The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1542: I'm mean, I'm shameless

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"Empty, the law of space?"

"That monster **** actually mastered this rare rule?"

"Damn, how many cards does this magic flame have?"

The sons of the three demon kings, and many demon kings were stunned. You have to know that the Red Demon King's shot is not just like ordinary people, just slamming with force. Rather, through the force of Shen Nian, Wang Yan is tightly locked. This is like a precision-guided weapon. Once locked, the target is almost difficult to escape.

At least in the past, a legendary strongman whose strength is much lower than that of the demigod demon king can escape the mortal blow of the demigod demon king in this short distance and gliding state.

Unless the other party can hide some special methods like Wang Yan.

"Master Father! This magic flame, absolutely, must never let him stay in this world!"

Lord Chilie, the eldest son of the demon king, feared for a while after seeing this, he knew the cunning and powerfulness of Lord Lord Mo Yan in front of him. Right now they have torn their skins with this demon flame, and if he is allowed to continue to grow and develop, it will undoubtedly be the biggest threat to them all in the future.

"Yes!" Er Zi's Red Bone Lord, who is also tight-hearted and gazes fiercely, "Master Father, this Demon Lord Lord is cunning and versatile, he must not be allowed to escape right now, otherwise he will suffer endlessly!"

"Brother, the second brother is right, so many of us, everyone who shot together, don't believe that he can escape!" Lord Sanyan Chiyan looked fierce and gritted his teeth resentfully.

Before the words fell, the sons of the three demon kings, and more than a hundred men, all raised their weapons together and quickly prepared for the attack.

"Hey, hello, so many of you bullied me, you are too shameless, too mean?" Wang Yan pretended to be frightened, and his voice seemed to be a little panicked.

At present, the entire mysterious realm is within the influence of the forbidden air circle, and this circle is still the star sky **** Marcus Harvey. It was personally arranged in that year, even the Red Devil King was affected by it.

Therefore, everyone jumped off the top of the mage tower, not flying, but using their own ability to resist the restraint of the air ban array and glide.

If Chilian Demon King and others launched a large-scale attack on Wang Yan at this time, Wang Yan in a gliding state would never escape.

"Despicable? Shameless?" Lord Chilie sneered. "I'm despicable, shameless! If you become a king and defeat a conqueror, you will laugh until the end is the winner!"

"What nonsense with him? Do it with this king!" Chilian Demon King snorted and raised the red sword in his hand again.

If he talks about cunning and deceit, he will dare to be the second in this group, and no one will dare to be the first. He can have the status as he is today, all relying on mean means.

The demon lord who is Wang Yan's incarnation now shows the fighting power and strategy far beyond his original imagination. In addition, the current secret has been known to him, and his face has been torn. If he let this magic flame run away again, not only will he not be able to regain his life and fire, he will also have endless troubles.


Chilian Demon King and his men raised their weapons together and were about to launch a full-scale attack on Wang Yan.

The corner of Wang Yan's mouth lifted slightly in the dark, and he waved a small gray-black projectile and threw it behind him.

These are all eagle body demon Zoe, after inheriting the true eye and the inheritance of the alchemist master, the latest produced props.

Although this small projectile has no lethality, it can create a large gray-black cloud screen after the explosion. Not only can it block the line of sight, but even the Shennian will be severely disturbed, making it difficult to penetrate.

It can be said that it is quite practical, especially disturbing the mind lock, which is simply an indispensable important factor in the escape process. Therefore Wang Yan decided to call this small projectile a cloud curtain.


With the explosion of the cloud screen bomb, large black and gray clouds were blown out at once. The sight of the Chilian Demon King and others were immediately blocked, and even the Shennian was difficult to penetrate. As a result, the killing trick they released, they lost their targets at once, and they were all like rocks and the sea, silently submerged into the dark gray cloud .

A large cloud spreads from the middle of the mage tower to the bottom of the mage tower. In addition to the dark clouds of thick clouds, where is the shadow of Wang Yan?

"No, that kid is going to slip!" Chilian Demon King secretly shouted, quickly greeted the three sons and a group of men, and rushed toward the cloud below.

"Quick, keep up!"

"Don't let Mo Yan's **** escape!"

Everyone knows the consequences of Wang Yan's escape, and they all follow the Red Demon King and chase down.

The Master Tower is very high, and it takes a lot of effort to glide down from above. But now most of them have been chased away. When the Chilian Demon King leads people across the cloud curtain, he will fall to the foot of the Master Tower in a blink of an eye.

"Hehe, Junior Mo Yan, see where you can escape!"

Chilian Demon King sneered with awe, he found that the nasty Demon Lord at that time was standing not far in front of him, as he prepared to step forward to kill this wicked little cub, the gradually clear scene around him gave birth to his forehead. A layer of cold sweat.

"Hahaha! Demon Flame Boy, see where you are going!"

Three brothers, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan, led a group of men and followed. When I saw Wang Yan standing in front of me, I immediately shouted arrogantly, "Boy, you dare to fight against us, it's stupid! I advise you to be acquainted and hurry up, otherwise don't blame us ......

The three brothers of Chilie just shouted out, but if they threatened in the second half, they were like fish bones, and they were stuck in their throats.

Cold sweat began to slip, and the scene in front of them had far exceeded their early expectations. No, to be precise, the scene in front of them had made them feel horrified in the bone marrow!

Ogre! More than two hundred brutal ogres!

The most terrible thing is that these ogres are all the same, all of them are as strong as a half-step legend! This is a very terrifying and totally unreasonable force. If placed in hell, any demigod will not dare to fight it.

But they are far more than that.

They also clearly saw that behind this group of mighty ogres, there were actually a large number of barbarian warriors lined up!

At a glance, there are six or seven hundred people in this group of barbarians! One third of them have reached the powerful half-step legendary level, and the other members are all A-level elites!

In this column of barbarians, there are actually hundreds of eagle body succubi and succubi, and a small raid of dark elves. The key is that each strength is not low.

However, what most scared the three brothers of Chilie, and Chilian Demon King and others, was that they suddenly felt that among this group of thousands of people, in addition to Wang Yan, there were actually eight strong masters. Legendary strong!

In this instant, the three brothers of Chilie, and even Chilian Demon King and all their men, a tight heart, instantly mentioned his throat.

The army of thousands of people alone is enough to squash them round. If you add nine legendary strongmen including the Lord of the Flame Flame, aren't they a group of people without a burial place?

Even if their father Chilian Demon King, they will be crushed to the ground, strong wheel to death?


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