The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1540: Tinder of life

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With the birth of Vulcan Zhurong, all the flame elements are paying homage to him.

Wang Yan's perspective gradually began to merge with Vulcan. Through the eyes of Vulcan, he saw the universe above his head, the earth under his feet, and the primitive earth covered with lava. Under the constant polishing of the years, it became more and more beautiful. 'S life began to flourish.

Witnessing the birth of life, Wang Yan was imposing and moved. There are many, unclear emotions, which are constantly filling his mind.

This is a great process from scratch to growth. If you use the Chinese thoughts that Wang Yan understands, then this great process is the way!

The world we exist in, the world, the universe, nature and life, and all the things in the world, their birth, their destruction, and their laws of operation are all in this one word.

In other words, everything in this world comes from chaos. Chaos is the beginning of everything. Everything in the world was born and evolved from it. If you can understand chaos and grasp chaos, then even human beings with flesh and blood can achieve the unity of heaven and man, and the supreme realm of detachment from things!

The immense immense, as if the endless meaning, began to flow like a river, continuously into Wang Yan's heart.

How to grasp and understand this supreme truth beyond the limit, without the help of the old predecessor, Star God, all the insights have to rely on Wang Yan himself.

Therefore, Wang Yan, who was caught in a huge connotation in a short time, immediately fell into a state of forgetfulness.

At the same time, Lydia, who was in contact with the fire of life with him, is the same.

But what she saw was the birth and destruction of the stars in the universe. That huge and magnificent charm made her understand the birth of life, and even the magic of stars, and began to soar rapidly in the state of setting, breaking through the critical point of the legendary shackles.

This is the greatness of Tinder of Life.

It comes from the top life galaxy beast that travels the universe, but it is a great creature that can swallow stars and a drop of blood can make a primitive planet give birth to life.

This group was discovered and refined by the starry sky god. Although it has lost the immense power of the galaxy beast, it contains the highest truth of life since its birth.

Different people have different understandings when they touch this truth. How to explain this truth can only be understood differently according to different people.


Just as Wang Yan and Lydia began to realize and absorb life and fire respectively, the outside time seemed to be still.

But when the small fire suddenly disappeared, this relatively stillness disappeared at this moment.


Beyond the boundary of Bajinjing, the Red Refining Demon King who had just rushed, roared, and the green bar roots on his forehead burst.

He saw with his own eyes that the fire of life he had longed for was absorbed and disappeared under the contact of Wang Yan and Lydia, which made him intolerable.

Immediately withdrew a domineering anomalous fire-igniting sword, and lifted the sword towards the enchantment enclosing the altar: "Fuck things, spit me out!"

Almost crazy is not only the Red Demon King, but also his three sons, three brothers, Red Rock, Red Bone and Red Rock.

At the moment when the three brothers saw that the fire of life disappeared, they were all anxious and eager to vomit blood. They wished to swallow Wang Yan and Lydia alive, and immediately pulled out their respective weapons and launched a fatal attack on Wang Yan. .

At the same time, the demon kings who came together also insulted the deeds of demon flames in their hearts. Seeing that the red demon demon king and the three princes shot fiercely, they also sacrificed together to kill Wang Yan and Li Dia kills.


A large number of violent and fierce attacks almost completely enveloped the enchanting enchantment of the Eight Immortals that enveloped the altar. With such a huge equivalent of power, the Bajijing Enchantment could no longer support it and burst into bursts.

A loud noise, strong explosive power, almost tearing the surrounding space. The resulting shock wave is like a violent wind and rain, with a layer of flames and waves of flames, spreading violently towards the surroundings.

Chilian Demon King, the Demon King's three sons have been under their hands, and Qi Qi was all blown down by the impact of this explosive wave.


Located in the center of the explosion, Wang Yan didn't seem to be affected by the encroachment of the enchantment, and he was still standing still and standing still.

And Wang Yan at this time seems to be a little different from usual. His body surface radiated a faint golden fluorescence, just like the fire of life with golden light. Although the light was faint, it seemed to contain endless truth, which made people not dare to look at each other.

"Why, what's going on?"

Seeing the appearance of Wang Yan, Chilian Demon King froze for a moment, and a trace of cold sweat immediately spilled out.

He was in full anger with the blow just now. In addition to his three sons, five legendary devil generals, and more than 160 guards, he also attacked with him at the same time. The power that burst out in a flash was even a defensive demigod. I'm afraid they will all be blown away with one blow.

But what is going on with this young genius magic flame? Even if you have a second artifact, isn't it so strong?

Isn't that ... that mysterious and unpredictable life and kindling is so powerful?

Thinking of this, he murmured in his heart.


At this moment, Wang Yan slowly opened his eyes and turned to look at the devil and others who surrounded him.

Chilian Demon King and others immediately found in horror that Wang Yan's pupils turned golden now! Just like the fire of life, the golden color filled with divine prestige!

However, what made them feel most chilled was that Wang Yan looked at them with no sadness and joy, as if he were watching the ants and reptiles on the ground, but there was no trace of it.

What are you kidding?

The three sons of the demon king, and so many demon guards will not say it. He is a refining demon king, but he is a magnificent demi-level strongman. No matter how the devil flame poses, it is impossible to face him with a wave of waves Not at all?

And at this time, Wang Yan was not only surprised by their eyes, but also surprised and scared them. His imposing power seemed to be connected to the universe of this world. The invisible, silent, and seemingly ubiquitous sense of existence made him feel horrified.

"Hey, how is this possible? Life fire, fire, how ... how could it be so powerful?"

Lord Chilie, the eldest son of the demon king, has a tight heart immediately. Is the terrifying state of Lord Lord Mo Yan now connected with the world and earth, is it because of the change brought by the fire of life? Has he been promoted to ...

The character behind it, Lord Chilie was afraid to imagine it.

"Father, Father!"

Lord Demon's Second-Bone Red Bone Lord was also afraid. This time, he simply stammered in front of Demon King Chi Lian and asked nervously, "Why, what's going on with this? That Demon Flame shouldn't ..."


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