The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1546: Brutal Red Refining Demon King

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"Ji Jie, Lord Lord of Flames, you have done everything, but did not expect this king to jump out of your encirclement?"

Chilian Devil King sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then his eyes began to become more fierce.

At this time, the hatred of Chilian Demon King has already risen, which is difficult to suppress.

He worked hard to plan for thousands of years, just to win the life wealth of the starry sky **** and that group of life and fire, that is the key factor for his ability to break through the physical body and evolve into a **** in the future!

Even if there is only a slight chance, it is enough to attract turbulent rare treasures in the world.

It is a pity that now this precious life and fire, together with this secret realm, have all fallen into the hands of the Lord of the Demon Flame. He has been working painstakingly so far, and all his efforts have turned into a bubble!

At the thought of the fact that he had to accept, the hatred in his heart could almost tear him apart.

"I am so blamed, I blame this king for my care."

The Chilian Demon King secretly regrets, he also felt that the human female slave Lidia, there are many suspicious things, but he is too eager to open the door of the starry sky that has been sealed for thousands of years.

Coupled with the fact that the Hell Assembly is coming soon, it is his good time to refine the demon king, lead the heirs and the army, and show his style and expand his power. If this opportunity is missed, he will have to wait hard for hundreds of years. He can't wait so hard without patience.

Besides, according to the rumored news, this **** conference is different from the past. It is very likely that there will be big changes and turmoil. With such a good opportunity to show his talents, how can he miss the red refining demon king who has been hiding for many years?

As for the hidden danger of Lord Lord Moflame, he did n’t think about it, but he ’s just a **** lord, let ’s not dare to dare to fight against him. How can it be possible to face a demigod with the power of a legendary lord confrontation?

To know that he is a red refining demon king outside the mountains, he also arranged a devil-class battleship, but it is worth the killing force of thousands of troops!

"Not good!" When he thought of the warship, Chilian Demon King secretly shouted.

The Lord of the Flames was able to bring the army in with such a big swing that it seemed that the battleship had been captured.

"How could this Demon Lord, pull up such a powerful army in such a short time?"

Chilian Demon King became more annoyed the more he thought about it. After all, he was too proud and confident. He did not expect that the Lord of Mo Yan would come to him with such a trick, which caused him to regret it for life. Suffocating the ending.

"Woo! Kill!"


At this time, behind the Chilian Demon King began to hear a lot of shouting and fighting sound, Chilian Demon King secretly screamed.

If he guesses right, it is only a matter of time to destroy the three sons and a group of men with the combat power led by Wang Yan now.

However, the sacrifices of his three sons and a group of men could buy him time to escape.

"Alas!" Chilian Devil sighed, "My three beloved sons, you will not sacrifice in vain. When you escape for your father, you will definitely avenge you!"

As long as he escapes from this secret realm, the sky and the earth are outside, who can stop him? As for the three sons abandoned by him, although it is very difficult to leave the bloodline as a demigod queen, it can still be reproduced by expanding and expanding the harem.

As long as you can escape ...


and many more!

Chilian Demon King did not dare to stay all the way, but after rushing to the edge of the secret realm, he was dumbfounded by the sight in front of him.

In addition to the pure white light curtain shimmering with magical luster, where is there any exit shadow?

After he came in, he kept a special eye, and did not let the human female slave Lydia close the entrance of the secret realm, but what is going on now?

No matter how the Red Demon King looks around, you can't say anything around, and no trace of it remains.

"Chilian Demon King, don't bother, you don't think about it, who opened the door you came in?"

A familiar voice came from behind the Chilian Demon King. The Chilian Demon King turned his eyes and saw Wang Yan, a hand-held fire child warhammer, approaching him casually. That calm-looking look is as if he is a Red Demon King, already a turtle in a urn, and a tiger in a cage, who can only be slaughtered by him.

"Junior Demon Flame, all this is really a ghost for you!"

Chilian Demon King gritted his teeth and sneered, then sneered, "Oh, ignorant junior, the seal here has been unlocked, even if there is no portal for entry and exit, a single layer of space barriers, do you think you can block this king?"

At this time, the secondary space where the mysterious environment is located is connected to the main space where the reality is located. As long as this space barrier is broken, we can leave the mysterious environment in a short time.

This is a breeze for the Red Refining Demon King, who is a powerful god.

"Really? If you have the ability, you can try it." At this time, a hostile humming came from midair.

The Chilian Demon King raised his head and looked up, only to see in the mid-air, a bright star of Lydia, holding the Xingyue Staff in his left hand, and a simple and luxurious magic book in his right hand, the whole person was like walking on the stars. The advent of the goddess, the kind of holy and dignified momentum, almost everyone looked up.

"Huh! A little female slave, but just accepted the inheritance, temporarily stepped on the legend, and dared to be so rampant in front of this king!"

When it comes to the life inheritance of the starry sky god, and the more precious life and kindlings, the Chilian Demon King trembles with hatred. He worked hard to plan so far, and all the benefits fell into the hands of the demon lord and the human slave girl, which made him unbearable!

But he wasn't waiting for time, and Chilian Demon King wasn't a fool. He didn't dare to drag on for a long time. He quickly took full strength and lifted his sword to the front of the space barrier.

"This time you are lucky! The next time, this king must be repaid 100 times!"

After all, the red sword with a fierce fire in the hands of the Red Refining Demon King fell with a thunder.


At the moment when the Chilian Demon King shot, Lydia's eyes tightened, and the star magic book in her hand opened instantly, and the pages were automatically turned without wind, tumbling.

Almost at the same time, the light curtain barrier of the entire subspace suddenly flashed a blue brilliance.

The space barrier, which was originally like a water curtain, immediately became condensed and solid, and every bit of every thing became invincible.


The big sword of Chilian Demon King was slashed in front of the light curtain. The violent explosion sounded like the thunder of the sky during the heavy rain, and it was deafening. The energy of the flames erupting layer by layer is like a lava eruption, and the powerful ability has made the red refining demon king himself shocked.

However, the seven-eight-element and eight-element Red Refining Demon King who had been struck and shaken by himself, took a few steps back and looked closely, and the space barrier in front was actually intact!

"This, how is this possible ?!"

The Chilian Demon King suddenly froze, his eyes staring round, his face as ugly as eating shit.

Why can't he break through the barriers of a subspace? Is he really a demigod demon king, really want to be trapped here by these juniors?


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