The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1541: You have the ability to come and beat me

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"Father, Master Father, what is this?"

The two brothers Chilie and Chiyan, like Chigu, immediately withdrew to the Chilian demon king when they saw the wrong momentum, and looked at the intimacy, as if there was no father and son fighting at all.

"Fuck things, after this matter, Ben Wang will settle accounts with you!" Chilian Demon King's eyes tightened, and he immediately scolded resentfully.

His three sons turned around backwards and forwards, which made him angry.

He scolded these three little beasts in his heart. He was still fighting for life and fire with his father. Now he is doing well. Seeing the magical change of Lord Lord Mo Yan, he immediately ran back to hug his thighs. This cunning nature, Is it really inherited from him?

In short, his son is biological. Next, he will rely on them to form a team to participate in the **** conference, and fight for more forces at the conference. Therefore, although these three sons are scumbags, he can not really treat them. kind.

This is a mutually restrained and mutually beneficial relationship, coupled with the sudden change of the Lord Mo Yan at the moment, so that the four of their father and son had to put down their previous competitive relationship and once again unify the outside world.

"Lord Flame Lord's state is very unusual, his power has not changed much, but what is this realm and momentum?"

In the end, Chilian Demon King is a demon king who is strong in reaching the demigod, and his grasp of power and realm is obviously more accurate than his three sons.

But the momentum that Wang Yan exudes now seems to be integrated into this universe, especially looking at their eyes, and there is no sadness or joy. The indifference that seems to look down on the insects on the ground makes him feel like the demon king. Heart shock and surprise.

All creatures will be instinctively vigilant for unknown events, and Chilian Demon King and others are also afraid to carelessly.

At this moment, the imposing Wang Yan suddenly moved.

He picked up Lydia, who was still in a fixed state, stepped down the altar in a few steps, and jumped from the top of the mage tower.

At this time, the magnificent staff and magic book that had been placed quietly next to the remains of the starry sky god, I don't know when it had appeared in Lydia's hands.

It was just that Lidia's eyes were half-closed and her body glowed with golden light. Obviously, after absorbing half of the meaning of life and fire, she is accepting the lifelong inheritance of the starry sky god. It seems that she is now at a critical moment, and Wang Yan will naturally fight for her a certain time.

In addition, the faint golden awn of Wang Yan is gradually fading away, and the color of his eyes has also changed back to the original appearance. The powerful charm that seems to merge with the world and heaven will disappear.

As the starry sky **** said before disappearing, the fire of life is the source of life. The huge implication contained in it is difficult to absorb at one time with Wang Yan's current cultivation. The state of the unity of heaven and man has just been briefly triggered by him temporarily. A little comprehension.

But even a little comprehension made Wang Yan profitable. He felt that after entering the legendary realm, many confusions suddenly broke through, so that his current strength went straight to the peak of the legend, and even the combat power he played , And the understanding and control of the law, has increased substantially compared to the past.

This makes Wang Yan feel the greatness of life evolution, and he can feel the meaning of this source of life, which has been integrated into his soul. As the God of Starry Sky said, this precious connotation of the heavenly path and the origin of life will be integrated into Wang Yan's long life afterwards, which will benefit Wang Yan for his whole life.

"Fuck, me, we're all fooled by him! That **** Mo Yan Junior, hasn't absorbed life and fire at all!"

The Chilian Demon King responded immediately, without saying anything, even chased in a hurry, "Come and chase me! Don't let them run away, this king will take all the meaning of life and fire from their souls ! "

This demon flame and the human slave girl dared to **** him under the eyes of his eyelids and **** him the treasure of the Chilian Demon King for thousands of years.

"Go! Hurry up and give it to me!"

"Catch up with Mo Yan and the human slave girl, and take back the fire of life!"

The three sons of Chilian Demon King, when they heard that the fire of life had not yet been absorbed, all rekindled their hopes, and their anxious eyes glared out.

Since there is still a way to extract it, it means that their hopes have not been dashed, and they immediately greeted a group of men, followed the Red Refining Demon King, and jumped from the top of the Master Tower.

"A bunch of scumming guys, the lord will grab your stuff, what's wrong? Have the ability to catch up and grab back?"

While Wang Yan stretched his magic wings and flew at high speed, he did not forget the people who were chasing behind him. He released his mouth guns and mocked them, causing the Chilian Demon King and others to jump like thunder and angry Qiqi.

"Damn Mo Yan! Dare to grab something under our eyelids, who will give you the courage!"

Lord Chilie, the eldest son of the three demon kings, immediately screamed, and he already hated this Lord Lord of Demon Flames and could not bear it anymore.

Beside him, the son of the Red Bone Lord, but his eyes were fierce and he smiled angrily: "Mr. Flame Flame, you let our three brothers lose their faces in front of the people of the Great Fire! Now they dare to come from the net Jie, our three brothers will let you know today! "

"Well!" The wild three-story red rock lord, burned in rage, the chasers roared again and again, "You hit the lord with a hammer, and today the lord will ask you to return it ten times!"

"Huh! Ignorant junior, this king is going to peel your skin!" The red refining demon king who jumped from the sky was also angry, and his eyes were cruel.

He was suffocated by his own son until he was half dead, and his chest had been suffocated for a long time. This time, this lord of the magic flame secretly picked the peach with his eyelids low, which is simply the biggest challenge to his demon status!

This wicked Demon Lord, not only repeatedly troubled him, but also made troubles in the big city, he did not take his Chilian Demon King in his eyes. The most hateful thing is that now they dare to steal life and tinder in front of him! Is it really true that he is a soft persimmon?

If the Lord of the Demon Flames does not frustrate him now, he can hardly swallow this breath!

"Boy, you asked for it!"

The Red Refining Demon King in the rage, a pair of magic wings, and the rapid fan, the next moment, he raised the red sword with a half-man height in his hand, and struck the Yan Yan below with a blow.


The flame blade instantly expanded to tens of meters wide, and the hot flames almost made the surrounding space boil!

In the end, the demigod demon king is the demigod demon king, and the strong killing intention and power under one blow make Wang Yan's back tight and cold hair all upright.

But the pair of magic wings behind Wang Yan is not a decoration.

The pair of demon wings behind him are different from the wings that the Infernal Demon Clan is mainly used for gliding, defense, and gathering the power of the surrounding elements. His magic wings come from the abyss demons who have a deeper understanding of the laws of space, and now he uses blood evolution to re-sacrifice and merge with the demon gene, so while possessing the strength and power of the purgatory demons, the original space Skills have also been perfectly preserved.

At the moment, although he is tightly locked by the slash of the Red Demon King, he is about to hit two segments, but as the pair of magic wings behind him fight hard, the energy in the magic wing surges, and the space department skills are instantaneous. start up.

In an instant, Wang Yan's figure disappeared instantaneously on the spot, and when it reappeared, it was already a dozen meters away.


A loud noise, almost the same, the fierce and overbearing blow, has burst out at the foot of Wang Yan.


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