The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1548: All out

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Under the mage tower, Wang Yan's men had a high fighting spirit, and they were engaged in the final fierce battle with the demon remnant party led by Prince Chilie.

At the same time, on the other side, the wrestling between Wang Yan and Chilian Demon King also reached a stage of fierce heat.

"Boom! Ka!"

The blazing explosion center, the two sides fighting each other, once again broke out fierce force.

With a crackling sound, the two people stepped on the ground and instantly stepped in. A more violent flame wave than the previous explosion immediately spread from the feet of the two people to the surroundings.

Right in the center of this layer of flames and waves, Wang Yan's muscles were tight, his arms holding the childish warhammer swelled, and the blood veins of the demon **** constantly excited in his body almost boiled.

The thick fighting intent made his eyes crimson. The demigod-level strongman who was once at the top of the creature has always been an insurmountable mountain for him. That is a top force that he has to look up to.

But now the mentality of looking up to the demigod has been greatly transformed.

It has to be said that the benefits of life and fire are indeed endless. The precious thing of life fire is that it contains the precious meaning of the origin of life and even the origin of heaven. Even if Wang Yan is only absorbing a small part at present, it has made all his past accumulations and experiences into rich experience and comprehension, so that his understanding of power, heaven and even life has skyrocketed.

Once he touched the true meaning of it, Chilian Demon King, a demigod demon king, was no longer an unattainable mountain in his eyes.

"Crazy Junior!"


Chilian Demon King, who was frowned upon by Wang Yan, groaned loudly, and suddenly exerted force again.


His feet fell deep into the ground because of the huge kickback force. The red sword held tightly in his hand was even more radiant, and as he swung violently, a violent force suddenly broke out.

The power of Qianda Demi-God is indeed terrible, and Wang Yan can no longer resist it. After a snorting, the whole person flew out like a baseball that was hit, and even the childish warhammer in his hand. Almost under the great force, let go.

"The power of the Demigod Demon King is really terrible!"

Wang Yan was suddenly blasted for thousands of kilometers, and then forcibly spread the magic wings, which barely stabilized his body, and stumbled to the ground again.

As soon as he landed, he couldn't help but spit out blood.

After all, in the legendary realm, it is a bit reluctant to confront the demigod demon king. Under the shock of the shock just now, he suffered a lot of internal injuries.

However, the powerful Demon Gene is rapidly repairing his physical injuries. The abundant pure Yang Qi in the body is also quickly supplementing his energy.

Moreover, a little injury at the moment, not only did not hit Wang Yan's fighting spirit, but made his fighting intentions more and more boiling.

"Red Refining Demon King, your power is nothing more than that. The Lord of the Lake, once killed by this lord, has a brutal force that is more fierce than you."

Wang Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly, a pair of war-filled eyes, which were flashing a dazzling light.

The Yanhu dominates the semi-god-level monster, and its brute strength is indeed strong enough, but the combat skills and rules are still far inferior to the Red Refining Demon King. If Yanhu Master and the Red Refining Demon King singled out, it is obvious that the cunning and more dangerous and the more dangerous Red Refining Demon King will face up even more.

Coupled with the fact that Wang Yan killed the Yanhu master at the time, but organized thousands of horses and the help of the ancient Yanmo, this slowly killed the behemoth.

But now, Wang Yan, by his own strength, has shaken the invincible Chilian Demon King undoubtedly. And this alone is enough to show that Wang Yan has become stronger now.

But Wang Yan wanted more than that, so the Red Demon King in front of him was the strongest stepping stone he used to break through himself.

"Huh, arrogant boy, this king wants to see how long your mouth can be hard!" The Chilian Demon King grunted angrily after gasping for two breaths.

This young man who doesn't know life and death, dare to say that his power of the Red Demon King can't be better than Yan Lake's **** of that beast? What a guts!

However, the shock that Wang Yan just gave him was really huge. In order to blast away Wang Yan, he made full use of the seven-eighth success force. To know that he is a demigod-level demon, to deal with a legendary-level lord, it takes so much energy, and it is just to him The trauma did not hurt him.

Such a rare thing, no one may believe it!

"This son must not be left." The Red Refining Demon King is determined to pay attention, no matter whether it is to leave this dangerous place or to remove the future troubles, the Lord of the Demon Flame must be killed as soon as possible!

Just when he took a deep breath and prepared to secretly accumulate energy to kill this Lord of Mo Yan in one fell swoop, a sudden change in Lord Lord of Mo Yan suddenly shocked him again.

"Why, how is it possible? This kid, hasn't tried his best ?!"

In the astonished eyes of Chilian Demon King, a set of mighty anomalous body armor began to quickly appear on Wang Yan.

This set of armor seems to have been integrated with Wang Yan, and within a short breath, Wang Yan has been covered. The armor is simple and majestic, full of beautiful and domineering lines and arcs. The golden lines looming on the armor are full of rich destruction. It is the innate Dao pattern representing the flame!

Against the background of this mighty anomalous armor, Wang Yan's muscular body appeared to be majestic, and a faint golden halo appeared on his body.

An immovable, domineering momentum immediately emerged through the body. Wang Yan's combat power and might, at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, suddenly increased his number of chips.

Sub-God level armor!

The immortal King Liuli Jinjin!

Both are the hidden cards that Wang Yan usually hides, but at the moment he is out of control, and he takes out all the fighting power. He knew that in the face of a powerful demigod demon king, he must have no reservations, otherwise he would be a little careless, and it was him who was killed.

"Red Refining Demon King, come and come, don't stop, we are heads-up!"

Wang Yan slowly stretched out the surging power in his body, and a pair of large magic wings covered with flame lines also raised the apex majesticly at this moment.

Violence, domineering, and a strong sense of destruction, as if from the magic power of the demon, spread extremely powerfully into the entire secret realm.

In particular, he held a warhammer and looked directly at the Red Refining Demon King, making the Red Refining Demon King one of them.

This Lord of Demon Flames is just a legendary junior. Under the pressure of his Chilian Demon King, even if there is no fear, the increasing power and momentum has now reached the point of fighting with him in court, which is really He did not dare to underestimate.

However, in the face of Wang Yan's provocation, instead of being irritated, the old traitor Chilian Demon King narrowed his eyes slightly and gradually became cautious.

He was brewing silently in his heart, this magic flame will die today!


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