chilian let his own son die, she would never hurt her life."

Wang Yan patted Meier's shoulder lightly and said calmly, "Next, we just have to follow behind Chilian Demon King."

Wang Yan's ability to be so confident is entirely out of the understanding of the Red Demon King and the precise grasp of the situation in front of him.

Of course, grasp everything, and there are always some surprises. After all, Lydia alone follows the gang of Chilian Demon King, and the longer it is, the more dangerous it will be.

"The mana dust is of great use. It is collected by me and first kept by Walpole Blue Shield." After Wang Yan's command was finished, everyone was greeted to leave. He was also worried about Lydia's safety, plus Chilian The devil has been in for a while, and it would be bad if he were to get closer to the treasure first.

However, just as Wang Yan and others were about to set off, dozens of elegant and fascinating mana floating dragons in the sky were quietly gathering towards them.

The magical explosion exploded.


"No! There is a forbidden air formation, we can't leap out!"

"This is the old nest of the old guy. Some defensive circles are normal."

"What are you afraid of? All rushed with this prince!"

At the same time, among the unbuilt palace community, the three demon kings and five legendary demon kings are taking the demon king to guard and fight along the way.

Their fighting power is indeed very small, just in the battle puppet several times, they were born as a red refining demon king sitting behind the road, opened a way.

It wasn't until an obsidian puppet that had reached the pinnacle of the legend suddenly appeared that the Red Refining Demon King shot it personally and bombarded it. Until then, all the talents held Lydia and really walked into this towering tower of the Master in.

This ancient towering, towering mage tower has been erected in this sub-space, I am afraid that it has not been less than a thousand years old, but the internal facilities are still neat and clean, without a trace of dust. Only the heavy feelings left by the years, and the long-term uninhabited formation of loneliness, are always lingering in the surrounding air.

The area inside the tower was unexpectedly large, but there was no sound around it. The Red Demon Lord first asked his men to check the next six floors.

There are six floors underneath, which are the servant room, the utility room, the wine cellar, the summoning room, and the two-story prison, or the research room called alien creatures, where the starry sky gods captured and held the alien creatures.

However, due to the fact that the age is too long, the debris has decayed, and the alien creatures held in the prison have already turned into dead bones. The stored wine is still there, and as in other places, it is just empty.

After the Red Demon King came up, he personally led people up the sixth floor. The upper six floors are the parlor, study, devil's pet house, laboratory, pharmacy room, and bedroom.

In this mage tower, each floor has its own function, and the space also uses special construction techniques, and the area is different.

It's just that the Chilian Demon King led people to check the twelve floors, but they never got anything.

He was a follower of the starry sky god, and he was quite familiar with it. In particular, the twelfth floor below this mage tower was a place where he could freely enter and leave in the past, and now it is the same, without any change.

It's just that, without the permission of the **** of the sky, his follower has no right to enter.

But now the starry sky **** is dead, and Chi Lian has now become a powerful demigod demon, naturally there are no worries.

"Search with me."

After discovering that there was no problem, Chilian Demon King was also anxiously corrupted, and rushed toward the upper level of the Master Tower with his men.

But at this moment, wave after wave of tricks began to follow one after another.

For the time being, the hidden weapons of the organs, various magic curses, mirrored spaces, labyrinth buildings, endless loops, even triggered summoning arrays and so on. For an almost magician, the means he can arrange is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The Chilian Demon King and others who were trapped in it were tired of coping, and their heads were so bad that they could say that there was no place to cry even when crying.

Lydia naturally shirks her insufficiency and can't cope with it. She always stands by with her arms folded. She can't wait to kill the Chilian Demon King and others in these places.

In desperation, the Chilian Demon King had to take his men and use his strength to break the clever one layer at a time. For this reason, Chilian Demon King and others paid a painful price along the way, with dozens of deaths and injuries.

Until another prohibition was forcibly broken, a floating step leading to the upper level suddenly caught in the eyes of Chilian Demon King.


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