The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1547: Sleepy Beast

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"Red Refining Demon King, you have been working for many years as a star god, so how old can he be? Can you not tell me?"

Seeing the Chilian Demon King deflated, Wang Yan casually chuckled, "Now my female slave Lidia has completely inherited this piece of space, as long as there are ten Chilian Demon Kings without my permission. Want to go out from here! "

Of course, Wang Yan's statement is slightly exaggerated.

Although this subspace is small, it is self-contained, as long as it controls the rules of operation here, it is the master here. In addition, there is also the core facility built by the starry sky magician tower, which can continuously provide energy. Therefore, once the closed enchantment is activated, even a single demigod demon will be exhausted and cannot break the space barriers here.

But if the power of bombardment reaches a certain limit, beyond the range that the mage tower can load, the space or the barrier can still be forcibly broken.

"Fuck boy ..."

Chilian Demon turned slowly, his face somber.

Now the deflated he was eating in the hands of this Lord of Demon Flames almost ate him up. The most hateful thing is that he suffered heavy losses, and now he is trapped in this subspace. If he does not solve the Lord of the Flame Flame and his slave girl, he has absolutely no possibility of escape.

At the thought of this, Chilian Demon King's eyes became more and more ruthless.


Wang Yan raised his hand and threw a slave collar in front of the Chilian Demon King. He said anxiously, "Chilian Demon King, the lord respects you as a character. Put on the slave collar and recognize the lord as the master, the lord I can put you and your three sons in a horse. In the future, you and your son can still rule the Great Fire City. You just have to ... "


Before Wang Yan finished his words, the eyes of Chilian Demon King flashed fiercely, and he stepped on his feet, and the thick and terrifying fire cloud immediately turned and burst!

In the raging clouds of fire, the Red Demon King is like a rocket flying at a low altitude, directly attacking and killing Wang Yan.

"you wanna die!"

The murderous intention of the Red Refining Demon King broke out, and the raging flame power behind him instantly shattered the stone floor, and the shock and impact fell apart. And his whole body, the continually breaking hot waves, with a roaring roar along the way.

Such a terrifying and powerful power is like the annihilation meteorite falling in the air on the end of the day, and even this side of the world is boiling and shaking.

"Humph, when I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

The Chilian Demon King hasn't arrived yet, and the terrible coercion and pressure will first press Wang Yan head-on. Facing the fierce coercion that was enough to make all things tremble, instead of hiding, Wang Yan shrank his eyes, and the intense fighting intentions lurking in his body instantly soared.

A strong wind with strong irritability immediately blows around him. The pure qi of Qi at the beginning of the day began to surge in his body. The blood of the Demon God, which was previously fused by him, and the explosive power hidden in the cell were also quickly excited at this moment.

The bravery, violentness, and domineering momentum continued to soar around him. The layers of **** flames haunted him all around. Although he has not yet become a demigod demon king at present, that body from the blood line of the demon god, with a powerful momentum full of destruction, is better than the demon king.

Right now, in front of the face-to-face slashing Demon King, he has already secretly brewed to the ultimate Wang Yan, taking a step, pulling his arms, holding up a flame-throwing childish hammer in his hand, and slashing towards the other side Sword, drop it downright!


A violent roar, like a mountain collapse, instantly shook the entire secret space.

In this tremor of time, time seemed to stop.

Both of them used their power to the extreme, and one who wanted to use his explosive power to strengthen the demigod demon king, wiped out the enemies who hated him in one fell swoop. The other, after a brief understanding of the source of life, exploded the meaning in his heart, and reached a whole new level of grasping power.

The original demigod had always been the supreme existence he looked up and yearned for, but after touching the source of life, he was convinced that he could also have this unmatched power!

In this way, the weapons of the two met fiercely, and the huge and huge amount of power immediately produced a terrorist impact that spread outward. The sky-shadowing scene is like a nuclear bomb explosion, and the scorching flame energy almost instantaneously gasified the slate ground under their feet!

Then the condensate was as real as a viscous magma-like explosion shock wave, which immediately resembled a tsunami, with a terrifying power, surging towards all directions.

"Really, it's terrible ..."

The terrible scene in front of him made Lidia, who had just absorbed the meaning and grasped a little bit of the laws of heaven and earth, unable to resist the new horror, and he was busy with several flashes to avoid the oncoming explosion shock wave.

A drop of cold sweat ran down Lydia ’s forehead, and as the shock wave rushed past her side, she could n’t help but secretly marvel in her heart: “Is that Demon Flame Lord a monster? He, can he actually confront the Red Alchemist Lord? How did it work? "

The people on both sides fought fiercely under the mage tower, and after a loud noise, they saw a terrible mushroom cloud rushing towards the sky.

Then a scorching flame with red flames blew toward the side of them.

The distance between the two sides is far away, and the shock wave has reached them, which is not enough to hurt them, but it shocked them.

"Demon, Your Majesty the Demon King, come out, shoot!"

"So domineering, so powerful!"

"We have saved! Hurry, hold on! You will be saved when His Majesty kills Mo Yan!"

On the side of the Master Tower, the warring parties could not see the battle between Wang Yan and Chilian Demon King for a moment. From this, the mushroom cloud exploded from the explosion was seen. Lord Chilie and others immediately shouted excitedly.

They thought that the red demon king who was above him was strangling the demon lord, so they were very excited and rekindled a new fighting spirit.

"You fart!"

"Have you been saved? Haha, laugh at Uncle Ben!"

"Look, that's the flame of our boss, Lord of the Flames! You scum, whose eyes are higher than the top in ordinary days, where do you understand the power of our boss?"

Lord Chilie just shouted in excitement, and Wang Yan ’s men immediately overshadowed it with stronger momentum.

Among them, Lord Chew and General Ablon shouted, "The boss said, cut the grass and get rid of the roots! Get rid of these guys, let's help the boss kill the devil!"

When he heard of the opportunity to kill the demon king, Wang Yan's group of people who were not afraid of anything at all were excited and impatient.

Many of them still follow Wang Yan to fight against the elite veterans dominated by Yanhu. Those recruits who joined later were all in the mouth of the veterans, listening to Wang Yan's stories and legends, and step by step into the collective.

At this time, there is an opportunity to follow Wang Yan, kill the devil, and achieve glory in life. These fighting races who naturally love fighting and regard glory as life, how can they retreat or miss it?

So a new round of annihilation battle broke out more violently.

On the side of Lord Chilie, all the people fighting desperately turned green, and Qi Qi scolded in his heart, crazy, these people are all crazy!

Why are these inferior races that follow Wang Yan not afraid of the demigod? Against a demigod demon king, make them so excited?


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